This has to be one of my favorite quote’s in the last few months, and its from President Bush:
“If someone from al-Qaeda is calling you, we’d like to know why.”
How can you say it any better then this? But of course the left will say “it’s none of your business!” and “I can talk to anyone I want to, so what if it’s the group trying to destroy this nation?”
Sound about right?
Of course you can’t have an article in any MSM outlet without allowing the left to shrill their idiocy:
Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he supports a Senate investigation into who leaked classified information on the spying program. But he said the issue of whether the president skirted the law when he embarked on the program is more important than who leaked the information.
So, it’s more important to try and spin an obviously legal program in the hopes of impeaching this President rather then finding out who amongst us is collaborating with the enemy? Someone smack this guy upside his head puhlease!

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None of the excuses make any sense, right? Not about the “NSA Surveillance,” about “Valerie Plame,” none of it, right?
Well, I’ve got some REAL inside info on that one, one that has overwhelmed my life for as many years as there’s been the FISA Court.
Check my blog at and or Home Page at and hold your hat!
what is wrong with doing it legally with warrants?
why would you want to chance having the case thrown out because proper procedures werent followed?
i am amazed that people are that afraid .look at how many die in car accidents every day,misdiagnosis from doctors,wrong medications given?
yet we manage to get thru each day.
but fear seems to have made some lose all rational thoughts or doing things the right way.
we have a constitution,dont let the terrorist destroy it.