Something curious about the recent news I have been blogging about since yesterday. First there was the news that a researcher believes the latest Al-Qaeda video is a sign that an attack on US soil is imminent in the next 30 days:
The recently released video message from al Qaeda?s number two leader is part of a pattern that signals a countdown to a major terrorist attack within the next 30 days, warns a Washington D.C.-based analyst.
The new video was aired by the Qatar-based al-Jazeera satellite network on Jan. 6. In it Ayman al-Zawahiri portrays U.S. government discussion of troop withdrawal from Iraq as a victory for Islam.
?If your forces with all its aircraft, missiles, tanks and fleets are moaning, bleeding and looking for an escape from Iraq, then will the hypocrites, conspirators, infidels (the Iraqi government) resist what the ?greatest power in the world? has failed to resist?? al-Zawahiri asked.
But it is not the content of the video that is a sign of a possible imminent strike, said terrorism expert Christopher L. Brown. Instead, it is the timing of the video that is consistent with previous patterns. Brown, a researcher with a Washington think tank, has briefed members of Congress and senior administration officials on key threats, and he has prepared testimony and briefing materials for officials at the Department of Defense, State Department, CIA, National Security Council and the White House.
Then the news that 3 Algerians were arrested in Italy with plans to attack US Stadiums:
ROME – Three Algerians arrested in an anti-terrorist operation in southern Italy are suspected of being linked to a planned new series of attacks in the United States, Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu said Friday.
The attacks would have targeted ships, stadiums or railway stations in a bid to outdo the September 11, 2001 strikes by Al-Qaeda in New York and Washington which killed some 2,700 people, Pisanu said.
Finally the news that Middle Eastern men have been buying bulkloads of disposible phones:
Jan. 12, 2006 ? Federal agents have launched an investigation into a surge in the purchase of large quantities of disposable cell phones by individuals from the Middle East and Pakistan, ABC News has learned.
The phones ? which do not require purchasers to sign a contract or have a credit card ? have many legitimate uses, and are popular with people who have bad credit or for use as emergency phones tucked away in glove compartments or tackle boxes. But since they can be difficult or impossible to track, law enforcement officials say the phones are widely used by criminal gangs and terrorists.
What’s happening 30 days from when the video was released Jan 6th?
The Superbowl.
Dinah in the comment section reminded me about this news a few days ago:
Alexandria, VA–The Highway Watch? program’s Highway ISAC has issued a formal Be On the Lookout (BOLO) requesting assistance from members of the trucking and law enforcement community to assist in identifying a person of interest with connection to several reported incidents in the southeastern United States.
The BOLO relates to a series of reports from truck drivers involving suspicious activities by what is believed to be the same person. In three separate incidents truck drivers reported an individual asking several questions about tank truck deliveries and operations. The individual in question is also reported to have video taped tank truck operations and deliveries as well as taken photographs of tanker equipment. Law enforcement has requested assistance in ascertaining the identity or whereabouts of the person in question.
“The Highway ISAC is working with the Southwest Florida Terrorism Task Force to help resolve the situation as soon as possible,” said Don L. Rondeau, Director of the Highway ISAC. “The Highway Watch? is happy to lend our assistance and we look forward to helping law enforcement get to the bottom of these incidents.”
Under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Highway Watch? trains highway professionals to identify and report safety and security concerns on our Nation’s roads. The program prepares hundreds of thousands of transportation professionals to respond in the event they or their cargo are the target of a terrorist attack and to share valuable intelligence with Homeland Security if they witness potential threats.
When a security call is made to the Highway Watch? hotline, a report of the incident is forwarded to the Highway Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Highway ISAC) where a team of transportation security professionals assess and analyze the report. Incidents that may pose a threat to national security are then shared with government intelligence officials and other law enforcement agencies. Highway Watch? links trained transportation professionals with first responders, law enforcement and the intelligence community via TSA’s Transportation Security Operations Center.
It’s mighty curious how much activity is showing up at the moment. All these pieces of the puzzle seem to be related to me but maybe its just my tinfoil hat.
