The Age Of Appeasement

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While it appears most of Europe, and some of the MSM in the US, is appeasing the Muslim world a bevy of Al-Qaeda documents show’s the true intent of radical Islam:

Recently captured al-Qaeda documents portray terrorist leaders struggling over strategy, facing challenges by subordinates and issuing guidelines listing minimum qualifications for terrorism training camp supervisors.

Drawn from a classified database called “Harmony” compiled by the U.S. Special Operations Command, the documents were disclosed in a report released this week by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center.

The documents were obtained during recent anti-terrorism operations, the report says. They came from a variety of sources and were selected because they show al-Qaeda discussions of ideology, tactics, potential operations or training, the study says.

The documents show al-Qaeda is committed to waging a holy war against “dictators of the Earth and secular groups” that will end only when “everyone believes in Allah.

Even with this proof they continue to cower under the demands of Muslims worldwide. They just don’t get it do they? Appeasing them by not showing a few cartoons, or by pulling out of Iraq (cough Spain cough), doesn’t change the fact that they want ALL non-believers dead.

Will the world now come to grips with the fact that this is a new clash of civilizations? Jim Hanson hits the nail on the head with this piece:

The desire of many European countries to atone for their imperialist pasts has led them to an untenable position regarding their own Muslim immigrant populations and Islamists around the world. They practice multiculturalism, but there has been no assimilation by their immigrants or acceptance of a free Western society. They have maintained an insular culture and enforced many abhorrent customs, including forced marriage and honor killings. Now Islamists worldwide are expanding the scope of their assumed authority and demand submission or violence in ostensibly free countries.

[…]The Palestinians replaced one corrupt terrorist group with another and a nuclear Iran is a real possibility.

[…]Osama bin Laden calls to restore the Caliphate across the Middle East, but states directly that is only a base for expansion into infidel territory. Islamism is united in hatred of the West and the need to deflect attention from the huge disparity in quality of life between their states and free ones.

Demonizing the West as evil in mosques and schools inoculates the young against their natural desire for the freedom and plenty they can’t get at home. Islamists realize they must consolidate now or lose any chance as their youth continue to be exposed to the tempting blasphemy of Western culture. Islamists are making their play, and the West needs a coordinated response.

But is the West up for it? Will the West appease this movement as they did the Hitler movement in the 30’s? Most people shake their head in shame when they learn how most of the world appeased Hitler, given what we know today. But they didn’t know what was coming, there were signs of course but no one acted upon those signs and said enough is enough.

The West needs to say enough is enough NOW!

Victor Davis Hanson writes a wonderful column as usual comparing the world of the late 30’s with the world of today:

British intellectuals, like European Union idealists today, wrote books and treatises on the obsolescence of war. Conflicts were supposedly caused only by rapacious arms merchants and profiteers at home, not by anti-democratic dictators who interpreted forbearance as weakness. Winston Churchill was a voice in the wilderness ? and demonized as a warmonger and worse.

Today, the 50-year Cold War is over, and Europe is at last free of burdensome military expenditure and the threat of global annihilation. Like Osama Bin Laden, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad senses a certain weariness in much of the West as it counts on perpetual peace.

He assumes that most sober Westerners will do almost anything to avoid military confrontation to stop a potential threat ? even though, unlike Hitler, Ahmadinejad not only promises to liquidate the Jews but reveals his method in advance by seeking nuclear weapons.

Some naive conservatives in prewar Europe thought the German and Italian fascists would prove a valuable bulwark against communism, and so could be politically finessed. So, too, it has been at times with Islamic fascism. Arming the mujahadeen in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia was once seen as an inspired way of thwarting Soviet communist imperialism.

At the time of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s homicidal fatwa against Salman Rushdie, religious conservative commentators from Patrick Buchanan to New York’s Cardinal O’Connor attacked Rushdie, rather than defended the Western right of free expression. Apparently, they felt such Islamic threats to supposed blasphemers might have positive repercussions in discouraging left-wing anti-Christian attacks as well.

In the 1930s, the doctrine of appeasement fobbed off responsibility of confronting fascism onto the League of Nations. Both France and England were quiet about the 1936 Italian invasion of Ethiopia and the German militarization of the Rhineland. They counted on multilateral action of the League, which issued plenty of edicts but marshaled few troops.

[…]As fascism spread, France worked on fortifying its German border with the Maginot Line, Oxford undergraduates voted to refuse “in any circumstances to fight for King and Country,” and British newspapers decried the Treaty of Versailles for unduly punishing Germany. This was all long before the “no blood for oil” slogan and Al Gore in Saudi Arabia apologizing to his Wahhabi hosts for the supposed American maltreatment of Arabs.

[…]Just as Hitler concocted incidents such as the burning of the Reichstag to create outrage, Islamist leaders incite frenzy in their followers over a supposed flushed Koran at Guantanamo and several inflammatory cartoons, some of them never published by Danish newspapers at all.

