Fox News Doing Well

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Looks like Fox News once again kicked ass:

Bill O’Reilly is the king of cable news again this year. He’s #1 on the 2005 weekday program ranker, followed by H&C, Greta, Shep and Hume. The “Competitive Program Analysis” shows CNN’s Larry King at #6.

The defunct NewsNight with Aaron Brown comes in as CNN’s #2 program of the year, ranking #13 overall. Wolf Blitzer‘s Situation Room is CNN’s #3 and Paula Zahn now is #4. Headline News star Nancy Grace ranks 25th on the chart, averaging 510,000 viewers for the year. Prime News was the second most-popular HLN show, averaging 335,000.

On MSNBC, Rita Cosby was #1. Chris Matthews (#2), Keith Olbermann (#3) and Joe Scarborough (#4) were all within 20,000 viewers of eachother. See it all for yourself:

2005 weekday program ranker (PDF)

For comparisons: Here’s the 2004 ranker (PDF)

Not surprising tho. Fox News is the best thing to happen to journalism in the past 25 years, and the ratings just show the thirst for unbiased news by the American public.

Taking a look at these documents the funniest tidbit has to be that for viewers age 25-54, O’Reilly is getting almost 4 TIMES the viewers than Olbermann. Although O’Reilly isn’t my bag of tea, the idea that Olbermann is sucking ass just makes me grin. Plus, Chrissy Matthews is #31! I love it.

Bad news is that the Old Media, ie ABC CBS & NBS, still suck in tons of viewers….

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I live in Los Angeles, and I can’t name a single person I know (other than a few I’ve met on the internet) out here who subscribes to new media and alternative news outlets. I’ve talked about blogs and even talk radio, yet people are stuck on their NY Times and CNN. I’ve even let liberal clients of mine be made aware of places like, yet they are just stuck in the dinosaur era of old media.