A reader who has left some mighty lengthy comments to my Muslim cartoon posts sent me some Mohammed pictures I had not seen. I really didn’t see anything new to post about to warrant putting those pictures up until I saw this: (via Atlas Shrugs)
PARIS — A gang of young Muslims wielding iron rods has forced a Paris cafe to censor an exhibition of cartoons ridiculing religion, the owners of the establishment said on Friday.
Some 50 drawings by well-known French cartoonists were installed in the Mer a Boire cafe in the working-class Belleville neighborhood of northeast Paris, as part of an avowedly atheist show entitled, “Neither god nor god”.
The collection targeted all religions – including Islam – but there were no representations of the Prophet Mohammed such as sparked the recent crisis between the West and the Islamic world, according to Marianne who is one of the cafe’s three owners.
“We used to give glasses of water to a group of local boys aged between 10 and 12 who played football across the street. On Tuesday a few came in, flung the water on the ground and accused us of being racists,” said Marianne, who did not wish to give her family name. “Later more of them came back with sticks and iron rods and tried to smash the pictures. They managed it with a few of them. With the customers we chased them away, but they kept coming back,” she said.
Later the cafe-owners were approached by a group of older youths. “They said they did not approve of what the youngsters had done. But what we were doing was unacceptable, too. They warned us that if we didn’t take down the cartoons they would call in the Muslim Brothers who would burn the cafe down,” said Marianne. “They kept saying: ‘This is our home. You cannot act like this here’,” she said.
Refusing to dismantle the exhibition, the owners have placed white sheets of paper inscribed with the word ‘censored’ over the cartoons that were targeted by the gang.
“To take down the cartoons would have been a surrender. But on the other hand we cannot expose ourselves to this kind of violence. This way you can still see the pictures if you lift the paper,” said Marianne.
To those Muslims who are such fanatics that you will force your will upon other free people….kiss my ass
This one isn’t new, but did force a young women to be imprisoned.

See author page
The man who could spread out the Isalm to almost every place in the earth and convience millions of people with what he propagated to (islam) should not be represented by this dirty and unreasonable way, this is not fredom, it is impudence and insolence, west world who have the power now is unfair, when you find millions of people beleive in Islam and love MOHAMED, this only because they are right, and Mohamed is the final messenger from God to the earth.
Mohamed against terrorist, he told his soldiers not to pluck out a tree or kill women or kid or old man or ungunned
how make these cartoons are all mother fucker. these are like Amercan peoples first those his mother and then these born.those does not knows his father. All amercan are basters like denmark peoples.
Why do the Mohammedans place their women under house arrest?
Women are also human beings. Actually they are afraid of women who will take over offices and political administrations. Most Mohammedans consider Women tools of sexual pleasures; therefore women are not to be educated. Women have no chance to see the world. Their visions are blocked; their human freedoms are destroyed; their passions were stolen; their lovelihoods were hijacked. What the hell are Mohammedans doing for the women? Is it Islamic law? It is Mohammedan law? Is it so-called Allah law?
Where is the female freedom under Mohammedanism, Islam and so-called Allah?
Comment by Abdul Allah ? April 1, 2006 @ 1:30 pm
I don’t believe that insulating other people is freedom what your do here is against freedom, it is what I call BS .
Wish we could discuss things in more reasonable way .cause what your doing is not acceptable
Try to read more about Mohamed here is good website .
Hi all,
Freedom of speech and ideas are a very good value that are endorsed by Islam. Further, Arts is awesome and my beloved prophet, Mohamed, was among the first people who painted stuff and encouraged arts, poetry and scientists. Please read about the prophet, learn the morals and the values in his message then judge. Don’t base your opinion on others points of view and don’t misjudge the prophet message because of other people mischief. Kindly check these links & skim some articles on the my beloved prophet life.