Sandy emailed me with this information on the recent theft of an explosives mixing truck:
On 11/18/05 The Highway ISAC distributed a BOLO that detailed the theft of an explosive mixing truck from an explosives company in Tennessee. The truck was stolen on 11/17/05. Research and analysis conducted by the Highway ISAC with support from law enforcement and The FBI indicates that there was also theft of a trailer from a Georgia based Explosives Company on (11/6/05 -11/07/5). While no known terrorist nexus exist, it is known that the truck stolen from the explosives company on 11/17/05 is an unregistered truck that is not typically driven on the Highway. This type of truck is reportedly geared low so as to reach a top speed of 35 miles per hour. Generally a trailer is used to transport this type of truck from job site to job site where it is then used to mix, transport and deposit an explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel for strip mining operations. The Highway ISAC is updating the BOLO for the purpose of alerting the Highway Community to the occurrence of two separate thefts from explosive operations within a two-week timeframe that are within the same geographical region. The ISAC stresses that there is no known terrorism nexus associated with the distribution of the initial BOLO and the subsequent update. The description of the trailer stolen is as follows; A drop-deck, gooseneck trailer was reported stolen from a Georgia explosive company in Douglasville, Georgia on or about 11/06/05 Douglasville police report # 05-138-97 (770-920-3010). Serial # 4LF4S442443510446, GA license plate # TL854H8
It occurred a few months ago but taken with all the other recent activity it definately should not be discounted as being connected.
A commentor reminded me about the geography of the Superbow. Look at how close the game will be to the Canadian border:
What better geography then this for an attack on the Superbowl?
You know there is a large muslim community in a city when you find 15….yes 15 mosques within 10 miles of Ford Field.
Another point I have been thinking about is that according to experts on the Muslim faith, they must first give the unbeliever a chance to convert or a chance to live in peace prior to a jihad or attack:
May 13, 2004 – According to Iranian columnist Hamid Golpira explains that Muslims must first give non-Muslims a chance to convert, then they must give them a chance to live in peace even though they don’t convert. Otherwise, Jihad is necessary.
Would Osama’s recent message be considered giving us a chance? It appears he was saying that they would abide by a truce, which would be their effort to give us a chance to live in peace. Since we did not take him up on the offer he may now feel he has done his duty under his faith to attack us.
Then there is this report:
“One of the great intellectual failures of the American intelligence community, and especially the counterterrorism community, is to assume if someone hasn’t attacked us, it’s because he can’t or because we’ve defeated him,” says Scheuer. “Bin Laden has consistently shown himself to be immune to outside pressure. When he wants to do something, he does it on his own schedule.”
“You’ve written no one should be surprised when Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda detonate a weapon of mass destruction in the United States,” says Kroft. “You believe that’s going to happen?”
“I don’t believe in inevitability. But I think it’s pretty close to being inevitable,” says Scheuer.
A nuclear weapon? “A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it’s actually a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb, or some kind of radiological device,” says Scheuer. “Yes, I think it’s probably a near thing.”
After Sept. 11, Scheuer says bin Laden was criticized by Muslim clerics for launching such a serious attack without sufficient warning. That has now been given. And he says bin Laden has even obtained a fatwa, or Islamic decree, justifying a nuclear attack against the United States on religious grounds.
“He secured from a Saudi sheik named Hamid bin Fahd a rather long treatise on the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Americans. Specifically, nuclear weapons,” says Scheuer. “And the treatise found that he was perfectly within his rights to use them. Muslims argue that the United States is responsible for millions of dead Muslims around the world, so reciprocity would mean you could kill millions of Americans.”
I know most people are saying this is too far-fetched but Al-Qaeda likes to do the unthinkable. No one would have EVER guessed 9/11. That is why it shocked us so badly. Why is it so hard to believe that the biggest sporting event in the states would be a target?
The security would be a huge obstacle but anything can be breached if your willing to give up your life for it.
