Well, now even Fox News puts out a poll where the Democrats are oversampled. This time by 10%:
Of course with this kind of oversampling you would figure some bad news, and they did not disappoint:
For only the second time of his presidency, the poll finds that President Bush?s overall job approval rating has fallen below 40 percent ? today 39 percent of Americans say they approve and a 54 percent majority disapproves. Late last year the president?s approval hit a record-low of 36 percent (8-9 November 2005).
Thankfully Bush doesn’t lead by the polls:
Bush: No, listen, you know, I know people make a big deal out of these things. If I worried about polls, I would be ? I wouldn?t be doing my job. And, look, I fully understand that when you do hard things, it creates consternation at times. And, you know, I?ve been up in the polls, and I?ve been down in the polls. You know, it?s just part of life in the modern era.
I think the American people ? I know the American people want somebody to stand on principle, decide, make decisions and stand by them, and to lead this world toward a more peaceful tomorrow. And I strongly believe we are doing that, and I?m ? I got to tell you, I?m enjoying it. It?s a fantastic opportunity.

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