The Tools Of Kwanzaa

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For my earlier post on the fraud of Kwanzaa go here.

The convicted torturer Maulana Karenga, who founded this “holiday” spoke in San Diego recently:

Now, 39 years later, millions of people of African descent around the world celebrate Kwanzaa. “Kwanzaa helps you every year to remind you of who you are,” Weber said.

Last night, about 150 people gathered to celebrate Kwanzaa, honoring their ancestors, roots and the sustaining bonds of community with music, dance and a message from Karenga himself at the Malcolm X Library on Market Street in Emerald Hills.

[…]Karenga’s intention in founding Kwanzaa was to reconnect African-Americans to their African roots, and to unite people and celebrate the bonds among them.

Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday; it is observed by people of all faiths.

Karenga was introduced to a standing ovation last night. The crowd had been warmed by drummers and dancers, and by the words of Weber and other community leaders.

Karenga is a professor of black studies at California State University Long Beach, and chairs The Organization Us, a cultural and social change association. He has written numerous scholarly articles and books on black power, black arts and studies, and Afrocentrism.

“It is a season of celebration, meditation and recommitment,” Karenga said.

“Every year we should find something in our lives to celebrate.”

Kwanzaa is about recognizing the good in the world, and the joy and responsibility of life, he said. The holiday is also about emulating ancestors and their values.

“We have to appreciate the responsibility of being African. We are actually the elders of humanity. I want you to think on what it means to be the elders of humanity,” Karenga said.

The message of Kwanzaa stays with Adam Pyles constantly. Umoja? is tattooed along his right forearm.

“It’s a call for unity,” said Pyles, 25, who lives in Point Loma.

Pyle started celebrating Kwanzaa three years ago after researching the holiday.

“It’s really a holiday from the heart,” he said.

Ok, hold on…gotta find my barf bag.? How is it that the media once again does not mention the past of this felon?

I think they forgot the other tools needed to celebrate this holiday: