The Mexican Flag

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I know you will be shocked to find that a “educator” of our kids is a flaming idiot, but this is what we got here:

A Houston Independent School District principal was disciplined for flying a Mexican flag in front of his northwest Houston school. Robert Pambello, principal of Reagan High School where 88 percent of the students are Hispanic, was disciplined after hoisting the Mexican flag below the American and Texas flags that usually fly in front of his school.

“The majority of the population here is Mexican-American, so why not show support for the students?” said Juan Perez, a Reagan alumni and tutor.

To fly another countries flag on a American Government institution is simply disgusting.

Does he know how many people have died from the very birth of this nation to the present day to keep this land free from tyranny and occupation?

But he wants to fly the flag of a nation that actually supports sending their people here to break our laws!

The kids of course think flying another nations flag while they get American paid for educations is just swell:

“There’s no other way to be heard … It’s not the best way or the right way, but it’s our way,” Reagan freshman Jose Lopez, 14, said of the effort.

The Mexican flag has become a lightning rod in the immigration debate that’s consumed the city and the nation this week. Students say the flag represents their pride in the contributions Mexicans make to this country. Critics, though, said watching young Hispanics in the streets with the red, green and white flags is more than they can stand. These youngsters are in the United States and should ? at the least ? carry the U.S. flag, they argue.

“The whole thing just makes my blood boil,” said Bruce R. Wing, a 52-year-old Missouri City resident. “I want them all out of here.”

I with you on that on Bruce. Here’s another winner:

Raul Ramos, a professor of Texas history at the University of Houston, said most Mexican-Americans see no contradiction in flying the Mexican flag alongside those of Texas and the United States.

“Most students at Reagan High School have relatives or ancestors from Mexico,” said Ramos. “The flag represents Mexican heritage as much if not more than citizenship.”

Ok, so how about my German ancestry? My Canadian, Scottish, British ancestry? Should we now fly their flags in front of my daughters school because she hails from those folks?

They are in AMERICA. They are getting a education paid for by the rest of us who pay our taxes. There should NEVER be another countries flag flown from ANY school.

The people flying these flags while they protest have not helped their cause one iota, actually they have created a much bigger backlash then they would have received if they had flown American flags. This unites those who maybe on the fence regarding stricter immigration laws.

They are in AMERICA. They are getting a education paid for by the rest of us who pay our taxes. There should NEVER be another countries flag flown from ANY school.

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At least some good ole American students have taken back the flagpole at one Arizona High School:

And they BURNED the Mexican flag that another student raised.

Now of course these white students will be subject to discipline, which will no doubt include an intensive course of multicultural sensitivity.

Great cartoon!

One of the reasons it troubled me that Villaraigosa became mayor, is because he appears to put his special interest in Hispanic causes and his Mexican heritage above his loyalty to serving ALL Americans of all heritages. I don’t want a representative who supports legislation and interest groups that promotes transforming this state into Mexifornia. How do you take over a country? Through mass (illegal) immigration with no intention of assimilation into becoming American. Their concept of becoming Americans themselves is to supplant American culture with their own. They see that as the diversity/strength of America. But heritage only functions as a healthy addition if you allow yourself to be assimilated into the existing culture. It’s insanity to not bother learning the language, customs, and culture of the country you immigrate to, thinking you can set up a country within a country. And then thinking this qualifies with what it means to be an American melting pot.

Mexican flag burned after week of protests

Associated Press
Mar. 31, 2006 07:10 AM

Tensions over immigration got a little heated Thursday in Apache Junction.

A Mexican flag was brought to school by a Hispanic student in response to what he said was a racist remark directed at him the day before. After he and other students raised the flag on the school’s flagpole, the newspaper said another group of students took it down and burned it.

From the East Valley Tribune:

The confrontation happened at the flagpole in front of the school?s Navy ROTC building, but Maj. Bill Parker, one of the organization?s advisers, said he did not know whether any of his students were involved.

The Trib article is much more extensive.

NSA worker gets 6 years for stealing secrets:

The judge in this case didn’t give him a stiffer sentence because of the leniency shown such as Sandy Burger et al!!! No one could apparently prove that he intended to sell the secrets to anyone. My question is how does this bode for prosecuting anyone else…Rocky, Durbin et al?