Appreciate your time.
http://www.amrkhaled.net/upload_pic/images/Sira%20du%20Prophete.pdf (French)
you are the bad creatures on the earth animals you can not touche our prophet mohamed because our god he protect and any one from you like the danois that he was bruled the next are you animals
@arabi: waaaa waaaa waaaa, if god protects than why are you worried? Your faith is a sham, and pure evil. Like Joseph Smith, read about the /real/ life of muhammad. Things never match up to what its followers preach. Joe Smith a prophet of mormonism, shot and killed a person, while wounding other(s),when the town got fed up and was trying to hang him. muhammad married little girls, killed for the sake of killing – the guy wasn’t peace and love like mohamed up there is proclaiming (though i appreciate the gentle nature he approached his disdain for the thread). muhammad was more like arabi and his other friends on this thread are suggesting – evil. There is no message of good news in Islam (unless you are blowing yourself up to become a martyr). But then again, that would be really bad news for a lot of other people. You know the dead ones, and the ones left without mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. You can’t pick and choose. The world is trying to blind itself to the fact that we aren’t at war with Iraq or Afghanistan.. the world is at war with islamic fanatics. Not hard to see islam is the problem, when you have countries around the world making it illegal to build mosques and traditional islam dress. If I had a cartoon, I would post it. Since I don’t, I will draw one.
I put these links on the open thread, but I see they are relevant here:
and some of Fr. Botros’ articles:
I did not grow up as a Christian. I was allowed float free until G-d called me. This is true freedom in religion.
And my conclusion now is that G-d does call everyone, in a variety of ways, and this is why many Muslims are “good people” by any standard.
Here is an Arabic folk story:
God made the desert people a perfect tree, the date palm. In this one tough tree, there was food, water, shelter, habitat for animals, shade, pleasant thing to look at. After the tree was well established, Satan came and saw it. He sat and cried under it, that God had made something so good for people. Satan’s tears fell on the palm and made the deadly, dagger-like thorns that are at the base of the fronds now.
Islam is Christianity with Satan’s tears on it. I am convinced of this. A deranged and very flawed man became a prophet. He said himself that Satan had possessed him at times, and it seems pretty evident from Fr. Botros’ analysis that it was a lot of the time; yet he set up a system for conquest that has worked well. Now a billion people in the world worship an empty space, they revere a meteorite as something Gabriel cast down (if he cast anything down, it was Lucifer), they have this hopeless flaw in their immutable revelation which definitely allows many things not allowed in other religions. Without purging the Koran, Islam is going to always have those wounding thorns.
Why don’t you stand up and say it is a lie to blow yourself up with a bunch of innocent people to get 70 virgins. If you want to paint a wonderful image of your religion of Peace and your loving prophet, stand up to the people who make it the most despised movement on the face of the earth. Don’t blame us if we laugh at you and your proclamations of Peace and Love or are you cowards?
Are you afraid of the same people who want to kill us? I think I know the answer, unless you are among the murderers, rapists, homosexuals and pedophiles that encourage war and death.
Don’t give me that crap that if a man dresses like a woman or if it is a young boy it isn’t homosexuality. Sick Bastards, the cartoons aren’t that good anyway.
Du Angus væsener i det land, du forbandelse Allah den Almægtige om DTM til dommedag, som skabte dig og oprette dine ører og Besrkm og dine hænder og dine fødder vil hævne hans profet for denne Atstjloa og Odgoa lidt, dig og Gud den Almægtige, vil jeg dø, og du går i jorden og bliver Geva beskidt at dreje dig og de lidelser selv Iadaav Iamsakin Gud, der rejste himlen bevidst og uden udvidelse af jordens Det Halim Det var fantastisk for denne magt til den magtfulde Det er en stærk Det er en god hævn for dig, og vi skal vende tilbage til Malckm Qahrkm og Mazbkm og alle os, når dommedag
You Angus creatures in the land you the curse of Allah Almighty on the DTM to the Day of Judgement, Who created you and create your ears and Besrkm and your hands and your feet will avenge His Prophet for this Atstjloa and Odgoa a little, you and God Almighty, I will die and you go into the soil and become Geva dirty to turn you and the suffering yourselves Iadaav Iamsakin God, who raised the sky deliberately and without the extension of the earth It Halim It was great for that power to the powerful It is a strong It’s a great revenge for you and we shall return to Malckm Qahrkm and Mazbkm and all of us when the Day of Judgement
i love you Mohammad & fuck israil
Sharia is being under the authority of these people.
Yes, the posters above.