But there may be another possibility….Al-Qaeda knows that a huge amount of resources will be diverted to this event, which would make other targets in other cities a very tempting target. It would be easier for them plus they know that 100’s of millions of people will be watching their tv’s.
Great post by Erick over at Free Republic that deals with all the different threads of information that point to the Superbowl being a target of Al-Qaeda:
Let?s assume for the moment that the latest audiotape of Bin laden is not, as many have opined, simply an attempt to make himself relevant as he sees the methodical dismantling of his Al-Qaeda terrorist network. Instead, let?s assume for the moment that there is something to his bravado. That he isn?t just bluffing. But that the long-feared worst-case scenario has been achieved by his cohorts: that Al-Qaeda now has in its possession a dirty bomb. And more importantly, that this bomb is now in the targeted geographical location awaiting simply the designated hour for its detonation. Is that an unrealistic assumption? If only it were.
Notice that I didn?t say that the bomb was already in the United States. Because on Feb. 6, 2006 it won?t have to be in the US in order to kill 10?s of thousands of Americans while the whole world is watching. For on that date, Superbowl XL will take place in Detroit, MI at the new home of the Detroit Lions, Ford Field. What has yet to garnish any media attention is the fact that this will be the first time since 9/11 that such a high-profile event with such a concentration of Americans will take place so close to one of our borders.
Ford Field is located less than 2,300 yds from Canada. The Expo Center which will host the NFL Experience for families and children, is located directly on the riverfront, less than 700 yds from the Canadian shore. Windsor hotels and casinos will be jammed packed with thousands of American tourists from every state. The tunnel and bridge connecting the two countries will be at a crawl, cars and buses bumper to bumper along their entire stretch. The game itself will be broadcast live around the world. Even our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will be tuning in.
Do we even need to pose the question whether Al-Qaeda would see this as a perfect target? There are indications that previous Superbowls may have been unsuccessfully targeted. During the 2003 Superbowl in Houston a Continental flight (CO 1519) from DC to Houston was cancelled at the last minute due to intercepted chatter mentioning the flight number. The plane was due to arrive in Houston mid-way through the third quarter. The 2002 Superbowl in New Orleans was completely swept for bombs, although this was not reported until later.
And then recently, on October 1, 2005, an Oklahoma University student blew himself up outside the UO stadium which was packed with 84,000 fans. The act was ruled a suicide unrelated to terrorism, although a secondary device was exploded by authorities and his apartment was found loaded with explosive chemicals known to be used by Al-Qaeda. The student, Joel Hinrichs , also had been active at the Norman, OK mosque also frequented by other known terrorists. And his roommate, from Pakistan, had purchased an airline ticket to Algeria. The roommate was interviewed and released.
Then on Dec. 23, 2005 three Algerian terrorists were arrested in Italy. The Turkish Press reported that plans to blow up US stadiums and other targets were found in their possession. Is there a possible connection between the bombing in Oklahoma and these arrests? It seems probable.
One theory is that Hinrichs actually was in the process of arming a bomb with the intention on killing hundreds along with himself, but that the bomb accidentally detonated. Another theory is that he unknowingly was used as a guinea pig by this terrorist cell as a trial run in preparation for a much larger-scale attack.
And then there is the continued search for Adnan El Shukrijumah, who is thought to be to the next terrorist attack on US soil, what Mohammed Atta was to 9/11. He is thought to be the one organizing the whole operation. The Washington Times reported the following in 2003:
A key al Qaeda terrorism suspect was in Canada looking for nuclear material for a “dirty bomb,” The Washington Times has learned. Adnan El Shukrijumah is being sought by the FBI and CIA in connection with a plot to detonate a dirty bomb ? a conventional explosive laced with radioactive material. According to an FBI informant, El Shukrijumah was spotted last year in Hamilton, Ontario, posing as a student at McMaster University, which has a 5-megawatt research reactor. U.S. officials believe El Shukrijumah, whose photograph was posted on the FBI’s Web site in March, was in Hamilton trying to obtain radioactive material??.U.S. intelligence officials said earlier this year that al Qaeda planned to detonate a dirty bomb inside the United States, a plot directed by Mohammed. According to the officials, the al Qaeda members were sent to North America and assigned with making the bomb from materials acquired there, rather than trying to smuggle conventional explosives and radioactive material into the United States.
