The Troop Poll

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Most of you have heard about the recent poll of soldiers the MSM is spinning at the moment:

An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.

The poll, conducted in conjunction with Le Moyne College?s Center for Peace and Global Studies, showed that 29% of the respondents, serving in various branches of the armed forces, said the U.S. should leave Iraq ?immediately,? while another 22% said they should leave in the next six months. Another 21% said troops should be out between six and 12 months, while 23% said they should stay ?as long as they are needed.?

While the poll is curious since it was backed and funded by a anti-war activist:

John Zogby, CEO of the polling company, said the poll was funded through Le Moyne College?s Center for Peace and Global Studies, which received money for the project from an anonymous, anti-war activist, but neither the activist nor the school had input on the content of the poll.

I will not call shananigans just yet since the numbers actually make a lot of sense. No soldier WANTS to be there, they ALL want to come home. But they are they because they volunteered to go and are doing what needs to be done to win this war. CJ at A Soldier’s Perspective puts it way better then I can:

[…]According to the survey, 29% of respondents think we should leave Iraq ?immediately?. I?m interested in seeing how the MSM spins these poll results. 20% think we should stay in Iraq ?as long as they are needed?. 72% of them think that we should leave within the next year. 100% of us want to leave. I made that last one up. Hey, I believe in why we went into Iraq.

Look, this is the reality. We don?t like fighting. It?s a disgusting living. There?s no humanity in killing people. Putting a bullet through someone?s skull is a sight no one should have to see. Watching a guy disintegrate into a fine red mist of blood and chunks of meat is no substitute for being with my kids. With minor exceptions, no one likes killing people?even bad people?even terrorists. Yes, we all want them dead.

The worst thing I ever had to do in my life was explain to a six-year old why we killed his father. It wasn?t his fault. Some terrorists had hijacked their van and forced the guy at gunpoint to run our perimeter while they shot at us. Miraculously, the kids survived. Guess who had to take him to his family? I still dream about that kid. I still dream about his aunt?s reaction to the simple arrival of our HMMWV. I could go back there right now and take you straight to his house on the outskirts of Fallujah.

We don?t WANT to be there. We NEED to be there. We leave now and there will be more of these kids. I agree with these polls that we should be able to be considerably withdrawn within a year. As long as we can keep getting the Iraqi Army and Police up to speed (and eliminate the death squads), let them have their internal strife. Let them have their ?civil war?. Mark my words, this is not a civil war. This is a war of meddling in another nation?s sovereignty by Iran.

I am not ashamed of what we?ve done and I?ll never apologize. Everyone seemed to agree that Saddam had to be taken care of before the Democrats realized they were in trouble when a real President finally did something about it. He didn?t resort to pinpricks of missile strikes, the military equivilent to thumbing one?s nose and shouting ?nyah, nyah, nyah?.[…]

Yes, the leftists can glow all they want at this poll. The fact is the majority want to stay until the job is done. The minority want to come home NOW with a job unfinished. Spin away lefty’s…we all know the truth.

I’ll just add one other note. Remind me again who Zogby predicted would win in 2004 based on his polls?