Lawmaker Questions Wiretapping Program, Or Is He?

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Another day, another biased news account about the NSA Wiretapping program. First they title it like so:

Lawmaker Questions Value of Spy Program

Which obviously tries to get the liberals salivating with the thought that another lawmaker has come out in opposition of the program. But noooooooo, the article details how in a interview today Sen. Hoakstra said the leak has ruined any chance of the program being effective.

“Does anyone really believe that, after 50 days of having this program on the front page of our newspapers, across talk shows across America, that al-Qaida has not changed the way that it communicates?” Hoekstra said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

So instead of writing a byline that said something like “lawmaker believes leak harmed program” they write a biased headline instead….surprise surprise.

But my favorite line of the article has to be from Biden:

“We cannot say to a president, ‘Mr. President, whatever you want to do, under any circumstances, tap anything, and you don’t even have to tell us what you’re doing.’ That is bizarre,” Biden told ABC’s “This Week.”

Can he be this stupid? Or is this just an act? The administration has already shown how narrow the focus was on the wiretaps. The NSA had to reasonable believe the person calling from overseas was a Al-Qaeda member, then and only then can they do the tap. How is it that he can now describe it as being a program where “anything” can be tapped.

Either way, I pray Congress tries to enact legislation attempting to take away the Presidents authority under Art II of the Constitution. They will be slapped down so fast it will make their heads spin.