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A History of Treason

By Robert Farrow

The Democratic platform was devoted entirely to denouncing the war and was so extreme that many considered that they had lowered their sword before the enemy. (surrendered)

Sound familiar? So, when was this?

Answer: 1864, during Lincoln?s difficult re-election. The Democrats accused Lincoln of breaking the law and needlessly spilling blood for a war that could not be won. To counter the charge that they were unpatriotic, they brought out a disgruntled General, McClellan, to campaign against Lincoln. Had the Democrats succeeded, slavery would have remain an institution, for their platform was peace at any price, which was just a better war of saying they would admit defeat. Many considered such a platform treason, and it could equally apply now.

Happily Lincoln won re-election thanks to the fall of Atlanta, and the pro-South Copperheads were defeated, and eventually the South fell. However, sadly, it seems the defeatist and treasonist history of the Democratic party continued.

Sen. John Kerry: Opposing Iraq War Is Patriotic

Those who disagree with the Bush administration?s policies in Iraq face the same scornful charges that they are unpatriotic as Sen. John Kerry did 35 years ago when he spoke out against the Vietnam War, the Massachusetts Democrat said Saturday.

?I have come here today to reaffirm that it was right to dissent in 1971 from a war that was wrong. And to affirm that it is both a right and an obligation for Americans today to disagree with a president who is wrong, a policy that is wrong, and a war in Iraq that weakens the nation,? Kerry said to a standing ovation Saturday at Boston?s historic Faneuil Hall.

Kerry said while Iraq is different from Vietnam, there are some critical parallels.?We are in the same place as we were when I came home from Vietnam and spoke out against the civilian leaders who were willing to sacrifice America?s best in the interest of political self-preservation,? he said.

Note Kerry?s defeatist speech came right after Iraq agreed on a government. So this is patriotic? Though the RNC won?t, I will not only question his patriotism, I question his values, and his love of country. Thanks to pressure by defeatists like Kerry, in 1973 Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam while China and the Soviet Union increased their aid by millions of dollars. By 1975 South Vietnam fell.

So what did his Kerry?s ?patriotism? get us? Though they did not ignore Mie Lei, the media has basically ignored the genocide of hill tribes by North Vietnam as they similarly ignored the genocide at Hue by North Vietnam in 1968. It is estimated that a quarter million of the Montagnard hill tribe was killed by North Vietnam army. These are not the only atrocities. After the fall of Saigon in 1975 it is estimated that a million Vietnamese were imprisoned in forced labor camps with an estimate of 170,000 deaths. These are conservative estimates, as some figures estimate over a million combined deaths. Some of these camps operate today. Genocide, religious and ethnic persecution, including the burning of churches, and the repression of basic fundamental rights continue today. Is this what he calls patriotism? Indirectly, his defeatism cost the lives of a half million to a million lives.

Yesterday?s Democratic party empowered Communism, and paralleling the Copperheads, today?s Democrats empower radical Islam, a religion that in it?s most radical form enslaves women. During a war, this party has opposed spying on the enemy in this country. A few have also called the commander-in-Chief a Nazi. And their liberal allies seem to care more about the welfare of the muslims then their own troops. Just this week Newsmax confirmed that CIA Leaker was a top intel aide to Clinton, they man who refused to kill Bin Laden when he had the chance.

Appointed in 1998 by then-National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Mary O?Neil McCarthy held the post of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Intelligence Programs.

Prior to her appointment as President Clinton?s Special Assistant, McCarthy served as the Clinton administration?s National Intelligence Officer for Warning from 1994-1996.

The pro-slavery, peace with the South party has continues their history of treason by openly siding with most of our enemies, whether it is Chavez or Saddam. Needs more examples, Let?s take an article written by Vcrisis about Carter, one of the worst presidents in US history.

He defied US law by visiting Cuba, even addressing the Cuban public and handing Castro a huge propaganda victory. He oversaw the elections in Haiti, against the expressed wishes of the Clinton administration. A coup followed.

Carter once described Yugoslav strongman Marshal Josef Tito as ?a man who believes in human rights.? Regarding North Korea?s dearly departed Kim Il-Sung, Carter found him ?vigorous, intelligent, surprisingly well-informed about the technical issues, and in charge of the decisions about this country,? adding ?I don?t see that [North Koreans] are an outlaw nation.?

He was similarly generous regarding Manuel Noriega, Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceaucescu and, of course, Yasser Arafat. He said of Ceausescu and himself, ?Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and politics . . . We believe in enhancing human rights.?

Almost all of the humanitarian activities of the Carter Foundation abroad have been in direct opposition to US foreign policy. Carter called Bush?s description of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an ?axis of evil? was ?overly simplistic and counterproductive.?

This pattern of defeat and appeasement is not just based on a few men. Consider Clinton defending the outrage over the cartoons, or Dean saying we can?t win in Iraq. This party that stood up to the Nazi?s and Khrushchev has warped into a party of institutionalized appeasement and defeatism. Perhaps this should not be a surprise considering that the institutions that produce our best and brightest behave similarly, as Yale allowed a Taliban student but not the ROTC.

However, what the country is not asking itself is what will be the long-term consequences of this political path. We are in a struggle against radical Islam, a struggle as real as the struggle against Nazism and communism. And the effects of defeatism and appeasement will be the same as Chamberlin?s, and maybe much worse, as the Nazi?s never acquired nuclear weapons. As the withdraw from Somolia encouraged Bin Laden and the press and protesters encouraged Giap, so will appeasement today will encourage our enemies.

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