Not too long ago I was visited in the comment section of a post by a DummiesU graduate. She spoke the typical Democratic talking points. One of those being that Bush has tanked our economy…..guess this is BAD news to the leftists then:
Employers stepped up hiring in January, boosting payrolls by 193,000 and lowering the nation’s unemployment rate to 4.7 percent, the lowest since July 2001. ?Moreover, job growth in December turned out to be stronger than previously thought. Revised figures showed payrolls expanded by 140,000 _ an improvement over the 108,000 new jobs first estimated a month ago. Employment was revised up for some previous months as well.
Yup, our economy blows. Uh oh, lookie here, more bad news for the leftists retards:
Employees’ average hourly earnings climbed to $16.41 in January, up 0.4 percent from December. That increase was slightly larger than the 0.3 percent rise that economists were expecting.
I guess this is further proof that the Bush tax cuts helped only the rich huh?? Want some more bad news?
But of course instead of admitting they are wrong they will instead say “but it could of been better!” What Democrat drivel.
On a final note, once again we have proven that Socialism sucks.
France unemployment=9.5%, Germany unemployment=12.1%

See author page
As far as the economy goes, I see the numbers but that does not reflect what I see as truth.
Living in the Detroit area, I am sure this is why. I believe our state most probably brought the national average down.
Many of our jobs have gone & our livelyhood (Ford & GM) have just disclosed cutting another 70K jobs combined, which will trickle down to MANY others.
Curious am I to what the WELFARE statistics look like these days as, 1) I have exhausted my unemployment benefits, therefore am not part of these statistics & 2) I had to go to that god-awful office to apply for aid (my new temporary statis)
I cannot find a job–there are none locally in my field. Some of us cannot go to wherever all this work is…at least not today. Thank GOD I don’t use charge cards. I believe that is what reflects a lot of this “purchasing” proof we read about. Only MHO. Here’s to better days ahead!
Thanks again Curt, great site–I’m learning so much from it. (all this time on my hands, ya see.)