So what do you think some of the criminals who founded the Black Panther party are doing nowadays? I doubt you would guess teaching at a University:
..the University of New Mexico’s African American Studies Program director says he’s thrilled to have two of the Black Panther Party’s founding members teaching at UNM this year.
David Hilliard will begin teaching Tuesday … through May. Elaine Brown, the only woman to chair the Panther party, will serve as a visiting lecturer.
“Having them teach at UNM is unprecedented– all positive,” Coleman said. The Black Panther Party, which was founded in 1966 and ended about 1980, is often remembered as a fist-raising group that took on the government, the police and anyone who stood in the way of its vision: “All Power to the People.”
But Hilliard says he wants students to understand that the group’s radicalism of the 1960s and 1970s was very much about fighting for universal health care, equity in education and job opportunities for all.
“Our primary mission was to empower economically disadvantaged people,” he said. …
Coleman said he is excited that UNM may be the future site of a large collection of Black Panther historic documents. Hilliard and Brown are in negotiations with UNM and the state Office of African American Affairs on the deal.
[…]Hilliard, who formerly taught at the Peralta Community College System in Oakland, Calif., said he will teach courses at UNM titled “Black Panthers to Hip-Hop: Community Activism Service Learning” and the “African-American Resistance Movement of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s.”
“The hip-hop, community service class will show students how politics and culture interact and help them connect the past Black Panther movement to today’s socially conscious hip-hop groups,” said Hilliard, 64.
“It’ll also take students from the classroom to the community to help reinstitute various Black Panther programs to help the poor, including a breakfast program for the homeless,” he said.
Guess Huey Newton didn’t get the memo:
Huey P. Newton (1942-1989) founded the Black Panther Party, serving as its “Minister of Defense” during the 1960s.
[…]One of his activities was robbing cars parked outside the emergency room in Oakland General Hospital. Oakland General is the county hospital frequented by the poorest inhabitants of Oakland. In 1962, he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon for a stabbing and was sentenced to six months in prison, most of it in solitary confinement.
While attending college, Newton became enamored of the radical left’s politics, immersing himself in the works of Malcolm X, Mao Tse Tung, and Che Guevara. In October 1966, Newton converted his street gang to a radical organization called the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. It’s raison d’etre was harassing the police. Panthers holding loaded shotguns (legal at the time) would approach police officers attempting to work the streets. The Black Panthers soon grew into a criminal organization that engaged in drug dealing, pimping, extortion, assault, and even murder. Despite his poor educational background, Newton proved to be a shrewd manipulator. He gained the sympathy of student leftists and the progressive establishment by fashioning his image into that of an icon of protest against “police brutality” and a racist American power structure.
Newton was thrust into the national spotlight in 1967 when he was accused of murdering Oakland police officer John Frey. The murder was witnessed by a black bus driver who testified for the prosecution. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 1968 and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. In May 1970, the California Appellate Court reversed his conviction and ordered a new trial. After two more trials, the State of California dropped its case against Newton, citing technicalities.
[….]When Newton was released from prison, he ordered all Panther Party chapters across the United States to come to Oakland. He revamped the Party, saying it was time to “put away the gun” and “serve the people.” The Party sponsored free breakfasts for children, sickle-cell anemia tests, and free food and shoes for the poor. At the same time it conducted shakedowns of black businesses and carried on its criminal activities.
In 1974, Newton killed a 17- year-old prostitute named Kathleen Smith. Other pimps throughout the Bay Area put a bounty on his head, and Newton soon disappeared. He failed to make his court appearance, his bail was revoked, a bench warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was added to the FBI’s most wanted list. Newton had fled the country and gone into “exile” in Cuba where he spent the next three years. One of his many female lovers in the Party (whose women were available for Newton’s desires), Elaine Brown, became the head of the Black Panthers, although it was Newton who pulled the strings from his base in Cuba.
[…]Newton returned to the United States in 1977, and was acquitted of murdering prostitute Kathleen Smith after two juries deadlocked.
He later became a crack addict and was killed by a dealer he couldn’t pay.
This history should be showcased by a university? What planet are we living on now?
I’m guessing next they will ask the leaders of La Costra Nostra to teach a bit, I mean they were only empowering the Italian population who were looked down and spat upon.

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Mr Aces, I have visited a few times and decided to get an account so I can comment.
This black panther thing is just another ACLU driven nail in the coffin of America’s morality IMO. Our country is heading down a path that if not corrected in hurry is going to leave the next generation a 3rd world type life.
Between the ACLU, Liberal Judges, And the UN the Muslim radicals should just sit back and wait… we are imploding.
that is a bullshit article