The Biased AP Poll

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Here we go again.? The AP prints another report based on the already proven biased poll that I reported on yesterday.

WASHINGTON (AP) – A majority of Americans want the Bush administration to get court approval before eavesdropping on people inside the United States, even if those calls might involve suspected terrorists, an AP-Ipsos poll shows.

Over the past three weeks, President Bush and top aides have defended the electronic monitoring program they secretly launched shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, as a vital tool to protect the nation from al-Qaida and its affiliates.

Yet 56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism.

Agreeing with the White House, some 42 percent of those surveyed do not believe the court approval is necessary.

Well, I already showed yesterday how they oversampled Democrats by 12%, but now AnkleBiting Pundits goes well beyond that and showed the other biased methods of polling used by the AP:

First, only 81% of respondents were even eligible to vote, and there’s no indication of how many of them actually went to the polls in 2004..

1. Party Leanings – The poll is slanted 52-40% towards Democrats, even though the voters in the 2004 election were split evenly at 37% between Republicans and Democrats.

2. Religion – Next, a whopping 19% of respondents had “no” religion, while in 2004 only 10% of voters had “no” religion, and they voted overwhelmingly for Kerry (+36%).

3. Age of Respondents In this poll 31% of the respondents were between 18-34, even though the 18-29 year olds (a slightly smaller demo) only made up 17% of the electorate in the 2004 election. I think it’s pretty safe to say that by including 30-34 year olds that number would have come close to the IPSOS sample.

4. Income Level of Respondents – This one is amazing. In this poll 15% of respondents made under $15,000 per year. In 2004, only 8% of voters were in this income bracket, and voted 63-36% for Kerry.

5. Marital Status – In this poll, only 56% of respondents are married. In 2004, 63% of voters were married, and voted 57-42% for Bush.

6. Geography – In this poll, only 17% of respondents were from “rural” areas. In 2004, 25% of voters were from rural areas, and voted 57-42% for Bush.

7. Race – In this poll, there were 71% white respondents and 12% Hispanic respondents. In 2004, 77% of voters were white, and only 8% Hispanic. Bush won the white vote 58-41% and Kerry the Hispanic vote 53-44%.

This poll is worthless.? It has been proven to be a significantly statistically flawed poll and should be discounted by everyone involved.? Only the most ignorant would not see this poll was done the way it was to MAKE news.? Not report it.

But you just know the left will latch on to this like wildfire.? As some have already commented about on my earlier post, this is the reason they are always amazed and shocked when they get their asses handed to them on election day.? They believe these polls and get bit in the ass for it.

Other’s Blogging:

The New Editor, Big Lizards,

This poll is worthless. It has been proven to be a significantly statistically flawed poll and should be discounted by everyone involved. Only the most ignorant would not see this poll was done the way it was to MAKE news. Not report it.

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Maybe they should just make a poll of Howard Dean, John Kerry, Al Gore, Osama Bin Laden, and Ted Kennedy.

Then, multiply the results of their answers by 200 to come up with a “representative sample”.

Now, in this poll, 100% of people did not vote for Bush, 100% of people think America is going in the wrong direction, and 100% of people think Bush should be removed from power, 100% of people think Iraq is a hopeless situation, and 80% of people believed Bush doesn’t do enough for women’s rights. 20% said Bush did too much.

“Only the most ignorant” ACTUALLY CREATE THE POLLS, and much worse, broadly disseminate DEFECTIVE information with impunity. We’re talking about the TOXIC journalism that has hijacked America, I think. It’s about time for detox.