Being a cop I love taking guns off the street from criminals but love seeing the law abiding with them. This story should explain why:

There were two big developments Monday in the case of a motorist who was shot and killed along Greenwell Springs Road Friday after a fight with a police officer. Investigators say an autopsy shows the deadly bullet was fired by a bystander, not the officer. Police also announced that no charges would be filed in the case, either against the police officer involved or the bystander who fired the fatal shot into the head of George Temple.
East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s spokesman Greg Phares says Officer Brian Harrision was escorting a funeral procession Friday when he pulled Temple over and wrote him a ticket for breaking into the procession. According to Phares, that’s when Temple attacked Harrison. Police say Perry Stevens was walking outside of the Auto Zone on Greenwell Springs Road when he heard Harrison yelling for help. Harrison was reportedly on his back with Temple on top of him. That’s when Stevens went to his car and grabbed his .45 caliber pistol.
According to Col. Greg Phares, “[Mr. Stevens] orders Mr. Temple to stop and get off the officer. The verbal commands are ignored and Mr. Stevens fires four shots, all of which struck Mr. Temple.”
Perry Stevens fired four shots into Temple’s torso. Officer Harrison had already fired one shot into Temple’s abdomen. With Temple still struggling with the officer, Perry continued to advance toward the scuffle.
“He again orders Mr. Temple to stop what he was doing and get off the officer. Those commands are ignored and he fires a fifth shot and that hits his head. The incident is over with, and as you know, Mr. Temple is dead.”
Police are calling the shooting death justified. Perry Stevens has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Col. Phares would not give out any more details relating to the shooting. Both Phares and Baton Rouge Police Chief Jeff LeDuff stopped short of crediting Stevens with saving the officer’s life. LeDuff says the entire incident is unfortunate.
“I spoke with his father at the scene briefly,” said LeDuff. “I think this is a tragic situation all around.”
9 News is told George Temple has a criminal record, and Officer Harrison was involved in a shooting while employed as a prison guard in East Baton Rouge Parish, where he was suspended for three days back in 1995.
Typically the local racists (cough NAACP cough) blame the officer because “why should he be giving a ticket anyways?”
The Baton Rouge chapter of the NAACP wants the U.S. Justice Department to conduct an independent investigation into the death of George Temple II, killed by a witness during a scuffle with a Baton Rouge police officer Friday.
The civil rights organization also wants the Mayor-President?s Office to form a citizens? review board to deal with claims of police misconduct and brutality.
?We are outraged in the African-American community that a traffic violation could escalate to the killing of a young businessman,? Kwame Asant?, president of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Tuesday.
?The actions of an off-duty officer, a trained professional, to allow a traffic stop, where his life was not initially threatened, to become a situation where a young man loses his life in a physical altercation opens the Baton Rouge Police Department to many questions, that the community wants answers to,? Asant? said.
You get that? How could this officer allow this man to get shot. I mean all he was doing was beating the crap outta the officer….how dare this cop! Sigh.
Of course the protests have begun also:
Members of the NAACP held a protest Wednesday afternoon outside of the Metro Council chambers. The organization wants a federal investigation into Friday’s shooting death of a black businessman.
George Temple, 24, was shot and killed by a citizen while he was fighting with a Baton Rouge Police officer. Officer Brian Harrison had pulled Temple over and wrote him a ticket for cutting off a funeral procession.
Ok, enough with the idiots.
Apparently the citizen was wearing a neck brace at the time and walking with a cane. He placed 4 rounds from a.45 into the torso and when that didn’t work, one head shot.
Sounds as if they jackass was doped up since 4 rounds didn’t pursuade the guy to stop beating the officer. 4 rounds wouldn’t automatically incapicitate a guy, no matter what the movies show you, since as long as the heart is beating you can still function. Even with the loss of heart a human still has a good 10-15 seconds until death. Only thing that is sure to stop someone is a headshot into the brain.
Anyways, I’m sure the officer who suffered a broken jaw is thankful for the citizen, as I would be.
Here is the latest local newscast on the incident:
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Mr. Curt,
I do not have a chip on my shoulder and neither am I naive. I don’t know how you could come to such a conclusion. You know nothing about me. As I said, I have respect for police officers. Sometimes they don’t get the recognition that they deserve for the heroic things they do. Once again, I was just sharing an experience. I’m not saying that everytime a person is pulled over that this happens…but you must realize that it does happen. I understand your views and I know that you have had your share of experiences as a police officer and I respect your opinion. All I am saying is you can not call me a liar. I wouldn’t even waste my time responding to share my experience if it wasn’t the truth. Well sir, I wish you the best and may God bless you.
As a local Baton Rouge citizen, I am COMPLETELY against the action that the local NAACP is taking. Seems like these guys always think the brother is the victim, even when the brother jumps a cop over a stupid ticket.
I have blogged on this topic myself… so feel free to come over and check it out, and thanks to Flopping Aces for calling some attention to this story.
Watching the news-clip, the “spin” immediatly starts with “A businessman” is shot while attacking a cop. As usual, the MSM starts out by villifying the cop and the citizen. How’s about calling the NAACP when you need help? Why can’t these racist organizations be sued for criminal conspiracy when they obviously lie and act devisively. We average citizens are so sick and tired of being beat-up upon by hate-mongers. When the hell is the pendulum going to start swinging back towards the center? The extremely rare bad-cop not withstanding, just who the hell else is going to protect us? My apologies go out to the cop/citizen for the way they are being treated for doing a heroes job.
Well done Mr. Stevens!
You saved a cops life and dispatched a piece of human garbage.
You are a Hero.
Being a cop in Baton Rouge, I am grateful that this beast’s family still supports his business – that way, when an alarm sounds, I know to take as long as possible to respond to it.