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Anti-Illegal Immigration Rally Attacked

If you hadn’t heard, yesterday the Paul Revere riders rode through Los Angeles on it’s way to Washington D.C.

Who are the Paul Revere riders?:

The 21st Century Paul Revere Ride of 2006 is a summer-long cross-country motorcycle ride that will visit all state capitols to inform the public and their elected public servants of the severity of the illegal immigration crisis. The ride began in Denver and will terminate in Washington, DC.

The Save Our State organization came out to downtown to show there support with Ted Hayes MCing the whole thing.

Just like last month, Ted Hayes largely played Master of Ceremonies, and the speakers/guests of honor stood in front of the steps of City Hall. Many SOS, Minutemen, CCIR, and the Crispus Attucks Brigade members stood behind them on the steps holding lots of American flags and all manner of signs denouncing our out of control border situation and the wishy-washy federal legislature.

It struck me that the speeches this time around were more “impassioned” than they had been last month. This (IMO) was largely the result of Patriotic Dream’s address to the crowd, which was the first speech delivered. She was emotional, fired up, and none of the other speakers after her appeared to want to sound “flat” in comparison. I milled around the very friendly crowd and took some snapshots (which I will put up on the message board when I have them developed in a couple days). A lot of the pictures I took could easily be mistaken for Norman Rockwell paintings because it was a pretty All-American gathering. When I was wandering through the assembled activists I saw Kele, who was filming the event. Cherokee Girl was also present and had brought her friend with her. A young man who is a student at UCR, whom I had met at an organizational meeting in May was also in attendance with his girlfriend, as was Patriotic Dream’s exceptionally gorgeous daughter. I spoke to her for a few minutes. She related to me that her summer goals were to get a job, obtain a driver’s license, and build a website. I congratulated her on her recently achieved chronological milestone (Sweet 16) and then went back to taking snapshots.

Milling throughout the crowd were hopeful political candidates, T-shirt vendors, and individual citizens handing out flyers for various border control events with which they are involved and are attempting to generate interest.

The press showed up a little late, but arrive they did, and I wound up giving a brief interview to the same cameraman who had also put me on film for Univision a couple weeks ago. After I gave him a couple sound bites, he advised me that the footage he was shooting today would (at least partially) be seen on NBC. From what I could tell, the other photographers and reporters were largely from the numerous foreign language newspapers that are plentiful here in SoCal.

Notably, one of the supporters was attacked by one of those “understanding” liberal peaceful types:

Just got back from the rally. It got off to an exciting start. A group met near Olympic and Broadway and proceeded to walk towards City Hall. We only made it a few blocks when this idiot started hitting several in our group over the head with his picket sign.

Thankfully someone had a camera pointed in the right direction and he was led away in cuffs…watch it here:

[flv:laattack.flv 400 300]

Another supporter was attacked and tried to run away but was tackled. Sadly the police let him go, not sure the whole story on that one since it’s been my experience that there was a reason this is done. The below post also highlights who the attackers are:

Sonar was attacked by one of the Communist goons from the Progressive Labor Party. He gave me his thrashed camera and I retrieved the videotape inside. I’ll post the video tomorrow morning. The PLP was there protesting us the last time we marched in downtown LA and so was the guy who attacked him. “TheBob” has excellent footage of the Commie goon hitting Old Preach with his sign. At least that guy was arrested. Sonar’s attacker got away but we know who he is.

More interesting is the fact that PLP is the same organization who attacked supporters in 95:

The PLP was the same bunch that beat up the senior citizens in Los Angeles back in ’95 or ’96. There is video of this bloody attack in the Americans No More video on Full Disclosure Network. The PLP organizer, the woman with the gray hair, was present at that attack in ‘95 and at both of our rallies. You can see her in Sonar’s videotape that I’ll post tomorrow and in the video that I shot from our March last month. Watch part 2 on my website to see her.

Here is the victims account:

As I walked about 20 ft in front of OP & all up Broadway. I was hit in the head from behind by a member of AnswerLA. As I turned around aroud to film the camera was smacked out of my hand and slid on the ground. I went to grab my (precious) camera and was punched or kicked in the back of the head. I shook it off & walked backwards into the street(broadway) and looked for the police.

Then another “la raza” person threatened me, the police were at least a half mile away. As the officers were on the way The perp started to walk away. I started walking with him he then jumped on a bus that had just pulled up, I followed. As he turned in the aisle I wrapped my arms around him and the bus pole thingy and screamed for the police. He then began destroying my camera further which was in my right hand, another guy came on the bus and started pounding my arm and pulling on my ebow. My arm dislocated at the shoulder. I never let go of the guy that assaulted me.

So one jackass got himself arrested, another got tackled, and the Paul Revere ride continued on it’s way to Washington D.C.

It’s so typical that the leftists and the pro-illegal immigration types resort to violence when nothing else works. It’s all peace, love, and happiness dude until someone disagree’s with them. Then all hell breaks loose.

Do your part in supporting this ride.

At the end of the rally today they sang the National Anthem led by Ted Hayes:

Good work guys and gals!

This last picture has a guy wearing a Deputy David March shirt which is awesome to see.

Go visit the forums I have linked to where there is more detail of the attack.

Added – The forums were pretty upset that these people were not “immediately” arrested and taken away (one was as the video shows) but what many people don’t understand is that we (meaning law enforcement, I wasn’t there today) were not there to witness it. All we have is two people telling us two wildly different stories. This is a daily routine for us. We have to decide who is telling the truth and who is not. If there is evidence, like this video, then that makes our job easier. But if no evidence is available such as a 3rd party witness, ie someone not involved with either party, then more often then not we take names, addresses, phone numbers, time, date and all the other information needed for a report and write it up. The detectives get it and dig further.

Many people get upset as if we have a magical 3rd eye that is all seeing, and a polygraph inbedded in our skulls….we should just KNOW who is in the right and who is not, doesn’t matter that both parties are pointing the fingers at each other and calling each other a liar.

Ok, rant off.

Go support these guys, even tho they go off on the police a bit I support what they are doing. As this poster to the forum stated:

Finally, I do want to thank LAPD!! MANY and I mean MANY thanked me and Ted today!!! I have inside scoop and many of the officers were very happy that we rallied!! So are there some higher ups making some decisions – well…draw your own conclusions…are thery officers not on our side…sure, but the MAJORITY are on our side! Trust me on this one!! So applause to you LAPD for being true Americans!!

Support Save Our State:

[flv:sos.flv 400 300]
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