According to World Net Daily: ?Adnan el Shukrijumah, a trained nuclear technician and accomplished pilot, has been singled out by bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri to serve as the field commander for the next terrorist attack on U.S. soil, a nuclear event that is known among al-Qaida planners as “the American Hiroshima??.At McMaster, where they may have enrolled under aliases, el-Shukrijumah and his associates reportedly wasted no time in gaining access to the nuclear reactor and stealing more than 180 pounds of nuclear waste for the creation of radiological bombs.?
El Shukrijumah is still on the loose, and his whereabouts are unknown. But he is thought to be either in Florida or, get this, Canada.
If he indeed is in Canada, and if he has succeeded in his mission to assemble a dirty bomb, then the only thing stopping him from detonating it is the arrival of the designated hour. He also is an accomplished pilot who successfully high-jacked a plane in Mexico in 2004. And guess where he got his training? That?s right, Norman, OK.
So now, back to Bin Laden?s message. The following are excerpts from the actual transcript. He repeatedly indicates the imminency of an attack. Especially troubling is the phrase, ?days and nights will not go by.? I am not an authority on Arabic, but this phrase seems to indicate something is going to happen soon?very soon.
In fact, reports indicate that the defeat and devastating failure of the ill-omened plan of the four – Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz – and the announcement of this defeat and working it out, is only a matter of time, which is to some extent linked to the awareness of the American people of the magnitude of this tragedy.
Days and nights will not go by until we take revenge as we did on 11 September, God willing
And then he specifically references our boastful dependence on ?modern weapons? which he contends will ultimately cause us to ?lose the war.?
“Do not be deluded by your power and modern weapons. Although they win some battles, they lose the war.”
Then twice he indicates that our defenses have been breached and that the operation is well underway.
“On the other hand, the mujahideen, praise be to God, have managed to breach all the security measures adopted by the unjust nations of the coalition time and again.” “As for the delay in carrying out similar operations in America, this was not due to failure to breach your security measures. Operations are under preparation, and you will see them on your own ground once they are finished, God willing.”
Then he concludes with this almost Messianic phrase as if it is directed at a specific chosen person.
“We will remain patient in fighting you, God willing, until the one whose time has come dies first. We will not escape the fight as long as we hold our weapons in our hands.”
Is Bin Laden referring to Adnan El Shukrijumah? Is it possible that his ?time has come? and that Bin Laden?s message is intended to not only take advance credit for the attack, but also as a message to El Shukrijumah to proceed with it?
It is very possible, even probable, that the real reason for no attack on US soil since 9/11 is that they have been patiently awaiting the right timing to pull off the perfect sequel to 9/11. No one knows what that ?perfect sequel? would be for Al-Qaeda. But no one would argue against the probability that an event like the Superbowl would be near the top of the list. Six years ago Detroit was named as the host for the Superbowl. Since then Al-Qaeda terrorists have been in Ontario, stolen nuclear waste, and have disappeared. Their leader is an accomplished pilot and has already successfully high-jacked a small plane. His mission to attack the US with nuclear weapons, specifically dirty bombs, is a very real threat.
Unfortunately, for whatever reason the vast majority of Americans and Canadians have no idea who he is and the threat he poses. I believe that his name, picture and the video of him needs to be broadcast in both countries wherever possible. The White House and The Department of Homeland Security have often said that the greatest defense against terrorism is an alert and informed community. It is important that the word of this potential threat be spread with the hopes that El Shukrijumah could be apprehended before his mission is accomplished. Whether it be the Superbowl in Detroit or some other target.
A poster on FR is stating that a relative has been told to gather volunteers for a “unspecified” threat for the Superbowl:
E-Mail from a friend who says his mother (Red Cross volunteer) was asked today to try to round up volunteers for a “non-specific” threat on Sunday
Haven’t been able to confirm this yet. Will keep you updated.