[…]The point of the comparison is not to suggest that history simply repeats itself, but to learn why intelligent people delude themselves into embracing naive policies. After the removal of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, the furious reply of the radical Islamist world was to censor Western newspapers, along with Iran’s accelerated efforts to get the bomb.

In response, either the West will continue to stand up now to these reoccurring post-Sept. 11 threats, or it will see the bullies’ demands only increase as its own resistance weakens. Like the appeasement of the 1930s, opting for the easier choice will only guarantee a more costly one later on. .

While the world appeases these fanatics the news of the day appears grim as usual:

CNN and the rest of the MSM have gone out of it’s way to publish the Abu Ghraib photo’s but still refuse to publish the cartoons of Mohammed. And of course with their bias so instilled into their brains they see nothing wrong with this. The cartoons inflammed the Muslims. The pictures of an OLD case where the suspects have been tried and convicted for their crimes will inflame the Muslims. Nope, nothing wrong there.

Filipino Muslims are angry also:

Thousands of angry Filipino Muslims ?beheaded? two effigies of cartoonists and set a Danish flag on fire in a protest over the controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

The protesters marched through the streets of this southern Philippine city and demanded death for the artists who drew the cartoons that first appeared in a Danish newspaper in September.

The Muslims then demand that laws be passed making any insult upon Mohammed a crime:

Head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and TV preacher Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, well-known for his appearances on the al-Jazeera satellite channel, has told the network he accepts Tuesday’s apology from an inter-faith Norwegian delegation for offence caused by the publication of Danish cartoons satirising the Prophet Mohammed. However, the apology for the cartoons’ re-publication by a Norwegian Christian newspaper last month is “not enough,” said al-Qaradawi, who is close to the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

Al-Qaradawi, who is imam of the Omara mosque in the Qatari capital, Doha, and also the head of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, said: “I accept in principle the apology from Norway, but this is conditional. We want the Norwegian government to pass a law that punishes all those who cause offence to religious symbols.”

“These kinds of acts must be considered a crime and be punished. Only then will we wholeheartedly accept their apologies,” he continued. The apologies from Norway do not justify the end of the consumer and retail boycotts of Scandinavian goods in many Arab countries – this can only happen when Norway passes a blasphemy law, he said.

Muslims worldwide will no longer eat danish’s, but they will eat Mohammed instead:

Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for “Roses of the Prophet Muhammad.”
Bakeries across the capital were covering up their ads for Danish pastries Thursday after the confectioners’ union ordered the name change in retaliation for caricatures of the Muslim prophet published in a Danish newspaper.

“Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to ‘Rose of Muhammad’ pastries,” the union said in its order.

“This is a punishment for those who started misusing freedom of expression to insult the sanctities of Islam,” said Ahmad Mahmoudi, a cake shop owner in northern Tehran…

And more proof showing how backward these people are:

Aliye Cetinkaya, a journalist from the Turkish daily Sabah newspaper, who was reporting on the recent protests over the offensive caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, was stoned in Konya for reasons demonstrators said were provocative ? as she did not cover her head. Cetinkaya was taken away by male colleagues after stones hit her head and shoulders. The female journalist was attacked for being ?sexually provocative? for not wearing a head scarf at the demonstration organised by the Peoples Education Research and Support Group in Konya (He-Da-Der) and entitled ?Loyalty to the Prophet?.

All in all, another day of appeasement. I think I will end this with the words of Ann Coulter:

What is stunning about this spectacle is that their violence is working. With a few exceptions, the media won’t show the cartoons that incited mass violence around the globe (cartoons available at And yet, week after week, American patriots endure “The Boondocks” without complaint. Where’s the justice here?

Perhaps we could put aside our national, ongoing, post-9/11 Muslim butt-kissing contest and get on with the business at hand: Bombing Syria back to the stone age and then permanently disarming Iran.

I would add to the business at hand by including: Every newspaper in the United States publish those cartoons.


And the appeasement continues:

A leaked Foreign Office memo published yesterday reveals that the government is to establish ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group banned by the Egyptian government.
Like other western countries, Britain is struggling with the dilemma posed by the electoral successes of Islamist groups either directly linked to terrorism or alleged to be fronts for violent organisations.

The memo, written on January 17 and leaked to the New Statesman, recommends increased engagement with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest Islamist group in the world. The recommendation has been accepted by Jack Straw, the foreign secretary.

The memo says: “The presentation of any change in the way we deal with the Muslim Brotherhood will have to be carefully handled, in order to safeguard our bilateral relations with Egypt.”

The whole memo can be read here.

How about this one:

BBC bosses are ready to AXE a ?1million episode of hit drama Spooks in which an al-Qaeda terrorist is shot dead ? in case it upsets Muslims.

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Rate this is going, we will all be speaking in Arabic. Lest they feel offended by our English.

Excellent round up Curt. Thanks for reading and we’ll see what kind of damamge I can do from inside the MSM building. Mwaa Ha Ha


Uncle J

I really condemned this issue and deeply request all Muslims to pressure Google to remove and realize their mistake and make sure it will never happen again in future. Miss Janete Oliveira