Some good news on the NSA wiretapping front. Porter Goss is calling for a federal grand jury to investigate the leaks:
CIA Director Porter Goss said Thursday that the disclosure of President Bush’s eavesdropping without warrants program and other once-secret projects had undermined U.S. intelligence gathering abilities.
“The damage has been very severe to our capabilities to carry out our mission,” Goss told the Senate Intelligence Committee. He said a federal grand jury should be empaneled to determine “who is leaking this information.”
His testimony came after National Intelligence Director John Negroponte, who directs all intelligence activities, strongly defended the program, calling it crucial for protecting the nation against its most menacing threat.
“This was not about domestic surveillance,” Negroponte said.
[…]”The president has not only confirmed the existence of the program, he has spoken at length about it repeatedly,” while keeping Congress in the dark, said Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the panel’s senior Democrat.
Rockefeller should be very afraid. This traitor will be going down very hard if there is any justice in the world
[…]Goss complained that leaks to the news media about the surveillance program and activities such as reported CIA secret prisons abroad had damaged his own agency’s work.
“I use the words ‘very severe’ intentionally. And I think the evidence will show that,” Goss said.
He said not only have these revelations made it harder for the CIA to gather information, but they have made intelligence agencies in other countries mistrustful of their U.S. counterparts.
“I’m stunned to the quick when I get questions from my professional counterparts saying, ‘Mr. Goss, can’t you Americans keep a secret?”‘ he said.
Goss cited a “disruption to our plans, things that we have under way.” Some CIA sources and “assets” had been rendered “no longer viable or usable, or less effective by a large degree,” he said.
“I also believe that there has been an erosion of the culture of secrecy and we’re trying to reinstall that,” Goss said.
“I’ve called in the FBI, the Department of Justice. It is my aim and it is my hope that we will witness a grand jury investigation with reporters present, being asked to reveal who is leaking this information,” he said.
Rockefeller suggested that the “leaks” Goss talked about most likely “came from the executive branch” of the government.
Holy bejesus, this is just ludicrous. Rockefeller attempts to argue that Congress has been kept in the dark, which has been proven to be a big lie, by his own compadres, and then states it wasn’t a secret since Bush has been talking about it. Um, hello dummy! He didn’t start talking about it UNTIL it was leaked by the New York Times.
And the gall of this guy. This traitor let Syria know, in advance, how we were planning on invading Iraq. Giving him plenty of time to prepare, say like, to move his WMD’s:
WALLACE: Now, the President never said that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat. As you saw, you did say that. If anyone hyped the intelligence, isn’t it Jay Rockefeller?
SEN. ROCKEFELLER: No. The ? I mean, this question is asked a thousand times and I’ll be happy to answer it a thousand times. I took a trip by myself in January of 2002 to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria, and I told each of the heads of state that it was my view that George Bush had already made up his mind to go to war against Iraq ? that that was a predetermined set course which had taken shape shortly after 9/11.
I hope to see this jackass behind bars someday.
The Director of the CIA testified that this leak has damaged our national security and all we get is a big yawn from the MSM. But you have a leak about a maverick CIA deskjockey and the whole wide world of news goes bonkers. It’s just incredible how the MSM doesn’t even attempt to hide it’s bias anymore.
Other’s Blogging:
The Director of the CIA testified that this leak has damaged our national security and all we get is a big yawn from the MSM. But you have a leak about a maverick CIA deskjockey and the whole wide world of news goes bonkers. It’s just incredible how the MSM doesn’t even attempt to hide it’s bias anymore.

See author page
That Commentary piece is very long, but detailed.
Don’t hold your breath on this one Curt. Here is clear evidence of REAL national security damage, which the law is supposed to protect.
But there is a political element here. Where is the constant media din demanding an investigation? A few stories about irate testimony by Porter Goss doesn’t cut it.
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[…] Hell, it was apparent he was a little worried when he told reporters that the Executive branch leaked the information, a big thumbs up to that one you dimwit: […]