Bolton Speaks About Iran

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Via Atlas Shrugs, who is liveblogging the AIPAC conference, comes a few quotes from John Bolton that need to printed and spread around:

“Simply put, there will no destruction of the state of Israel.

“We must use all the tools of our disposal to stop Iran’s clear and unrelenting drive to develop nuclear weapons.”

Let me clear, the longer we wait [to take action on Iran’s development of? nuclear weaponry]? the harder it will be to solve. We must not ignore Tehran’s refusal to engage the international community.

There are a number of options available, failure to act is not one of them. The security council should note if they fail to act……it will do serious damage to the credibility of the council. Rest assured we are not relying solely on the security council ……..

It is surreal to hear the kind of rhetoric [from a nation’s leader] that we thought was relegated to the? historical dust bin.

“Iran has a far more dangerous foe — democracy.”

One of the best moves Bush did was put this man into the UN.

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Good for John Bolton!