MS-13 Getting Some Much Needed Attention

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MS-13, a gang composed mainly of El Salvadorians has been in the news quite a bit lately due to their recent ultra-violent methods of committing crimes.? They are a gang that bears noticing since they are unlike most of the gangs in the US.

Most gangs splinter because, lets face it, most people in gangs are power hungry, thrill seeking, idiots. Speaking from vast experience the typical gangster cares only how others perceive him, and money. If they feel slighted then violence usually ensues. And while back in the day most of them were men who would fight with their fists and maybe some other tools, nowadays they pull out a gun and start shooting blindly like the REAL cowards they are.

What makes these guys different is they are much better organized. The crips and the bloods are actually larger but splintered into different cliques, who sometime even war against each other. There is no organization.

But MS-13 are better organized and better at military type of engagements since from their founders came from war torn South America.? When I first started patrol I was told many times to watch these guys since they are killers, trained in El Salvador.? They didn’t just watch the latest war movie and come out of the theater believing they can actually engage a well trained individual, unlike the typical gangster who thinks they look cool when they hold a gun sideways.? These guys grew up around warfare.

Nowadays I’m sure most of the founders have been killed or are in jail but the youngsters want to keep the image going.? Where are they getting the training?? Are they going back to El Salvador and getting trained?? Lot’s of questions.

One solution would be to ENFORCE our border laws. Will this happen?? I doubt it.? But at least MS-13 is gaining much needed attention:

In early November, the FBI and Houston police learned that six suspected members of Mara Salvatrucha, a violent Central American gang known as MS-13, were raiding a house on Liberty Street where a rival gang had stashed drugs.

MS-13 – the focus of a nationwide crackdown by FBI and federal immigration agents – has become known in recent years for home invasion robberies, drug dealing and machete attacks on its enemies. But what happened in Houston on Nov. 2, FBI and Houston police officials say, has heightened concerns that MS-13 could be far more dangerous than thought.

The MS-13 suspects swept through the house like a well-trained assault team, using paramilitary tactics including perimeter lookouts, high-powered weaponry (an AK-47 rifle was among the weapons recovered later), and a quick, room-by-room sweep of the house that was notable for its precision and sophistication, Houston police spokesman Alvin Wright says.

When the MS-13 suspects were challenged by authorities, the result was an intense shootout that killed two suspects, identified as Juan Antonio Bautista, 29, and Jose Antonio Pino, 33. The four others were arrested and face an array of state charges, including robbery and assault.

Bob Clifford, who directs the FBI unit created last year to combat MS-13, says the battle symbolized MS-13’s development from a smattering of loosely organized cells across the nation to an increasingly efficient and dangerous organization that has become a significant threat to public safety.

“Our worst suspicions about MS-13 have been confirmed” by the Houston shooting and other recent gang-related incidents, Clifford says.

From low-income neighborhoods in Los Angeles, MS-13 has spread throughout the USA, largely following the migration patterns of immigrants from El Salvador and other Central American nations. With a membership that the FBI estimates could be as high as 10,000, MS-13 is most active in Los Angeles, the Mid-Atlantic, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Clifford says the group also has formed commerce routes across the nation for drug-trafficking operations that often include “theft crews” who steal over-the-counter cough and cold medicines from drugstores. Such medicines, which can be abused or used to make other drugs, are then sold to help finance MS-13 units, Clifford says.

In recent years, MS-13’s reputation as a particularly brutal gang was cemented by a series of incidents, several of them in Northern Virginia. In one, a former MS-13 member who had become a police informant was fatally stabbed and her head almost severed. In another, MS-13 members used a machete to cut off several fingers of a rival gang member.

The Houston shootout, however, raised questions about whether the gang – whose original members in Los Angeles included people with paramilitary training who fled the civil war in El Salvador during the 1980s – is evolving into an organization that is in their image.

The Houston incident sparked an FBI investigation that has reached into El Salvador to try to determine whether MS-13 members are receiving formal training in weapons and military tactics before they come to the USA – often as illegal immigrants.

Clifford says “it would be dangerous to look at MS-13 as just another street gang.”

Yes, it would be dangerous to look at them like that but they CAN be stopped. If our country would learn to stop coddling people like these and put them into jail for LONG sentences that would work a bit right? How about deporting their asses back to where they came from, oops….I’m sorry, law enforcement can’t get involved with INS.

As long as we sit on our hands and LET them walk all over our cities nothing will be solved, and now this:

Mexican alien smugglers plan to pay violent gang members and smuggle them into the United States to murder Border Patrol agents, according to a confidential Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by the Daily Bulletin.

The Officer Safety Alert, dated Dec. 21, warns agents that the smugglers intend to bring members of the international Mara Salvatrucha street gang also known as MS-13 into the country for the deadly mission.

“Unidentified Mexican alien smugglers are angry about the increased security along the U.S./Mexico border and have agreed that the best way to deal with U.S. Border Patrol agents is to hire a group of contract killers,” the alert states.

MS-13, which has a strong base in El Salvador, is considered by the FBI to be one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States, with more than 20,000 members.

Gang members have been found in 33 states and connected to murder, racketeering, assault, rapes and extortion. Last January, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided six cities and made more than 100 arrests of MS-13 gang members.

Intelligence officials last year reported that MS-13 gang members had been linked to terrorists seeking entry into the country.

Meanwhile the Mexican government is upset that we want to enforce our border laws….how dare we!

MEXICO CITY – The governments of five countries of Central America, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Mexico met Monday to join forces against the U.S. plan to build a high security fence along portions of its borders to keep out undocumented immigrants, a goal that many U.S. citizens support.

The [U.S. immigration reform bill]… which would make unlawful presence in the United States, currently a civil offence, a felony…is an affront to Latin America by a government that claims to be our partner, but which apparently only wants our money and our merchandise, and that sees our people as an epidemic.

The foreign ministers and other delegates from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, meeting in Mexico City, criticised the U.S. immigration reform bill that will likely be considered by the Senate in February.

If it is passed, the bill would hurt millions of immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, whose remittances are essential to the economies of their home countries.


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