Wow! Just wow! This post by Cassandra at Villainous Company is a MUST READ. Do not wait, go read it now. A better analysis of the present state of affairs you will not find:
[…]In an even more tenuous argument, the war itself was justified but since the administration failed to foresee every contingency that ensued, ?poor management? has now caused those who formerly supported it to withdraw their support.
When in all of history was a war perfectly prosecuted? By the argument of the Dummitudinous, World Wars I and II were morally bankrupt conflicts. The internment of German and Japanese citizens by FDR delegitimized our participation in WWII. If only we had allowed Hitler to exterminate those annoying Jews[…]
[…]Iraq invaded another country and we barely summoned the votes to respond. The Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan-authored law resolving that Saddam needed to go in 1998, yet Democrats are still arguing over whether deposing him was “the right thing to do”.
Iran has not invaded any of its neighbors. It has not tried to assassinate one of our Presidents. It has not abetted a terrorist attack on our soil. It has not used WMDs. It does not have a 12-year history of violating UN sanctions. Yet the Dummitudinous somehow argue the Iraq war is ‘diverting valuable resources’ away from the Iranian threat (the exact same threat that Iraq posed for over twelve years, yet we did not attack Iraq solely based on the threat of nuclear weapons). What resources?
In what universe do they think we would ever summon the will to respond militarily to Iran? In the unlikely event we did manage to achieve consensus on such a momentous decision, the Dummitudinous would be the first to begin unravelling it at the corners.
Don’t know what Dummitude is? You have to read it to find out.

See author page
Very well written and put together. Pretty much tied the whole left up in one post.
Yes, that is a good read and very well put. I’ve thought along the same lines, and Cassandra crystallizes it beautifully.