Reject The UN

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Rich at Isn't It Rich and Fred from TexasFred have put together a blogroll I'm proud to sign up for.  It's called "Reject The UN", and here is Rich's take on it:

if you eschew the U.N. as much as I do…if you hate the filth and corruption perpetrated by the so-called peacekeepers…if you're tired of the USA carrying the bulk of the financial burden for this thugocracy, then scroll down to the "Reject the U.N." flashing logo and click on it. Then sign up and let the world know you oppose and reject the U.N.

The blogroll is up on my sidebar already, if you wanna sign up go here and tell the world that the UN is a useless corrupt organization. 

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Now, you’ll hit a lot better, I also have a list of update URLs you can use, if you’re interested, they install the same way in the same place, search engine pingers…

Gets a lot more info out there on your site, if you like, email me and I’ll email the list back to you…


Thx Fred. I only had this one in the window:

I updated it to include the one you submitted.