This is just beyond idiocy:
SHARPSBURG, N.C. — More than eight years ago, a man named Abner Nicholson gunned down the police chief of Sharpsburg. Since then, a picture of Nicholson hung in the police department — until now. The sister of the slain lawman says taking down Nicholson’s picture is an insult to her brother’s memory.
“They’ve not forgotten my brother, which makes me feel good,” said Wayne Hathaway’s sister, Monica Worsham. “But I don’t want them to forget who took him from us”
Worsham is livid that town officials removed the picture of the man who killed her brother in 1997. The snapshot of Nicholson had been posted on the bulletin board in the police station lobby with the captions “don’t ever forget this face” and “dead man walking.”? Sharpsburg’s new mayor, Sheila Williams, objected to the picture and the caption.
“This was told to me when she first took office — that picture is coming down,” said Worsham.
Williams was in her office and refused to comment. Other town commissioners say they consider the picture removal a closed matter and didn’t want to talk about it.
“Yeah, it should have come down,” said Sharpsburg resident Cynthia Cherry. “It should have never been put up.”
Cherry backed City Hall on this one.
“Why have a picture?” she asked. “Why would anyone want to be reminded of a man they call a murderer?”
“I kind of liked it up there, because it was like…we’re not going to forget who took away the chief,” said Worsham. “That’s the way I see it.”
Nicholson was convicted in 1998 and sentenced to die for the murders of his wife and Hathaway. He is a resident of death row in Central Prison.
It’s a racial slur to have a the killer of a police officer picture up on a wall to serve as a reminder?? So if the killer had been white then it would have been ok to keep that picture up?
It wouldn’t be up on that wall to serve as a reminder to the community that a hero died protecting their community and this is the person who killed him, would it?? No, it’s up on that wall so they can show a black man in a bad light….those eeeeviiiiillllll police.

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Some people would think like that. Let it have been one of your family members or great friends.And see what you would have done. This killing for the family of Blue had nothing to do with Race. When people see that maybe then they can see that this was a way for those officers left behind to come to terms with what happened. Get a grip people. A man gave his life to help a lady, remind you that was black, not white. Did he think about what color she was when he walked in her house never to walk back out. I think not. Those officers had alot to deal with when the chief was killed in cold bloody murder. Think how you would have dealt with it. It was a reminder to them what happened and what could happen to them daily. I dont see you giving your life to keep this world a little bit safer. And quit trying to make Race out of something that was far from that. Compassion goes along way. Those officers dealt with that the best way they knew had too. Take it from someone who knows in more ways than one. So shut your mouth people and get a grip on reality.
On July 16, 1997 around 11:00 pm myself and another officer chased Abner Nicholson into the corn field when we responded to the domestic between Abner and his wife not knowing Abner will murder my Chief the very next morning. As you can see by the date on my comment I have not and will not ever forget Chief Hathaway who was a good friend of mine nor will I ever forget the face that was on the wall of the Police Department for so many years. I think it is a shame that race always has to be heard when there is a difference in skin color. Posting the photo of Abner Nicholson was placed there for all of us to look at, to see the man who had affected so many lives, to see the man who killed our friend, and to be reminded that our job is dangerous. Why would the Mayor feel so compelled to order the police department to take it down? I just don’t understand. Some people either have forgotten how much we were affected by this or they just don’t care. Maybe this is a case of political correctness.