This justice department has an appalling lack of prosecuting these people. How can they justify giving this guy six years, when they only fined Berger, removed his security clearance for 3 years, and some community service? The answer to that one is I guess this guy didn’t have friends in high places like Berger does. LISTEN UP DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: The judge has cited precedent in prosecuting these types of cases now with Berger being let off with a joke of a sentence. In this latest case, “grave harm was done” to national security. Is it going to be sufficiently grave enough when…when is enough, enough?


Perhaps the Principal should read up on the Rules and Regulations of Flying the American Flag. A foreign Nation’s Flag NEVER flies on the Same Pole as the American Flag. It MUST be on a Pole of its own. And people wonder why our Public Education system is going down the tubes.

Sheesh when I saw the American flag turned upside down, so did my stomach!..good post FA!

Um, first off, MEXICANS do pay taxes…..second it’s freedom of expression and speach which your country allows and third you dont fly other countries flags because you choose not to. STFU you racist sons of ___________. Find something better to do like stopping obesity in america or stopping the pollution you all create with your industrial businesses or with the amount of corruption you do with cheap labor! That is why the US economy is declining because you all concentrate on getting wealthy, and that is it. REMEMBER ALL OF YOU IDIOTS COME FROM PEOPLE WHO IMMIGRATED TO THIS COUNTRY!!! Don’t be an ignorant…if anyone is allowed to complain about people migrating to the US it would be NATIVE AMERICANS….but they cant because your ancestors killed them! GOOD JOB!!! THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!!! YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF CRAP!

I could not believe that someone could be such a hard-core jerk about something like this. then I saw it said he served in the Marine Corps. He is probably old, terribly bitter, and hates gays as well.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with flying a flag in respect to a heritage. I live in a mostly Italian community. Every year there is a big fair mostly having to do with Italian things. Italian flags EVERYWHERE. Food EVERYWHERE. Big nose contests, every year. Our tax dollars pay fir this celebration of Italian culture. OUR AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS. Are you going to say that is wrong?
Didn’t think so. So, what’s the difference?

Dear USA fellows:

Its good to read about your concern of Mexicans and latin people, I just have one comment.
Read history, read the News and then expouse your concern again.

Thank you.

Hmm Let’s see…

Spanish Empire sells North American terroritory to the United States piror to the Mexican rebellion against the Spanish…

Newly established Mexican Government sees the previous purchases void, along Texas fighting for its independence from Mexico, and marches northward to expell American/Texan footholds in former Spanish controlled lands Such as Texas.

Texan, and later American, forces prove a bit too stubborn to uproot and displace by conventional Military means even after taking bloody loses like the Fort Texas Siege(I said Alamo orginally, but insomnia is taking root).

US Army displaces and expells the Mexican military back to Mexico in a series of very bloody skirmishes but does not pursue into Mexican soil past Mexico City. Texan forces, however, expand Texan land holdings to modern day border reigons under the argument of Nation security as a seperate Soverign State.

United States Congress pays Mexico a lump sum settlement of 18 million to seek a Peace Agreement and a Military Armistice between the two. This is an interesting point in History as the United States currently had Naval and Infantry ablity to dominate Mexican resistance effectively but choosed to not conquer Mexico out right.


And let’s forget the fact that the Mexican Government conscripted mostly villagers with little to no interest in fighting for the Mexican Government to start with and were poorly equipped in terms of supplies to last out in the terrain for extended periods of times. They knew they were pawns and the desertion rate for the Mexican Armies were high and morale was almost non existant. Are you SURE you want to tread in the 1800’s history between America and Mexico?

Or how about Mexico’s current Illegal immigrant issues with Guatemala as in the use of direct lethal force to prevent any illegal immigration from Guatemalans. Mexican Politicans have issues with US Border Agents on American soil using lethal force for various reasons but turn a blind eye when Guatemalans complain of being shot at on Mexican soil.

Mexican100, Alexandra, please, try to find a real argument instead of playing the race card.

This has been mentioned before, but nobody’s objecting to flying a Mexican flag–unless you fly it on a US government school flagpole. Complaining about that is like shooting off a few clips of 7.62 into the air and then yelling about your Second Amendment rights when someone takes your gun.

And Mexican100, if our country is so awful (and allow me a moment to giggle at the irony of a Mexican calling someone else’s nation corrupt), then just why are so many of your people sneaking into it?

