After wondering if Osama was still alive yesterday he releases a tape (wonder if he is reading Flopping Aces in his cave) where he states he wants to attack us once again…..the Democrats may have forgotten this but us Republicans have not, so we are obviously not surprised.?
Al-Jazeera aired an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden on Thursday, saying al-Qaida is making preparations for attacks in the United States but offering a truce to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan.
The voice on the tape said heightened security measures in the United States are not the reason there have been no attacks there since the Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackings.
Instead, the reason is “because there are operations that need preparations, and you will see them,” he said.
“Based on what I have said, it is better not to fight the Muslims on their land,” he said. “We do not mind offering you a truce that is fair and long-term. … So we can build Iraq and Afghanistan … there is no shame in this solution because it prevents wasting of billions of dollars … to merchants of war.”
The speaker did not give conditions for a truce in the excerpts aired by the Arab broadcaster.
Talk about making excuses for their failure’s in Iraq and Afghanistan.? Plus, if you check out the history of these organizations, when a truce is offered it usually means they are having a bit of trouble and wishing to buy time.? Thankfully Bush is office, he wont buy it and he wont give them any time.?
There is only one party that has a Culture Of Capitualation, and thats the Democratic party.
There is only one party that has a Culture Of Capitualation, and thats the Democratic party.

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The Jawa Report
Al-Qaeda Blinks? Threatens more Attacks….
Al-Jazeera has aired portions of an audiotape they claim is from Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden claims that America will be attacked and have not attacked the US because they are not ready.(AP via Breitbart) :”because there are operations that……