Some news on the security in place for the Superbowl
The North American Aerospace Defense Command on Jan. 26 practiced its plan to protect Detroit’s Ford Field from an air attack on Super Bowl Sunday, a concern spawned by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The exercise run by the joint Canadian and American command, which defends North American from missile and air attacks, was hampered by “weather issues” and will be redone next week, Canadian Forces Maj. Darren Steele said.
Hundreds of people, including controllers, fighter pilots, an E-3 Airborne Early Warning and Control System aircraft, several civilian aircraft and air refueling tankers took part in the exercise. Their exercise Feb. 1 will be of the same scale.
“They didn’t get to run through as much as they wanted to, so they thought it’s worth our time and we want to run through it again,” Steele said. “When we do exercises like this, if the weather interferes, we’ll continue until the objectives are met.”
Steele did not say what weaknesses were revealed or what scenarios were practiced during the five-hour exercise.
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, NORAD jets have patrolled the skies through Operation Noble Eagle. Fighters have responded to more than 2,000 air events in the United States and Canada and have flown more than 40,000 sorties.
A commentor posted this information that may be pertinent:
I have a friend that works in the naval branch of intellegence we both live in the detroit area. He has high clearence and was told by a coworker who has higher clearence that everybody is on edge about some meeting they had about superbowl. Obviously I cant post his name, I cant believe that im saying this even but from what I have read here I hope they find these guys before they get chance to do anything. His friend couldnt tell him anything over an open line when they talked by phone, but reiterated that staying away from downtown is probably a good idea!
Erick in the comment section pointed me to this comment left on Debbie Schlussel’s blog:
I cross the border into the States a few times a week in my truck. Usually at Port Huron.
I went across Windsor to Detroit yesterday and observed something. I can drive into Windsor over the bridge and get about 300 feet into America. There were no inspections, cops, border guards, radiation detectors, barricades and even toll collectors. I could have anything in my truck and nobody would ever know until I?m in Detroit when I get to the U.S. border guards. Before I reach them and any type of inspection is done, I looked on my map and realized I am only 3000 feet away from Ford field.
On the radio I kept hearing that the baseball All-Star game was used as a trial run for security. I wonder if someone else also used it as a trial run to check out security?
Now THAT is some scary news.

See author page
Thanks again Curt…great site.
I just want to officially go on record as saying that I don’t think anything is going to happen at the Superbowl. 🙂
now the Olympics…that’s another story!!
Too bad…
they won’t be able to attend
Pittsburgh’s party…
all the President’s men
will be attending a funeral today.
btw… the Mexico clinic
where King died has been closed.
Presidents Expected at King’s Funeral
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — President Bush and three former presidents are among the 10,000 people
expected to attend Coretta Scott King’s funeral Tuesday in suburban Atlanta.
Bush, his father and former Presidents Carter and Clinton will be on hand…
Atossa signing off…
Erick – Sounds like the Government had the whole thing under control, along with those who run the Superbowl. Good news all the way around, thanks for all the good reporting.
Terrie- You are very welcome, glad to have ya.
Thanks Curt, for this space. Thanks all, for the info & letting me vent. And thank GOD! Wonder what the score was? (kidding)
We will find out in the next day or so if anything biological was sprayed.
Something as simple as a bic lighter can hold enough bio matter to infect 100s or more.
There was a lot of fog used during the game which kept me awake! 🙂
I’m glad nothing notable happened! 🙂
Still alive over here.
Half time…so far so good. Nothing to note worth worrying about.
Im just a random norwegian who found this topic by a google search, because i have been wondering what the last bin laden video was about.
Its kinda disconcerting that there is so few news about the terrorist target aspect of sporting events like the superbowl or the upcoming olympic games in italy.
Fingers crossed that the fears are unfounded.
Actually, the news of the guy that escaped broke early Saturday, maybe even Friday night. I beleive Fox News was carrying it Saturday morning.
