The Swastika’s At The UN

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I’m sure this won’t surprise anyone:

UNITED NATIONS – United Nations officials are investigating a recent spate of anti-Semitic incidents against staff, including the scrawling of Nazi swastikas in an official log book which was deliberately intended to upset an Israeli security officer.

The victim, who has declined to be interviewed for this article for fear of retaliation by superiors, has tried to get the organization to punish the perpetrators but has not so far been satisfied with the results, according to sources familiar with the case.

What! The UN doesn’t want to investigate crimes by it’s members? Get outta here!

How about the money that’s been stolen from the Tsunami fund?

The generosity from people around the world was unprecedented, with Americans typically leading the way. Tens of billions of dollars were raised.

And that’s why it was also a year ago that we issued a very public warning: the United Nations can’t be trusted with the money. We spoke out in this, our own forum. A CFIF spokesperson appeared on Hannity & Colmes. We took our message to talk radio, sent letters to Congress and urged Americans to keep the U.N.’s fingers out of our wallets.

Unfortunately, the U.N. apologists won the day, and a huge chunk of American money went to the world body’s tsunami relief fund. All told, the U.N. raised more than $13 billion from governments, businesses and individuals around the globe.

Just before Christmas, the Financial Times reported the news that surprised no one who heard our warning: the U.N. pocketed a huge percentage of the money.

The FT conducted a two-month investigation, trying to untangle the maze of financial information that the web of U.N. agencies provided in response to the newspapers requests. Many of the agencies refused to respond at all, despite promises from Jan Egeland, the world body’s top disaster official, that his “aunt can go in and see how her money … is being spent.” In particular, the FT looked at the expenditures made under the U.N.’s $1.1 billion “flash” fund. The money in that pot was donated quickly and was intended for immediate disaster relief efforts.

Ultimately, the FT found:

  • UNICEF, the United Nations fund for helping children, spent $169.5 million. Almost 20 percent went to “staff and administrative or related costs.”
  • The United Nations Development Programme spent $82.5 million. About 7 percent went directly to the U.N. for overhead and salaries. But that figure doesn’t include fees paid to “highly paid consultants who do much of UNDP’s field work,” the FT reported.
  • The World Food Programme spent more than $215 million. Eighteen percent went to “salaries, administrative overheads, vehicles and equipment.”
  • The U.N. refugee agency, the UNHCR, spent $11.2 million in Indonesia. Twenty-two percent went to salaries and administrative expenses.
  • The World Health Organization spent $49 million. And a whopping 32 percent was consumed by “personnel costs, administrative overheads, or associated ‘miscellaneous’ costs.”

It’s clear from the FT‘s investigation that these findings (as are most involving the U.N.) are only the tip of the iceberg. Consider that if the same general ratio holds true for the entire tsunami fund and the world body essentially paid itself about 20 percent of the money for overhead, the U.N. may have pocketed $2.6 billion of the $13 billion that was contributed.

Is it any wonder that those down under think that the UN is rotten:

One of Australia’s top diplomats says the United Nations is rotten at its core.

John Dauth has just returned to Canberra after four-and-a-half years as Australia’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

Mr Dauth told the ABC the gridlock in the General Assembly means the UN is close to becoming an empty shell like the League of Nations.

“The General Assembly is defunct,” he said.

“No debate there carries with it any practical action or decision or agreement or compromise.

“And if the heart of the body, if the core of the apple, is rotten, eventually the rest of the apple will be rotten too.”

As I’ve said many many times, this is a useless corrupt organization that should be disbanded. The fanatical Islamists seem to be growing stronger and stronger inside this organization while at the same time either preventing legitimate concerns to be raised, such as this swastika incident or the child rape going on in the Sudan, or allowing despots and dictators to sit on the “human rights commission”.

The United Nations is being pulled inexorably toward the Islamic worldview. They appear to have the votes in the General Assembly to push forward their agenda, where many member states who pay an infinitesimal fraction that the United States pays toward the UN?s annual budget regularly band together to oppose the United States at virtually every turn. And the Islamists also have the help of enablers inside the UN bureaucracy, within some European countries, and among the “politically correct” crowd — all of whom are too craven, too cynical or too naive to resist. But resist we must in order to protect the freedoms that we have fought for, even if we have to declare our independence from the United Nations and its entangling web of ?international laws.?