Only in San Francisco dear friends, only in San Fran: (via Expose The Left)
Sean was interviewing ultra-lib San Francisco Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval and was doing a fairly good job of exposing him for the anti-military leftist that he is, but it didn?t get really good until Alan jumped in. In his typical style, he attempted to make Sandoval sound a little less looney by asking him a leading question to the effect of ?Do you think the United States ought to have a military??, fully expecting him to respond with something like ?Well, of course?. Instead, the guy said ?No?. That left Colmes sputtering and try as he might, he couldn?t rehabilitate the interview. This guy, an elected San Francisco official, is a complete whacko and Colmes proved it. It was priceless.
And this is what the people of the Bay Area have elected to represent them. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!
I have always been ashamed to say that I was born and raised in N.Calif. Lived in Hayward for most of my childhood until going into the Marines. I knew it then, and know it now, these people are certifiable.
California Conservative has more on this dummy:
Remaining defiant, Sandoval closed his remarks by boasting, ?That?s the way a lot of people feel in San Francisco.? Saying it as it were a reason to be proud. Finally, he dribbled off by saying that America will eventually discard its military, ?it may take 1,000 years but it?ll happen.?
My favorite part has to be this one:
Both Hannity and Colmes were utterly incredulous. Colmes then inquired ?how America should defend itself? to which Sandoval foolishly retorted:
?You can send cops.?
Ok, quick, someone get Jack Bauer to off this guy….sigh.
This guy even went after my 49ers:
Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval’s board resolution calling for San Francisco to adopt the Seattle Seahawks as its official team for the Super Bowl set off a charge among the 49ers Faithful — but as you might guess, there’s a bit of a back story to this little football play.
For starters, there’s no love lost between the Niners and Sandoval. The chill dates back to when Sandoval co-sponsored a resolution urging the city’s Recreation and Park Commission to ban the sale of naming rights for Candlestick Park — a move that could have cost the team (and the city) millions.
When the resolution failed, Sandoval got behind Proposition H, a 2004 ballot measure that again would have blocked any stadium name sale.
Prop. H passed by a healthy margin — but by then, it was too late to block the 49ers deal renaming the stadium Monster Park.
Sandoval said 49ers owner John York had called and “expressed his displeasure” at the time. Team insiders say York was more than steamed, believing the supervisor had double-crossed the team after pledging to support the name sale.
Sandoval insists otherwise.
“But I don’t waste any sleep over it,” he said Tuesday. “You have to ask (the 49ers) if it’s still troubling them.”
As for his pro-Seahawks resolution, Sandoval said he was just trying to drum up some interest in football for San Francisco’s restaurants and bars — which he says have been hurting for business and could “use a few fans to come in and buy some beers.”
Besides, Sandoval said: “Who can possibly have anything against the Seahawks? … (They’re) as benign as an empty tin can. I don’t understand why anyone would think it’s a big deal.”
Well, check out those “whereas” clauses in the resolution. Like the one pointing out: “Whereas, the 49ers have not had a winning season since 2002.”
“The whole thing is ludicrous,” said Sue Hoffman, a lifelong Niners fan and three-time past president of the San Francisco Gold Rushers boosters club, which moved swiftly to organize opposition to Sandoval’s proposal. “We don’t just toss the team out because of their standing.”
As for 49ers spokesman Sam Singer, he said he was shocked at Sandoval’s “appalling lack of loyalty to his own team.”
Singer noted that the supervisor had suffered a couple of big losses himself of late — including that costly lawsuit over a campaign flyer and his subsequent failed bid for city assessor.
“Maybe we should trade in our supervisor for somebody up in Seattle,” Singer said.
I’m really not amazed that something like this reptile would come out of San Francisco, I am more amazed that he keeps getting elected to represent the residents of that city.
Gerardo Sandoval – District 11 – City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
(415) 554-6975 – voice
(415) 554-6979 – fax
Official website
Personal website
Election website

See author page
And now we know why me…a native San Franciscan, born and raised, has left the state of California altogether, most stinkybutt politicians in that state are leftist loonies who are ruining the state.
I am happy and cozy here in Conservative Tucson, Arizona…where I can strap my sidearm on and walk down the streets of downtown without being bothered and where I have a constitutional right to a concealed weapons permit 🙂
I’m not amazed that those idiots keep re-electing him. Not amazed at all…