Rockefeller In A World Of Hurt

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Things are REALLY starting to heat up on the NSA wiretap leak story. Many of us have suspected that Sen. Rockefeller was THE source, or one of the sources for the leak. Macranger, who has many contacts in the intelligence community, has not only suspected but has been told that he IS the leak.

Yesterday Jed Babbin was on the John Batchelor show and stated the intelligence community believes Rocky is the leak and will be requesting a polygraph soon:

The topic was the hearings that start on Monday. Babbin said that he had spent much of today talking on backkground with his sources in the intelligence community. He said flat out that they know that Rockefeller is the source of the leak to the NY Times.

The administration is not sure how to proceed. Babbin doesn’t think they have the guts to indict a US senator. He said it would cause a battle royal on the Hill, if not a constitutional crisis.

He did say however, that any senator or Congressional staffer that holds a security clearance can be asked at any time to take a polygraph. The individual can of course refuse to take the test, but failure to do so is reason to remove that person’s security clearance.”

Babbin said further that Rockefeller, Durbin, and Wyden, and some on their staffs will soon be requested to take polygraphs.”

What is quite amusing is that during the recent hearings you will recall that good ole’ Rocky said that he believes the Executive brance was the source of the leak. Obviously an attempt to divert attention away from himself, unsuccessfully.

The question will be if the Administration will have the balls to go after a Senator. My money is on Bush going after him once they are CERTAIN, beyond any doubt, that he is the leak.

I can almost guarentee that he will not take a polygraph and will step down from the Intelligence committee since he will no longer have a clearence.

Either way you look at it, things are going to get mighty interesting.

Other’s Blogging:

What is quite amusing is that during the recent hearings you will recall that good ole’ Rocky said that he believes the Executive brance was the source of the leak. Obviously an attempt to divert attention away from himself, unsuccessfully.

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The fact is the government can and does search with out warrants all the time. Airlines come to mind. You can’t get onto a commercial flight now without your person and baggage being searched. I would argue that an airport search is more invasive and affects far more people than the “domestic wiretapping” program. Of course people are willing to suffer through these “warrantless searches” to keep terrorists from interfering with their flight to Disney, but heaven forbid we target the terroriusts where they originate from!

The reality is, this is a terrorist wiretapping program, which targets communications to and from al Qaeda members and otheraffiliates and terrorists who are OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES!