Even tho this information is from WorldNetDaily, not the most reliable website, it’s worth putting out there:
Two Americans believe they have spotted Adnan el-Shukrijumah, the al-Qaida operative identified as “the next Mohamed Atta” at a location near Bakersfield, Calif., but have been unable to get the FBI or Homeland Security to investigate.
An official report of the sighting of el-Shukrijumah or his “dead-ringer” was filed with an anti-terrorism unit in Kern County.
The local enforcement officers, including the county sheriff, reportedly neglected to conduct an investigation, despite the $5 million bounty on Shukrijumah’s head.
Several federal officials, including U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., when notified of the incident, opted to turn a blind eye to the situation, even though they were aware that the suspect in question has been described as the most dangerous al-Qaida agent on American soil.
The eyewitnesses, a husband and wife who wish to remain anonymous for security reasons, say they encountered el-Shukrijumah and other potential al-Qaida operatives, including Aafia Siddiqui, in a small caf? near Lake Isabella Sept. 7, 2005. They described him as small (approximately 5’4″), thin (about 130 pounds), and clean-shaven with a prominent nose, dark eyes and black hair. They noted that he appeared nervous and spoke English to his Middle Eastern companions without an accent.
They were able to identify the individual as Adnan el-Shukrijumah from a mug-shot that appeared on the front pages of newspapers throughout the country when he became the subject of a BOLO (Be-on-the-lookout) report that was issued jointly by FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Attorney General John Ashcroft at a national press conference March 21, 2004.
The couple became more convinced that the figure in question was the elusive terrorist after reading “The Al Qaeda Connection” by Paul L. Williams, a WND contributor and former FBI consultant.
Several weeks later, they spotted the suspects near the same location and managed to jot down their license numbers.
In compliance with the BOLO report, they made their way to the office of Sheriff Mack Wimbish in Kern County, where they say they filed an official report and were told the anti-terrorism unit would contact them in the immediate future.
But nothing happened.
[…]The lack of response, Williams says, is completely incongruous with the statements of Mueller and Ashcroft, the issuance of the BOLO, the posting of the $5 million reward, and the FBI’s continuous requests for any information regarding el-Shukrijumah.
In frustration, with the help of Jeff Epstein of the People’s Truth Forum, Williams made contact with Rep. Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, R-Fla., who suggested going to the media with the story rather than offering government assistance.
El-Shukijumah and the others mentioned in the BOLO remain at large. And, at this writing, the witnesses to the sighting have yet to be contacted by the FBI or any law enforcement official.
Here is Rumsfeld in May 2004:
Second, in addition to making this announcement on the war on terror, we are seeking help from the American people. We ask our fellow citizens to be on the lookout for individuals, and in specific, for each of these seven individuals that are associated with al Qaeda.
They all are sought in connection with the possible terrorist threats in the United States, they all pose a clear and present danger to America, they all should be considered armed and dangerous. And if anyone has any information about any one of them, please report it immediately to law enforcement.
Adnan Shukrijumah, for example, could be a future facilitator of terrorist attacks for al Qaeda. He speaks English well. He lived in the United States for years and has tried to get back into the United States using various passports.
We know that he has been involved in terrorist planning with senior al Qaeda leaders overseas and has scouted sites across America that might be vulnerable to terrorist attack.
The WND article does state how upset the couple is that they never received a phone call back but that doesn’t always happen. The FBI may very well be following this lead.

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