While I am quite concerned about what could happen, sometimes I think we give too much credit to OBL and AQ. If you think about it, 9/11 represented one of the greatest attacks that involved nearly a decade of planning. Yet, when it was actually carried out, from an operational standpoint, it was hardly a success. Of the four planes we know about, only two actually hit their primary target (supposedly, the White House was the planned target of the plane that hit the Pentagon). Rumor has it at least four other planes were supposed to have been involved but were called off. Even the two planes that hit the twin towers initially resulted in relatively few deaths (probably in the low 100’s) — it was structural/engineering shortcomings combined with general unpreparedness that actually resulted in the collapse of the buildings and thousands killed. In other words, the so-called AQ “success” was really the result of a chain of events that they did not foresee or plan for. If it were a legitimate military operation, it probably would have been considered a failure.
I am in no way attempting to minimize the tragedy of 9/11. Without a doubt that was an attack that changed our nation – even the world. I am also in no may trying to minimize the heroic efforts of those involved.
My point is that we need to have faith in those charged with protecting us and NOT give in to terrorist thugs. If we put our lives on hold and live in constant fear, then the terrorsits will have won. Let’s keep the faith! 🙂
Here’s the stuff that upsets me. Just 4 hours ago I woke up at 6am, checked the news, made that post to Terrie, then went back to bed until just now (10 am pacific) and HERE’s a little snippet we haven’t heard anything about until the past couple of hours:
The guy that’s responsible for blowing up the USS Cole along with 23 others escaped from a prison in France on Friday.
Is there some reason why that news didn’t come out before half the stadium is probably already filled?
Is there a way to check to see how many incoming flights from France to Canada/US have come in since Friday?
The guys escaped trough a tunnel that was dug by outside support. Think how easy it would have been for them to clean them up,stick a flight ticket and passport in their hand and rush them off to a plane?
Geez. I know this is farfetched and I doubt it happened but the fact this news was kept away from us is just WRONG and as I said before it’s the SILENCE that’s making ME suspicious.
Curt, If you think I’m crazy why is everyone so worried about an attack? If our “regime” is so great, there shouldnt even be a worry??? Ya?
And there’s also some nutty guy who was on the PowerHour shortwave radio show who claims the “Illuminati” staged the following series of events leading up to a nuclear explosion at the Superbowl;
1. A man-made disaster – 9/11
2. A hurricane would be steered into a U.S. city and destroy it – Katrina
3. Israelis would give land back to the Palestinians
4. The Steelers would make it to the Superbowl and it would be nuked shortly after halftime.
You can listen to the audio clips of this guy here and make up your own mind;
Superbowl Steve Clips
AlQaida is ready, they know us. We are ansolutely idiotic fat and lazy, here is where the tunnel is published:
Which begs the question. If they DID have strong evidence, were working on the problem but, had not solved it. Would they make the announcement regarding something this big and the obvious backlash it could cause if nothing happens?
Just sayin’.
Maybe a terrorist would think just detonating a small bomb would get spectators attention. After that, it would be all hell breaking loose. It would turn into a human stampeed. If that was to happen, how would that situation be handled?
Just an iteresting observation:
Marine Corps Reservists plan downtown exercises
U.S. Marine Corps Reservists will hold routine exercises from 5 a.m. today until 3 a.m. Sunday at the Madison Building and Promenade Park in downtown Toledo.
During the exercises, the Marines will wear green camouflage uniforms, operate military vehicles, carry rifles, perform foot patrols, and may fire blank ammunition. The exercises are designed to enhance the Reservists’ proficiency in urban operations.
People are asked to maintain a 30-yard distance from the Reservists, a city spokesman said.
Well, somehow I turned my entire post into a link.
