This is rich. Christopher Dickey has written an opinion piece for Newsweek online in which he states that Saddam’s trial is just a show, comparable to the one he gave in 1979 where he executed many a member of his government, and then in the same breath states that Clinton’s impeachment was a farce and Bush has committed crimes against decency. Decency! Yes, you heard that right. Clinton should not have been impeached for committing perjury about his act of oral sex in the White House, with someone who was not his wife. BUT….Bush should be impeached for his crimes against decency.
I do believe these people are from another planet all together:
Jan. 5, 2006 – We ended 2005 in a time of trials–show trials, in fact. Saddam Hussein was in the dock for allegedly ordering massacres in an Iraqi Shiite village.
[…]Show trials are about raw power, of course, not blind justice. They?re spectacles put on by winners to humiliate losers, cover up other crimes and intimidate the opposition. Nobody understands that fact better than Saddam. In 1979 he conducted one of the most horrifying bits of political puppetry ever recorded on videotape. After years as the power behind the throne in Baghdad, he had seized the top slot for himself. Then he convened a congress of the Baath Party to reveal what he said was a plot against the regime. A terrified aide to the former president stood for hours in front of the Baathist delegates recounting details of his own supposed crimes. Occasionally, plaintively, he turned to Saddam, who sat behind a table onstage, handsome as Dracula in a bespoke business suit, smoking a Churchill cigar and sipping from a glass of water. ?Was that right?? the accused would ask. Saddam would nod, or correct him. The recitation continued.
Every time the confessor named someone in the audience as a fellow conspirator, that man was forced to stand up and leave the hall, to be shot outside. More than a dozen were named, and no one knew who might be next.
[…]Flash forward to the trial of Saddam in Baghdad, which will resume later this month. Even as a defendant he?s running the show–because he knows perfectly well that?s what it is. The Americans and the Iraqi judiciary they helped put in place are applying a hodgepodge of local and international law in a spectacle designed to prove that the Shiites and Kurds rule the country now, and they will punish Saddam for killing their people.
Better than show trials are the ?truth and reconciliation commissions? we saw in several Latin American countries and post-apartheid South Africa. There, as eras of tyranny and insurgency came to an end, the past was relived in public hearings. Horrific crimes and savage repression were described by the victims, confessed to by the torturers. Those who came clean could be amnestied; those who did not were liable to be tried. The idea was that fear could be purged, life could go on and, with luck, a unified nation could begin to emerge. But none of those countries had been invaded. Their armies and their economic elites may have reformed, but they stayed in place. Saddam?s legacy of horror and the Americans? legacy of chaos have created a situation in post-invasion Iraq where truth and reconciliation are beyond the power of any court or commission to deliver.
And in the United States? Our most exalted form of show trial is impeachment. Like the farce imposed on President Bill Clinton by many of the people ruling the country today, it?s a purely political exercise. Sure, if by some miracle the Democrats manage to take control of the House and Senate later this year, they might try to hold the Bush team accountable for numerous crimes against common sense and decency as well as the Constitution. The National Security Agency program to eavesdrop on Americans? phones without warrants, which President Bush continues to defend, might be exhibit A. But frankly, I think we need something better in America these days than another Senate show trial. People are embittered, divided, numbed by the litany of tragedies and lies. After five years of deception and intimidation, I?m afraid we Americans are now the ones who need truth and reconciliation. The process couldn?t start too soon.
Funny how he can say “five years of deception” with a straight face while at the same time saying Clinton should not have been impeached for lying.
Just another example of the loony left attempting to smear Bush, and while he is at it smear the new Iraqi government for putting Saddam on trial.
The One Minute Pundit had this to say:
Jimson Dickey wants a “truth commission” to act as judge, jury and exeuctioner for the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL Dubya and his administration.
I’ve got a better idea, Jimson! Let’s have a permanent truth commission — or may be can call it a Ministry of Truth….
I love it. I’m sure Christopher Dickey wants a “truth commission” appointed with Kerry, Dean, Pelosi, Kennedy, Reid, Schumer and the rest of the gang to act as the all mighty Arbitrators of Truth.
(h/t Newsbusters)

See author page
Whoever is assigned to this “truth commission” I can guarantee they wouldnt know the truth if it hit them square between the eyes…we learned that under the tutlage of Clinton.
Good article, thanks for bringing it to our attention
Amazing isn’t it? I never realized until I started following politics, just how….unrecognizeable my fellow citizens are to me, at times. I just don’t comprehend their brand of thinking. It is very, very hard. I often just want to bang my head against a brick wall (really…I should be banging their heads against one!). What planet are these people from?!