First Richard Dreyfuss makes some typically ignorant remarks today:
Richard Dreyfuss, the actor who starred in movies ranging from “Jaws” to “Mr. Holland’s Opus,” told an audience in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that “there are causes worth fighting for,” and one of those is the impeachment of President George W. Bush.
“There are causes worth fighting for even if you know that you will lose,” Dreyfuss said during a speech at the National Press Club. “Unless you are willing to accept torture as part of a normal American political lexicon, unless you are willing to accept that leaving the Geneva Convention is fine and dandy, if you accept the expansion of wiretapping as business as usual, the only way to express this now is to embrace the difficult and perhaps embarrassing process of impeachment.”
Noting that the process was established by the country’s “founders, who we revere to check executive abuse with congressional balance,” Dreyfuss said impeachment “is a statement that we refuse to endorse bad behavior.”
“If we refuse to debate the appropriateness of the process of impeachment, we endorse that behavior, and we approve the enlargement of executive power,” regardless of whoever may occupy the White House in the future, he said.
“And don’t kid yourselves: No one ever gives up power, ever,” Dreyfuss added.
“Now, it is not your job as the press to impeach George Bush,” the actor stated. However, people in the media should “maintain the integrity of that debate” by not dismissing the topic out of hand as partisan or unpatriotic.
During his address on the subject of Hollywood’s view of contemporary news media, Dreyfuss said he is not a cynic or a liberal, but is instead a “‘libo-conservo-middle-of-the-roado,’ and I have been for many years.”
“I’m deeply in love with my country,” he added. “As a matter of fact, I’m deeply in love with the country that I was taught about in school, the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
[…]The actor saved his harshest tone for those who accuse critics of the government and its officials of having a more serious motive.
“Watch me lose my sense of humor if people accuse me of treason,” Dreyfuss said before mocking two of the Fox News Channel’s most popular hosts. “‘That’s not very O’Reilly of you, Mister Smarty-Pants,’ or ‘What would Sean Hannity have to say about that, Mister Too-Complex-for-Your-Own-Good?'”
However, “none of this happened because of any conspiracy,” he stated. “This happened because we have not paid attention to the new rules of the electronic media.”
To restore true American values, the actor called for children to be taught “the tools of debate and dissent,” as well as a return to the principle of civility, which he called “the oxygen that democracies require else they become poisoned and die, as this democracy will.”
Funny how he used much of his speech to blast instant TV but doesn’t mention that the world watched the first WTC bombing in 93, the Cole bombing, & the Kenyan embassy bombings via that same TV. Guess what? Those acts were committed during his hero’s Administration where over 8 years he did not do his PRIMARY job, which was to protect the citizens of this country.
And then Alec Baldwin jumped on the bandwagon by posting this on the Huffington Post:
So, I suppose the question is…what kind of civil trial will we see, or not see, between Cheney and Whittington? Whittington is certainly no stranger to a court room and to civil litigation. Will Cheney pay him off, preemptively? Will they go to court? I would imagine if a guy with a few beers in him shoots you in the face on a hunting trip, how could you turn down that opportunity?
What would Cheney do about the whole secrecy thing then? I mean, this is the guy that sicced Enron on Gray Davis and the state of California to embarrass Davis, trigger the recall and then watched Arnold Schwarzenegger become governor of California. (To this day, perhaps, still the low point in American political life.) Then Cheney covered it up.
Cheney’s the guy who told Libby to out Valerie Plame. The rumor I heard is that someone yelled, “Look out! Shooter!” and Cheney thought he said Scooter and fired in that general direction.
Cheney is a terrorist. He terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately. Who ever thought Harry Whittington would be the answer to America’s prayers. Finally, someone who might get that lying, thieving Cheney into a courtroom to answer some direct questions.
Does anyone recall either of these two dorks causing a ruckus over Bill Clinton’s “bad behavior”? Something tells me not one complaint was uttered by these two other then the complaints about the Republicans being too mean against a “good” man.
Other’s Blogging:
- Riehl World View
- Gina Cobb
- Newsbusters
- Mark In Mexico
- Don Surber
Does anyone recall either of these two dorks causing a ruckus over Bill Clinton’s “bad behavior”? Something tells me not one complaint was uttered by these two other then the complaints about the Republicans being too mean against a “good” man.

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In 2004, Michael Medved had on as guest, Richard Dreyfuss. I cannot believe how self-righteously elitist and arrogant this man is. He is so full of his own pomposity, someone should just stick a pin in him to fizzle out his hot air.
Alec who?
“Richard Dreyfuss, the actor who starred in movies ranging from “Jaws” to “Mr. Holland’s Opus,” told an audience in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that “there are causes worth fighting for,””
Richard Dreyfuss. Fighting.
Bwaahhaaaahhaaaa. Snicker snicker. Like, fighting what Richard? Smurfs? Teletubbies?
I would add that when they do leave the Country, they NEVER come back. But they always seem to find their way back here.
These people just seem determined to make complete fools of themselves. It’s not a red state/ blue state divide here. These morons are on another planet altogether and the oxygen supply is running low.
How will we ever unite this country behind the much more difficult tasks ahead that we must perform to win the war with nut jobs like this running their mouths?
It’s just a shame that none of these clowns actually did move out of the country after Bush was re-elected.
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