Ahmadinejad Banned?

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At least there are a few Europeans who actually realize the threat this madman poses:

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) is set to file a complaint in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for incitement to genocide, EJC president Pierre Besnainou told Haaretz.

[…]The EJC is also promoting a resolution in the European Parliament in Strasbourg to declare Ahmadinejad persona non grata in the 25 European Union member-states. At the same time, the EJC also has the intention of signing prominent politicians, business people and intellectuals on a petition, to be published in European newspapers calling on the governments of Europe to prevent Ahmadinejad from visiting their countries.

Besnainou, a French businessman who was elected president of the EJC last June, told Haaretz, “Ahmadinejad must not set foot on the Continent where he claims the Holocaust did not take place”, adding “I cannot imagine that the members of the EU parliament will refuse to adopt this resolution.” Besnainou criticized the actions of the EU governments so far on the matter, arguing that they should have recalled their ambassadors for consultations but chose not to do so for “political reasons.”

Experts in international law told Haaretz that a criminal complaint filed against Ahmadinejad had little chance of success in the ICC since Iran was not a signatory to its charter and therefore the court ostensibly does not have jurisdiction to try Ahmadinejad. However, the prominent French attorney Francis Piner, who is coordinating the case, told Haaretz “the significance of the fact that Iran is not a signatory to the court’s charter is only that this country will not actively cooperate with it. It does not have to prevent the filing of the complaint, since otherwise there would have been no point in establishing such a court.”

Seems to be a rather just for show, since I highly doubt it will do anything. But at least it’s something instead of talking, talking, talking and then appeasing.


Meanwhile some of the nuts inside Iran are saying that “sometimes” it would be ok to use a nuke:

A religious leader in Iran has said that in certain situations it is permissible by Muslim law to use nuclear weapons.

Ayatollah Muhassan Jarbian was quoted by the Iran News as saying that according to Muslim Shariya, “When the world is armed with nuclear weapons, it is permissible to make use of these weapons in order to stand up against this threat.”

This is the fist time the Iranian government has not censored such statements from a religious leader, according to Meir Javedanfar, an Israeli of Iranian descent and Middle East analyst at the Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Company. Until now, said Javedanfar, the Iranianian government had given clear instructions against saying anything that could be interpreted to mean that Iran is planning to use its nuclear technology for military purposes.

Ayatollah Jarbian’s statement contradicts the words of other religious leaders, who have declared that Islam does not permit the production or use of nuclear weapons.

And then even more nuts got into the mix:

On Saturday, a gathering of Iranians who claim they are dedicated to becoming suicide bombers warned the United States and Britain of attacks on coalition military bases in Iraq if there were a strike against Tehran’s nuclear facilities.

“With more than 1,000 trained martyrdom-seekers, we are ready to attack the American and British sensitive points if they attack Iran’s nuclear facilities,” said Mohammad Ali Samadi, spokesman of Esteshadion (Martyrdom Seekers). “We have registered more than 52,000 people who willingly are ready to defend their country.”

“If they strike, we have a lot of volunteers. Their (U.S. and British) sensitive places are quiet close to Iranian borders,” Samadi said after a gathering of about 200 students for a seminar on the suicide-bombing tactics at Tehran’s Khajeh Nasir University.

Samadi reviewed the history of the suicide bombing as a weapon, praising it as the most effective Palestinian tactic in their confrontation with Israel.

The organizers also showed video clips of suicide attacks against Israelis, including one in the Morag settlement near Rafah in the Gaza Strip in February 2005. One settler, three Israeli soldiers and the two attackers were killed in the attack.

Hasan Abbasi, the main speaker, also praised suicide bombers but denounced attacks against “innocent people as al-Qaida did in New York.”

Abbasi told the audience of potential martyrs that Iran was not seeking nuclear weapons as claimed by the United States and some of its allies.

“Our martyrdom-seekers are our nuclear weapons,” said Abbasi, a university instructor and former ranking in the elite Revolutionary Guards.

After his speech, about 50 students filled out membership applications.

“This is a unique opportunity for me to die for God, next to my brothers in Palestine. That was why I signed up,” said Reza Haghshenas, 22, an electrical engineering student.

A 23-year-old woman student, Maryam Amereh, said: “We are trying to defend Islam. It’s a way to draw the attention of others to our activities.”

But Rahim Hasanlu, a 22-year-old industrial management student, sipped his orange juice and declared himself not interested in joining. “I just attended to learn what they’re saying, thats all.”

Meanwhile the left in this country goes nuts over the Cheney shooting accident. I mean there is nothing more important then that going on right?

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their ahem..brothers in Palestine?..when was the las time the wealthy regimes sent one thin dime to the brothers laying in alleged squalor and misery in refugee camps..u got it..never..because if not for keeping them there..they would HAVE no cause to be burning down buildings and killing pple for!..UGH.
Good for the EJC!..we should follow their lead.