The Inclusive Muslims

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As usual, Cox & Forkum drew the pefect picture to describe the lunacy that goes on in the world today.?

How dare we be so insensitive to the lunatic fringe of the Muslim community.

Someone who might disagree with the capitulation showed by the west is this former Muslim:

Daniel Shayesteh was not long graduated from the University of Tehran when on Nov. 4, 1979, 500 students siezed the American embassy in the capital of Iran.

He sympathized with their cause and indirectly supported it, but refrained from bullying the Americans. Not because it was wrong, but because he felt that westerners needed to be kept unaware of the deep hatred Muslims held for them.

Mr. Shayesteh, 50, grew up in northern Iran, along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Once a Qur?anic teacher and scholar, Mr. Shayesteh earned a doctorate in international business in Turkey.Now a Christian, converting after he fled Iran, Mr. Shayesteh travels the world decrying what he considers the dangers of Islam.

Last Sunday, he spoke at Westgate Chapel Christian and Missionary Alliance in Toledo.?Committed Muslims want [westerners] not to have knowledge of Islam,? he said in an interview. ?Democracy is against the values of Islam. [Muslims] say that Allah is the ultimate value-maker; he already has a law and democratic law is not higher than Sharia, the law of Allah.???


So we should now just tip-toe around this so called religion of “peace” because God forbid we hurt their feelings.? Remember, this is the religion that believes the following:

The Saudi fatwa reads as follows: “The Permanent Council for Scholarly Research and Religious Legal Judgment has studied the queries some individuals brought before the Chief Mufti? concerning the topic of the construction of houses of worship for unbelievers in the Arabian Peninsula, such as the construction of churches for Christians and houses of worship for Jews and for other unbelievers and [the question of] the owners of companies or organizations allotting a fixed place for their unbelieving workers to perform the rites of unbelief.

“After considering the queries the Council answered as follows:

“All religions other than Islam are heresy and error. Any place designated for worship other than [that of] Islam is a place of heresy and error, for it is forbidden to worship Allah in any way other than the way that Allah has prescribed in Islam. The law of Islam (shari’a) is the final and definitive religious law. It applies to all men and jinns and abrogates all that came before it. This is a matter about which there is consensus.

“Those who claim that there is truth in what the Jews say, or in what the Christians say – whether he is one of them or not – is denying the Koran and the Prophet Muhammad’s sunna and the consensus of the Muslim nation? Allah said: ‘The only reason I sent you was to bring good tidings and warnings to all [Koran 34:28]’; ‘Oh people, I am Allah’s Messenger to you all [Koran 7:158]’; ‘Allah’s religion is Islam [3:19]’; ‘Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him [3:85]’; ‘The unbelievers from among the people of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians] and the polytheists are in hellfire and will be [there] forever. They are the worst of all creation? [98:6].’

“Therefore, religion necessitates the prohibition of unbelief, and this requires the prohibition of worshiping Allah in any way other than that of the Islamic shari’a. Included in this is the prohibition against building houses of worship according to the abrogated religious laws, Jewish or Christian or anything else, since these houses of worship – whether they be churches or other houses of worship – are considered heretical houses of worship, because the worship that is practiced in them is in violation of the Islamic shari’a, which abrogates all religious law that came before it. Allah says about the unbelievers and their deeds: ‘I will turn to every deed they have done and I will make them into dust in the wind [Koran 25:23].’

[…]They agreed that it is obligatory to destroy any church or other heretical house of worship that was built after [the advent of] Islam, and it is forbidden to oppose the ruler in the matter of its destruction, and he must be obeyed.

So while we try to be tolerant, they do their best at being the least inclusive and tolerant possible.

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Little do you know that the Jews and Christians in Mohammed’s time did not look at him evil but whatever dispute they had with him it was purely theological. How can a man who is reverred by nobel peace prize winners be evil? Ghandi was inspired by him. As for Allah He is God in Arabic and Hebrew and Aramaic and not invented by Muhammad. Wouldn’t you support anyone who promotes the identity of your God? So the Arabs were agianst him because he constantly told them that the God of Abraham was no tree or stone but the One Unseen Creator.
A man who worked for the oppressed, freed the slaves, saved the girls from being buried alive and worked to make the poor get some portion out of the rich; a man who all called the trusted- can he be evil? Judge them by their fruits, isn’t that Biblical?