Betcha Britian Is Glad They Don’t Have The NYT’s To Deal With

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Guess it’s a good thing Britian didn’t have Reid, Pelosi, and company around when they did this huh?

Based on the information from Pakistan, MI5 began its watching operation last year. The BBC last night reported the operation began in July, but The Scotsman understands it started several months earlier.

In the initial stages, counter-terrorism officers watched from a distance. By sifting telephone records (Ahem – Data Mining), e-mails (Ahem – Echalon) and bank records (Ahem – SWIFT), the MI5 officers built up what insiders call “concentric circles” of information, gradually connecting each suspect to others and building up a detailed picture of the conspiracy.

Too bad that our treasonous politicans on the left along with the NYT’s outed our own programs. We were just lucky that these terrorists started in the UK where they can actually do some intelligence work.