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Blogosphere Illumination II

Here are a few blog posts I found today that I highly recommend reading:

Big Lizards:

It took a while for the penny to drop, but I finally understand why the Democrats argue the way they do. And if you’ve read up to this point, then you’re probably way ahead of me: clearly, it is now the Democrats who operate under the same false dichotomy: Democrats have convinced themselves that the only alternative to George Bush is Harry Reid…

Blogs For Bush:

The reason for Mexico needing the illegals’ money is that in spite of a few, half-hearted attempts at reform, Mexican society is corrupt from top to bottom – there is no political activity which will happen absent bribes, and there is no economic activity which can happen without bribes being paid not only to government, but to union goons and others on the take.

Bookworm Room:

On July 15, 1944, after having spent exactly two years in hiding from the Nazis, Anne Frank wrote her most famous words:

Bookworm Room:

On the face of it, there seems no logic to the Left’s various positions. To paraphrase P. J. O’Roarke, to adopt a view that killing unborn babies is okay but killing mass murderers is bad requires years of therapy.

Don Surber:

The filibuster is the Tool Of Racism.

Gay Patriot:

Just over four months ago, when Instapundit linked a piece where I asked ?If Iraq is like Vietnam, how come the rallies keep getting smaller?, we received a record number of comments ? and not just from those who agreed with the post. We attracted a number of critics, many of whom expressed their disagreement in less-than-civil tones. And I saw an uptick in the amount of hate mail I received. The same thing happened again last week when Glenn linked my post on the Canadian elections. We got a lot more comments and I got a little more hate mail.

Ace of Spades HQ:

* Mike is dumber than a sack of retards.

* Mike is known to have satisfied thousands of women, simply by never meeting them. “I’ll never know what I missed out on,” said one woman calling herself “Claire.” “And I think it’s better for both of us that way.”


Communist war crimes are rarely the subject of conversation at cocktail parties, especially among the Left. Why? The answer lies in the worn-out dogma that still prevails amongst those who can afford to be sympathetic to Castro, the Islamists, et. al. ? anything that represents ?opposition? to the supposed colonialist aspirations of America, all driven by ?capitalist greed.?


Remember the good old days, when Democrats and their friends in the MSM would regularly bash Republican administrations for doing business with less-than-democratic, even unsavory foreign governments and their leaders?

Rightwing Nuthouse:

Pity poor Nancy Pelosi. She, like the rest of her Democratic colleagues, has huge problems when it comes to criticizing the NSA intercept program in order to make political hay. On the one hand, they can?t be seen as soft on national security so you never hear them calling for the program to be terminated. On the other hand, they have to pander to their cockeyed base of support so you never hear them saying that the program was necessary.

It?s almost enough to make a Republican giggle.


If there was any doubt that the New York Times thoroughly despised President Bush, the last shreds were erased this morning. In an editorial entitled ?Spies, Lies, and Wiretaps,? the Times presented a case against the Bush administration with similar gusto as it might attack an organized crime family and it?s Mafia Don. Assuming it had already received an indictment, the Times then?prosecuted its case, and acted as both judge and jury to seal a conviction.

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