Bill Handle Vs. CAIR

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Thanks to Christine for letting me know about this story.? Gotta love Bill, no backing down from this guy and in the process he makes a great point:

Los Angeles’s top talkradio station is under fire from a Muslim group because of comments made earlier this month by morning man Bill Handel. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has demanded an apology from Handel for making fun of a stampede that killed hundreds of Muslims during an annual pilgrimage.

But Handel is set to fire back, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Handel will apologize IF the Council on American-Islamic Relations:

1) Decries all acts of terror (described specifically, not generally)

2) Agrees that Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to defensible borders

3) CAIR has no ties of any sort, financially or otherwise, to any terror orgs or individiuals.

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Was the joke tasteless?? Yup.? Can CAIR meet any of his demands?? Nope.

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Yes, the remarks were tasteless and unaccaptable.
Was it Kanye West who appeared on the cover of the Rolling Stone, depicting himself as Christ in a crown of thorns, this week? Tasteless and unacceptable, no? Are Christians now going to storm their offices? Issue death threats? Beat up people who had nothing to do with it? Drum up world-wide “outrage”? Not likely.

The BROTHERHOOD OF THE PERPETUALLY OFFENDED, however, is not known for restraint in any degree. They have sent a delegation trooping around muslim states specifically to promote “outrage” against a few cartoons and, according to today’s reports are demanding the EU and the UN take up their “cause”.

Tasteless and unacceptable as this guy’s remarks are, at least he’s one of the very few who, so far, has refused to succumb to the ever present BoPO “outrage”.


It’s called Freedom of Speech. We don’t have to like it.