(Fixed it…..Curt)
One theory that I heard was the possibility of a terrorist shooting off a missle of some sort with a dirty bomb attached. If this was shot over the stadium, it could be a real mess. I really hope our agents are doing everything to secure the area within a good radius of the stadium. Another possibility would be the distribution of some kind of deadly spores. There are going to be people from all over the country at the stadium. If a disease was released, it could be carried back to all the towns/cities that the spectators live. Lastly, I have heard talk of another subway bombing or poisoning. Anything could happen or nothing could happen. I’d be pleased if we could all just go back to the good ol days before all this terrorism, but I’m convinced that the world will never be the same and we are going to have to get used to it. Much the same way we have expected Israel to for all these years.
I’m not sure how they would pull it off though. The streets around the stadium are blocked off everywhere, there is a security fence 300 feet around the staduim, and all trucks going in and out for deliveries, etc are screened through a special radiation detection device. I really don’t think they would risk trying something at such a secure event. I think a better chance would be them pulling something off in another big city while the super bowl was on, they would still get all the viewers they want. It wouldn’t be as dramatic but still would disrupt our biggest non holiday day of the year. Saying all that though, I still don’t think anything will happen.
Look, everyone just get the hell out of the windsor/detroit area atleast 7 hours away by car. there will be an attack on the superbowl on sunday.
As for the other comments about a possible attack being from the sky, I highly doubt thats what there intentions are this time. They know that we’ll have that covered. If the stolen mixing truck and and all the other info is related it sounds more to me that they plan on driving and tanker filled with fuel as a conventional explosive and adding the radioactive material to it for the dirtybomb effect. They could blow that thing anywhere nearby canada or Detroit and great effects, far greater than with 9/11. Way more poeple in the area for this event like others have stated!
Hi all…
I live in the Detroit area, and will also be on the field during the halftime show.
I’m conflicted… should I attend or not?
On one hand, the talk of this increased chatter and coincidences and “perfect event to make a statement to the watching world” definitely make me concerned.
But on the other hand.. it seems like there’s always similar speculation, increased chatter, and convenient coincidences before a large holiday, sporting event, etc here in the states.
Sure, the superbowl seems to all of us to be a perfect oppty for AQ to attack… but if so, does that catch the world off guard like all of the other attacks that have occured?
I live 30 miles from Detroit and am concerned of a possible terrorist attack. Does anyone know of an antidode to the antrax or other virus?
Thanks for your help,
Carl G.
Hi, I would just like to add my 2 cents. I thought I heard OBL mentioned something about Rome in his speech. If that is the case, My town is 20 miles from Ford Field and we are the sister city to Rome. We are named after Romulus, from the Romulus and Remus stories. Also we are the home to Detroit Metropolitan Airport. So I think there might be real concern. But thats just my 2 cents.
It might be a good idea if some of you actually read what OBL said for yourselves. Im sure that would clear much up.
Canada, yes we play dumb while following the terrorists, inform the Americans just before they approach the boarder and let the Americans grab them, remember, you torture, we dont.
The 9-11 terrorists were legally in the US and did not come from Canada.
OBL did as much as say they were ready to strike the US, even on time, as he is usually 5 years between attacks. He recieved good training in the 80s while in Afganistan. What ever happened to the Stingers?
Oh great. Here I am, 10 weeks pregnant, with a two-year-old living in the Detroit area. So all this, all of these threats, what am I supposed to do? Should I be packing my family up and moving away for the rest of the week? I am very scared.
Someone told me that a person who works for cia told haer that 3 ampules of some kind of virus were stolen and that they could be used to take them to the super bowl next sunday she told me that he told her to tell all her family and friends to leave detroit and move to a hotel as far as 2 hours away because this virus is lethal. she couldnt give me more specifics but it really frigghtens me to think about it it supposed to be an airborne virus. I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR AN ALLERT ON THE WEB SHE SAYS THAT THE CIA GUY TOLD HER THERE IS ONE . hAVE YOU HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT IT.I live in detroit and I am seriously about to take her advise and leave next sunday up to pennsylvania or chicago far away from it.
Wow, you guys are scaring me! I live in Dearborn, which is a hop, skip and jump from Downtown Detroit. The thought has crossed my mind about all this, but now that I see other people are thinking the same thing. Whew!!!
