Im sure you’ve heard by now about the lawsuit filed against President Bush re: those LEGAL wiretaps.? But did you know the background of one of those filing the lawsuit?? Betcha don’t.? Here is Dafydd from Big Lizards to the rescue:
One surprising side point is the identity of one of the plaintiffs:
At a news conference, Center for Constitutional Rights Legal Director Bill Goodman portrayed the president as a man on an unprecedented power grab at the expense of basic democratic principles.
He said the public was starting to understand the assertion that the erosion of individual rights is a slippery slope that lets the government “brand anyone a terrorist with no right to counsel, no right to be brought before a judge and no right to privacy in communications….”
Plaintiff Rachel Meeropol, an attorney at the center, said she believes she has been targeted. “I’m personally outraged that my confidential communication with my clients may have been listened to by the U.S. government,” she said.
And who is Rachel Meeropol? Well, mentions only that she’s “at the forefront of national civil rights litigation,” mentions some of her lawsuits against America, and notes that:
In addition, Meeropol is the co-vice president of the New York City chapter of the National Lawyers Guild; a co-editor and primary author of the Jailhouse Lawyers Handbook, a reference guide for prisoners without an attorney to learn their rights; and the editor of America’s Disappeared: Secret Imprisonment, Detainees, and the “War on Terror.”
Her profile from Equal Justice Works adds one tantalizing hint to the above:
Rachel’s interest in prisoners’ rights work stems from her family’s firsthand experience with the destructive impact of the criminal “justice” system on communities and individuals.
But you only find out Rachel Meeropol’s actual claim to fame by turning to the ultra-leftist groups that have no interest in dissembling such a fine pedigree as hers. For example, a broadcast by Democracy Now:
The Rosenberg Execution 50 Years Later
A Democracy Now! special with Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s sons Robert and Michael Meeropol, granddaughter Rachel Meeropol and co-defendant Morton Sobell.
(Hat tip to the blog Sweetness and Light, and to my friend Lee Porter for calling it to my attention.)
So “her family’s firsthand experience with the destructive impact of the criminal ‘justice’ system on communities and individuals” consists of being tried for, convicted of, and executed for passing the secret of the atom bomb to the Soviet Union. Yes, I can definitely see how that might tend to have a “destructive impact.”
Dont you just love the people the left decides to sleep with?

See author page
I wasn’t aware that a member of that family was among the plaintiff’s… Thanks to Ann for posting this!