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The Greater Good Before Self

Bookworm writes a beautiful eulogy to the two soldiers we lost at the hands of Al-Qaeda.

There won't be endless cover stories about these soldiers' suffering or about the cultural barbarism that gave rise to their deaths. In other words, the media orgy that attended Abu Ghraib and Gitmo will be absent.

I've noted before that the Liberals' and the MSM's pathological inability to come to grips with the chronic violence directed against Americans, and their obsession with the scattered acts of hazing-type wrongdoing Americans visit on the Islamists (I'm ignoring Haditha here, because it's not proven yet), are actually quite a compliment to the American soldier. Much as they'd hate to admit it, Liberals and the MSM think so highly of the American military that they recognize anomalous behavior when they see it. Their sin is that, instead of treating the behavior with disdain and moving on as they should, they revel in these rare instances of ungentlemanlike behavior, much like a dog writhing in the occasional dead fish it finds on a beach.

The flip side of this is that, by cavalierly passing on Islamofacist violence, Liberals and the MSM show their arrogance and condescension: unlike you and me, they believe that Arabs/Muslims are less than human, and should be excused for behavior that even animals would disdain.

In any event, let's not, you and I, ignore these men. These are pictures of Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore, and Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, two young men who, in the act of defending their country, died a terrible death.


Please take a minute to think of these young men and, if you have the time, include them in your blog. They shouldn't be forgotten and we in the blogosphere can do a little bit, just a little bit, to acknowledge and give thanks for their sacrifice.

[…]I'm sure that, in WWII, every death – and there were many – would have been all Roosevelt's fault. Wait, not, I'm wrong. Roosevelt was a Democrat. Where would they have placed the blame. These people just don't understand the concept of national defense, nor do they understand that there are some who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so that the greatest number of us can live in health and happiness. I get it – my Daddy was a soldier – and I am so grateful for these men and women.

The left does not understand anything other then loyalty to self.  Whatever makes them feel good is their religion.  The good of the people is as foreign to them as a good time without drugs is in everyday life.  

Whatever makes you feel good dude…..

And when people like myself who are entering their late 30's start to think that today's youth are a worthless generation we come upon people like PFC Tucker and Menchaca.  Or for that matter Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith, Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester, or Sgt. Rafael Peralta who threw himself on a grenade so that his friends would live.

The left would call them mindless robots…..I call them heroes who died for their friends and their country.  They put the greater good before themselves which is as foreign to the left as a cigarette without weed is. 

They are my heroes. 

The left does not understand anything other then loyalty to self. Whatever makes them feel good is their religion. The good of the people is as foreign to them as a good time without drugs is in everyday life.

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