Conservative Win In Canada

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Guess the fatman, aka Michael Moore, who said

Oh, Canada — you’re not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That’s a joke, right?

Just a few days ago is a bit pissed off right about now:

Canada’s major media predicted victory for Conservative leader Stephen Harper in national elections Monday night, an outcome that was expected to push Canada to the right and lead to improved ties with the U.S.
There were cheers at the Conservative Party headquarters in Calgary as the media predictions were announced. Harper was expected to give his victory speech later in the night.

Shortly after polling stations closed, the country’s major news outlets including the Canadian Broadcast Corp. and the Canadian Press news agency called the election for the the Conservatives, who were expected to win seats for the first time in French-speak Quebec and make significant gains in the Liberal stronghold of Ontario.

With only 36 seats still uncounted, the Conservatives had either won or were leading with 105 seats; the Liberals had 91; the Bloc Quebecois had 49 and the New Democratic Party had won or were leading with 23 seats. The Green Party and an Independents appeared to have the other seats.

Either way you look at it, while not a majority win for the Conservatives, it’s still a win. Will Harper be able to change the Government drastically, no. But it’s a step in the right direction for a country that has gone downhill ever since the liberals took power.

Can’t wait to see the first Bush/Harper meeting.

Ed Morrissey has been live blogging the elections here. His post 30 minutes ago pretty much sums it up:

9:39 – Right now I’d say that the Tories will wind up with about 25 more seats than the Liberals when all is said and done, maybe a couple less. Based on the polls done before the election, that’s a better showing than I expected for the Liberals, but there is still no doubt that tonight has been a debacle for Martin and his party. How they could allow the Tories to outpoll them by such a wide margin in Quebec will be the big question of this election. The CPC has taken 36.3% share of the vote, about 5 points up on the Liberals, which is about where SES Research had the election.

10:07 – The numbers have been pretty steady for the last ten to fifteen minutes, 123-102 Tories to Libs. It moves one to two seats each way every couple of moments, but it looks like that’s the spread we’ll see. How galling it will be to Paul Martin that losing his grip on Quebec made the difference in this election — that was a potential 20-seat swing.

Mike’s America has this to say

The election of Harper is also a partial repudiation of the socialist experiment that the Liberal Party has imposed on Canada these last twelve years. Canadian columnist Mark Steyn pointed out that the detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba get better health care than most Candadians.

Other’s Blogging:

Either way you look at it, while not a majority win for the Conservatives, it’s still a win. Will Harper be able to change the Government drastically, no. But it’s a step in the right direction for a country that has gone downhill ever since the liberals took power.

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BC – Best friends? Since when? Don’t think many of us give a second thought to Canada since it’s such a insignificant country…if that’s your defination of “best friend” then so be it.

Yeah, the US is so hard up for cash we “stole” it from you….sigh.

Watch it man, your gonna scare us Americans with that tough talk from Canadians…. :thumbup_tb:

Just face it lefty….ur side lost, again. Deal with it.

One blogger (I cant remember the site) said it succintly…..Countries with leaders that are anti-war, anti-Bush are getting their collective asses kicked.

huh, go figure

Now that we’re best friends again, can we get that $5 billion dollars back you stole?

Our conservatives are going to be a lot tougher on the U.S. than those wimpy liberals ever were. The fact that Martin couldn’t get the softwood lumber tariffs back was a factor in his defeat. He looked weak.

That makes TWO of our Western “allies” that have recently changed from anti-US to pro-US governments.

Had the outcome been the other way, we’d be in for a slew of media stories about the international mood turning against Bush.

A prize goes to the first person to spot a story in the lamestream media that suggests the international tide is turning FOR Bush.

Hmm, wonder if the liberals will demand a recount? Or maybe they will just say it was all fixed.