It would be a perfect target, it could destroy alot of things, Bridge, tunnel, Auto industry (which is already on a downswing), The Automotive industry is all over this area, World Headquarters, GM is right downtown, we have plants down there….Do you realize how many people will be in the area, its already getting crowded around here…cant imagine how it will be next weekend!
I too have been very concerned. It could be a nuclear device placed anywhere within the vicinity, or they might hijack another plane knowing we would have to shoot it down ourselves which would be awful. They also could employ explosive vested suicide bombers at parking facilities or in lines at the stadium entrance. Recently like a few weeks ago I heard on the radio news that alot of c-4 explosive compound was stolen from an explosive experts shed in Arizona. Does anyone else know or have more info about this. These terrorists are horrible killers who will go to any length to destroy us. May we be fortunate enough to stop them.
Didn’t Osama’s tape refer to Americans seeing in their homes what will happen, as soon as it happens? Won’t many of us be watching the Superbowl and aware of a problem as soon as it happens? Frankly, I’m a little nervous!
Thanks Curt for the welcome. I forgot to mention that Toronto has even a larger Muslim population than Detroit. It is only 3 hours up the road. While living in Canada, I seldom if ever heard news reports on anti-terrorism efforts. What was reported was usually in reference to US abuse at Gitmo, Abu Grahib, etc… I really am nervous to think that we are unwittingly putting are confidence in the Canadian government to protect us in this case. That is what makes this different.
Also, if you go to Toronto or Montreal’s you will see in the rideshare section many people requesting lifts to the US. About two months ago I read one that I couldn’t believe. In broken English someone literally wrote something like “I need help getting into the US. ” talk about bold! Anyways, I haven’t found any other website, news outlet, etc… discussing this potential threat. Has anyone else?
The game itself might not be a target, but what about the sold-out hotels or the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel or Ambassador Bridge? And the Detroit area has one of the largest Arab populations in the country. …perfect for a terrorist to blend in. I would imagine Al Qaeda considered it, at least.
The truck may be designed to do 30 mph, but what if you change out the tractor? Hmm.
Well, just such is what I have been predicting, anyway. The Dems have no recourse to save their own butts but by arraigning another terrorist attack to distract media attention from the Alito confirmation.
It worked for Condit and Cheney in 2001, didn’t it?
I agree it would be very difficult. However, have any of you looked at a MI Map lately?
Check it out
Note how close Canada is to Detroit. Note how much Canadian water they is close to Detroit. Add a boat/ship on Lake Erie or Lake Huron.
Didn’t I hear AQ has missles or access to them? Isn’t Canada lax with their immigation? We have to use our imagination.
This may be tin foil hat but the circumstances in Canada and AQ’s strong desire to do something BIG to the US to show the world may be to strong for them to resist. How many million across the world watch the Super Bowl?
I agree with you Dan, just like Oklahoma where Joel Hinrich attempted to gain entry into a college game but was turned away and blew it up outside instead.
But…this is the biggest game in sports on a worldwide stage. I have no doubt they believe they can do it, but as Dinah stated, post-911 America is much different then before.
Dangerous Dan (great nic)
From your sweet lips to God’s ear…
One of the biggest deterrents to terrorism are reports like these. It shows that somebody is paying attention. (I hope.)
I have not forgotten 9/11 and I pray we never experience that particular brand of terror again.
Cheers – Dinah
Man, I hope that Zawahiri is gonzo alonzo.
If they are targeting the Super Bowl, they’re not very bright (well, I guess we knew that). Security for that game is incredibly tight and there are multi-tiered law enforcement agencies making sure nothing goes wrong. It would be very difficult to get bombs in there or plant a tanker truck nearby. The risk of getting caught compared to the chance of success just isn’t worth it.
They could much more easily target a regular season game somewhere and still get a high number of casualities and shock the world. A normal game at, say, Cleveland, wouldn’t have as much security. Moreover, the security protocols from previous games could be examined and therefore weaknesses can be identified and exploited. Since the Super Bowl only happens once a year, terrorists aren’t going to know what the security situation looks like.