And if immigrants are so great, why does your nation brutally repress any attempts to immigrate INTO your country?

Complete and utter ignorance. Learn your history, people. Not the Christopher Columbus BS, Manifest Destiny, crap that is crammed down your throat in grade school. LEARN THE TRUE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY!

The trope of US history has always been one of progress against all odds. Yet the truth is that this narrative has always been used to JUSTIFY violence, murder, larceny and genocide in the name of progress to build this “great country.” This country has fought wars to prevent these very actions from reoccurring in other countries, yet sugarcoats their own history of vile actions against natives and people of color. And now you have the audacity to say you wish they would all leave??? YOU LEAVE! You are the squatters, the killers, the criminals, and the pariah that immigrated here to escape oppression and seek independence from your place of origin. Yet, you came here and perpetuated the very actions you were ESCAPING from!!! The only true “Americans who belong in this country are the Native Americans you tried to kill off for your own greedy purposes.


@Sandra A. Perez: I’m actually quite familiar with the history of US misdeeds. No country is perfect in that regard. However, the fact that evil has been done in the past does not obligate us to dissolve this country by abrogating any rules regarding who can come and stay, nor to abolish patriotism, nor to disregard such laws as we have regarding the flying of the flag.
As for leaving, well: for starters, that really wasn’t under discussion. We were talking more about the tendency of some people to say (more or less) ‘white people are wicked, therefore they should let us live alongside them’. Though since you mention it, I’m curious whether you (surname Perez) are planning to go back to Spain to atone for sins of the conquistadors; or maybe you have enough native blood that you feel that’s unnecessary.

This is the kind of orgasmic nacionalism shit that makes me wish that I would never go to America

“…the tendency of some people to say (more or less) ‘white people are wicked, therefore they should let us live alongside them’.”

No one says that. What they do say, however, is: “Why are “whites” such hypocrites?” All people of color, not just Mexicans, come to this country for the same reason the Europeans did: for a better life. If the shoe was on the other foot, you would sacrifice your life across an unknown terrain to provide for your family, too. No buts about it. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for our children or those we love.

If there were no jobs here, they wouldn’t come. That is something that you and every other person who is against illegal immigration must contend with. It is your fellow citizens who are hiring the disadvantaged and paying them less than minimum wage -for twice as many hours work. And you know what? The disadvantaged happily do it; just as the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, etc., did it less than 100 years ago. We all come from somewhere. Some of us choose not to forget that, others can’t wait to.

“Though since you mention it, I’m curious whether you (surname Perez) are planning to go back to Spain to atone for sins of the conquistadors; or maybe you have enough native blood that you feel that’s unnecessary.”

You are assuming that I am of Mexican descent because of my last name. You are sadly mistaken. This is a prime example of socially constructed ideals of ethnicity based on physical appearance or, in this case, a surname. Regardless, I will address your statement:

The difference between the English and Spanish is that the Spanish (Hernan Cortez) got lost and happened upon an advanced civilization where murder took place in the name of greed. As Europeans, they took advantage of a people’s religious/cultural beliefs and used that to their advantage as they gained access to gold and land. Sound familiar? Furthermore, through miscegenation, genocide and war, they destroyed any and all connections to the original Aztecs and there is absolutely NO WAY to atone for that.

Unlike the Spanish, the English fully INTENDED to arrive in the New World as a means of escaping from oppression, poverty, servitude, etc., and in search of a better existence. However, they accomplished this through genocide, chattel slavery, segregation, lynchings, white supremacy and the perpetuation of the “sins of the father” upon a group of people who were deemed savages, unintelligent and unable to assimilate. If this were indeed the case, then the Europeans were the savages who were unintelligent and unable to assimilate to an already established land. Their inferiority and fear of “other” lead them to brutalize and obliterate human beings who did nothing but wake up one morning to find them there.

Yes, this nation’s history is a bloody and disgusting train wreck of events, however, unlike a true train wreck where you just HAVE to look, generation after generation of whites refuse to look back. They don’t want anyone to look back. Not even in our education systems where all of this history is completely left out of textbooks. If you’re so proud and patriotic about America why not tell the TRUTH? Instead they call it “pulling a race card” when one acknowledges that in spite of every step forward, many whites have failed to leave their oppressive mentality behind.

Old money is generational and so is racism.

I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander? Not quite. Yes, it is time to atone for the sins of the father.

