I haven’t heard too much about this case, or maybe haven’t paid to much attention to it but after listening to the Tony Snow show this morning my interest is piqued.?
It appears Yale University has allowed a former Taliban official to join their school:
Are there no limits to how arrogant and out-of-touch America’s Ivy League schools can get? Last week it emerged that Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, former deputy foreign secretary of the Taliban, is now a student at Yale while at the same time the school continues to block ROTC training from its campus and argues for the right of its law school to exclude military recruiters.
You may recall that two days ago 4 of our soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by, you guessed it, the Taliban:
Four U.S. soldiers were killed on Sunday after a blast ripped through their armoured vehicle inAfghanistan, the U.S. military said.
The soldiers were killed during a patrol in the eastern province of Kunar, which lies close to the border with Pakistan, in an attack claimed by Taliban insurgents.
“The extremists that initiated this senseless attack create a significant danger and threat to the Afghan people,” said Major General Benjamin C. Freakely for the U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.
The attack marked the U.S. military’s single biggest loss in a day in the country for several months and brought to 10 the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year.
A Taliban commander, Mullah Abdul Manan, said the attack was carried out through a remote controlled device by Taliban guerrillas who are mostly active in southern and eastern areas of Afghanistan close to the border with Pakistan.
So in effect Yale is consorting with our enemy.? Not only that, they do not allow our military onto campus.? Plus one of their officials has gone on the offensive by going through donor’s PRIVATE records and then emailing them from a different university’s email account:
But unofficially, some Yale administrators are privately trashing critics. One even anonymously sent scathing emails to two critics calling them “retarded” and “disgusting.”
That official–Alexis Surovov, assistant director of giving at Yale Law School–did talk to me. Last Wednesday, Mr. Surovov sent an angry email from a Columbia University account to Clinton Taylor and Debbie Bookstaber, two young Yale grads who are so frustrated at their alma mater’s refusal to answer questions about Mr. Rahmatullah that they’ve launched a protest. Called NailYale, it focuses on the Taliban’s barbaric treatment of women, which extended to yanking out the fingernails of those who wore nail polish. In a column on TownHall.com, they urged alumni “not give one red cent this year, but instead send Yale a red press-on fingernail.”
So let me get this straight.? The University is allowing the enemy of the United States, ?who are still killing our soldiers, to study at their campus.? They will not allow our own military there while at the same time they are breaking protocol by SPYING on their own donor’s records and then sending them emails calling these same donors “retarded”.
I wonder what the University’s position is on the NSA program?
Please do your part to support these kids:
Since the New York Times and Wall Street Journal broke the news about the admission of Taliban official Sayeed Rahmatullah Hashemi to a special student program at Yale, we?ve received numerous emails from outraged Yale Alumni. One email stood out from the rest ? “I won?t give Yale one red cent this year, but maybe I will give them a red fingernail instead!”
She was referring to the Taliban?s policy of pulling the fingernails off of Afghani women who dared to wear fingernail polish.?Some of these women even had their thumbs sliced off as punishment. To date, Mr. Rahmatullah has not apologized or taken responsibility for his support of this brutal regime, though he told the Times he wished he?d been “a little bit softer” in his advocacy.
If you?d like to show your outrage at Yale?s decision to admit the Taliban?s spokeman, join us in “giving Yale the finger.”?It would be disgusting? not to mention really painful ? to mail your own fingernails, but you can buy glamorous, decadent, shameless-hussy-scarlet press-on nails (ask for “nail tips”) from any drug store or beauty shop. They?re cheap; a box costs about $5.00. (Caution to Harvard-educated readers: do not eat the press-on nails.?Sure, they look tasty, but they will make you sick.)
And lets send a message to this University that allowing our enemy into their school, effectively becoming a traitor to this country, will not stand.

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I was going to say you must be living in a cave Curt… But then, I haven’t posted on the story yet.
I’m surprised that Yale’s femi-Nazis aren’t out in front on this one.
After all, this clown defended the Taliban’s vicious treatment of women and did so while telling one woman in this country that she is probably a trouble to her husband (implying that if she were under Sharia law, things would be different).
But then I think the femi-Nazis have been unmasked lately. They haven’t said ONE WORD about the progress for women in Afghanistan.
Have they said ONE WORD about the woman in Sweden who was gang raped by Muslim men as punishment?
Are they just SO AFRAID of being seen as supporting President Bush?
How did this guy get into the United States? What’s worse: The fact that Yale is allowing a Taliban guy to be a student, or the fact that the Bush administration allowed him into the country in the first place? Your doing a heckuva job Chertoff!