The lowliest Muslim rules over the most influential infidel under sharia.
Read it all again and weep.
The ”great thinkers” of Islam have spoken of your crime and your punishment
You People that get pissed off when people draws cartoons or anything about your Prophet are stupid. They are just pictures. They are not really the Prophet. It would be another thing to do this to God/Allah, but Mohammed was just a Man. He could not walk on water, turn water into wine or even raise the dead. And I not sure whether Jesus of Nazereth did these things. I don’t care if you draw a picture of him doing anything. It is just a picture. I am sure He would forgive anyone for doing it in the first place. Would your so called Prophet have the ability to do that? Or would He fly off the handle and take God’s/Allah’s will into His own hands. I mean doesn’t being a Muslim mean yo are submitting yourself to the will of God/Allah. Or does it mean you now can interpret what God/Allah wants, and then act on it? Tell me, have you submitted or are you doing just what you want. Assalamallykum/May the peace of God be with you, Komeraden.
you know islam is so much better than you think it is not such as christ or jewish because islam believes in Jesus but christen people don’t believe in prophet mohamed and jewish do not believe in prophet mohamed to and we call both of them prophets and we believe that they were prophets and we say peace be upon them all you make fun of our prophet but we don’t islam is a message of peace that god gave it to us he told us to learn quran to pray to fast and he will give us heaven so what i think islam is just a bout peace but some christins and jewish people try to tell people that it’s for distruction and unfree well they are wrong god gave us freedom and told us that you get what you gave so i hope that with your generous to delete those photos because what you think that osama bin laden presents islam but he only presents wrong and evil may he burn in hell
whoever so had created these images will burn in hell, bastards u shall be slaughter mercilessly,,
may god give u the most dreadful punishment..
i hate u i beilive so would be the god,,,..!!
@LISTEN CAREFULLY: Come and get me from Toronto maggot….I’ll have something waiting for you.
Two in the chest and one in the head,
and one more if he ain’t quite dead.
@LISTEN CAREFULLY: You’re welcome:
Ah… @LISTEN CAREFULLY makes a brief encore worthwhile… big bad, illiterate all CAPS cyber bully, threatening hacking and beheading…. bravely manning his little keyboard from a dark room, all the while touting he’s somebody important.
Apparently *your* version of Mohammed doesn’t believe in free speech, and it’s equally clear that he and his gullible followers… like you profess to be… have no respect for life. As far as I can see, that pretty much places your bastardized version of Islam in the cesspools… right where it belongs.
As Curt says above… you and your cockroach friends may attempt to come our way, but you will not find Curt standing alone – all of us with something special waiting just for you.
You are an embarrassment to your Muslim peers everywhere. Oh.. wait a minute. You kill more of them than you do infidels. How proud you must be.
But then, I guess that’s what your version of Mohammed, and Islam, has in mind. Because it’s clear you aren’t about religion nor respect. You are about having absolute power over others. And this nation isn’t new to that concept.
BTW, @LISTEN CAREFULLY… maybe you read better than write.
Oh….I’m soooo scared….
Actually, no. I’m not.
@Liam: Well this guy is an idiot. Joseph Smith did not shoot anyone anytime. Oh well Liars dont answer to me
God sent the Prophet Muhammad to be a mercy to the worlds of mankind and the jinn and people still hate on Islam carry out this great religion of Allah Almighty. But I say. That God protects his religion and this great prophet.
And if people knew the truth of Islam correctly and are wonderful. Of people found in the psychological comfort of knowing their Creator and His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
All of whose against Islam and Freedom is not even a human being. No one gives a shit… if you draw images which are difenetly insulting… ur only making it worse… we don’t care what u think we think better and have our own fasinating minds… Fu** this all! Speaking in a bad way against Islam is a thing we will not tolerate and whoever does it is nothing but crap to me! Get it… and saying muslims are terorists… well news says only 0.0001% of muslims are terrorists while 78.091% of the Other religions are terrorists.. keep talking you nasty… perv! Go ahead and draw whatever u want… but what if someone draw a fuckin picture that represents Christianity in a bad way… won’t u get mad.. you freaking Perv and insulter… we represent Islam with pride and Gloy… Try stoppin us and see what happens