–“…the tendency of some people to say (more or less) ‘white people are wicked, therefore they should let us live alongside them’.”
No one says that.–
Care to try again? We can start digging through protest posters, if you like….

–If the shoe was on the other foot, you would sacrifice your life across an unknown terrain to provide for your family, too. No buts about it.–
And you’d risk going to jail to break into someone else’s house if you thought it would help your family too, right? So why not ditch those breaking-and-entering laws?

–You are assuming that I am of Mexican descent because of my last name. You are sadly mistaken–
Considering he said “back to Spain,” not “back to Mexico,” I presume he was referring to your spanish name, not assuming that you’re of Mexican descent. Therefore, the question still remains–if those evil Europeans should go back home… what are you still doing here?

–Furthermore, through miscegenation, genocide and war, they destroyed any and all connections to the original Aztecs and there is absolutely NO WAY to atone for that. —
Why atone? Do you know what kind of the people the Aztecs were? There’s a reason Cortez “genocide” involved less than 500 Spaniards and tens of thousands of Indians–were they just poor deluded fools who jumped when a white man pointed, or were they just maybe human beings with goals and grudges and histories of their own?

–However, they accomplished this through genocide, chattel slavery, segregation, lynchings, white supremacy and the perpetuation of the “sins of the father” upon a group of people who were deemed savages, unintelligent and unable to assimilate.–
None of these apply to native Americans. Hell, the “genocide” label doesn’t apply to any group, no matter how many times we’re falsely accused of it.

–Their inferiority and fear of “other” lead them to brutalize and obliterate human beings who did nothing but wake up one morning to find them there. —
Because the Native Americans were so kind and peaceful before the evil Europeans showed up….

–They don’t want anyone to look back. Not even in our education systems where all of this history is completely left out of textbooks.–
Just what education system have YOU been in? Unless it’s changed for the better in the last 20 years, our education system is a comedy of errors about why America is an evil, evil nation that’s solely and deliberately responsible for all the problems of this world.

–Instead they call it “pulling a race card” when one acknowledges that in spite of every step forward, many whites have failed to leave their oppressive mentality behind. —
No. We call it “pulling a race card” when one accuses one’s opponent of racism instead of coming up with a real argument–such as, for example, trying to impute our beliefs to an “oppressive mentality.” The fact is that even if somehow I ~was~ fully as racist as you seem to think anyone who dares to disagree with illegal immigration must be, it wouldn’t make a difference–my statements would be just as true, or just as untrue, if I was a shaved-head neo-nazi as they would if I was a gay purple-skinned eskimo. Claiming–no matter how you try to veil it–that your opponent is racist is not an argument; it’s an attempt to forestall argument, and it’s obvious you wouldn’t have to do that except that you know you don’t really have a case.

Speaking of attempting to forestall arguments, here’s another question I didn’t see you answer–if illegal immigration is so great, why does Mexico crack down so hard on it?

Wow. You just proved my point.

Good luck with that mentality. I’m sure it will take you far.

Ignorance must be bliss. Lucky for me, I wouldn’t know.

Shooting down your claims, including your utterly failed attempts to play the race-card in lieu of debate, proved your point?

–Ignorance must be bliss. Lucky for me, I wouldn’t know. —
This needs to be on a needlepoint somewhere. Folks, just read it three or four times and see if y’all don’t bust out laughing too.

Someday, Sandra, you’ll grow up, and be able to let go of your conspiracy theories, your froth-at-the-mouth hatreds–and yes, your ignorance. Once you do, America–the real America, not the land of your tortured, nightmarish delusions–is waiting for you with open arms.

@The Redneck- You are wrong. You no what Redneck, you need to read more about history. So, go back to school and stop talking bad about us mexicans. The white people were not here in America. It was the Native Americans who were here first. Think about it.

That’s an interesting concept, Eddie… care to elaborate?

On what issue, for example, am I wrong? Which statement did I make that is incorrect?

In particular, what aspect of history did I mistake or misrepresent?

Also, at what point have I “talk[ed] bad” about Mexicans?

in this photo published, “the Mexican says I want to be American”
and I ask myself WHAT?the Mexicans are Americans already
because they live in america, Mexico is North America!
you never seen an a map? United States can not call themselves Americans
Why? because America is very big, North America includes Canada and Mexico not only united states
so this picture is stupid!