The Hatred Of Black Republicans From The Left

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Can you believe this? (h/t Bookworm Room)

A liberal lawyer in Los Angeles is threatening to throw nearly three dozen homeless center residents back on the streets because of something he finds indefensible: The center’s founder is a Republican and voted for President Bush.

Roughly 30 men, women and children may be forced to leave Dome Village ? a 20-year non-profit center for support and housing of the homeless ? and will have to try to survive on the streets because of a punitive rent hike imposed by the landlord right before Christmas.

Milton Sidley, a retired attorney and landlord, said he discovered earlier this month that Ted Hayes, founder of Justiceville/Homeless, USA, was a Republican.

News of Hayes? political affiliation came after a visit to a Republican women?s group, reported by the L.A. Times, which referenced Hayes? solid support for President Bush.

Two days later, Sidley decided to raise the rent at Justiceville?s “Dome Village? from $2,500 per month to $18,333 per month because, he states, “This Democrat is tired of supporting Ted and his Dome Village.?

So much for the notion that Democrats want to help the country’s poor.

The more than 600 percent rent hike cannot be absorbed, Hayes said, meaning Dome Village cannot survive unless Sidley retracts this demand.

According to a Dec. 4 article in the L.A. Times, Hayes “forsook a middle-class lifestyle years ago to live on the streets because he believed it would allow him to better serve the homeless.” He has been a registered Republican since 2003.

Hayes, who is black, told the Bel-Air Republican Women?s Federation that his politics are similar to their own and his compassion for those in need are reflective of his political believes and moral strength.

“I support President Bush, and I support the Republican Party,” reports the Times. ? “I don’t believe in the welfare state ? If you’re poor, you’re still expected to be a responsible citizen in this society. I believe in strengthening the hands of the poor where they can learn to stand on their own two feet.”

The directors of Dome Village are making an urgent appeal for public assistance to find a new location to aid the homeless and build a new facility.

There’s the party of compassion for you. The WSJ has an article that Bookworm references in her original post here.

You can learn more about the Dome Village here.

Here is a email sent by Hayes warning of this rent raise:

Hello Everyone,

Dome Village has been given a sudden “eviction” notice by the property of 847 Golden Avenue in the form of rent hike from $2,500 dollars plus a $10,000 annual tax fee, to $18,330 per month.

Obviously, JHUSA does not have that kind of money, and even if we did, we would not pay such an outrageous amount of rent.

Also, the property owner has made it clear that he will not receive our money, even if we did have it, because he is absolutely resolute that Dome Village is to leave his property.

This stealth “eviction” is not a consequence of JHUSA not paying the $2,500 per month rent, but rather his political bias, prejudice and racism.

You see, the eviction came two days (Tuesday, December 13,2005) after he had viewed an Los Angeles Times article in the California Section B-3, dated Sunday, December 11,2005, in which I expressed my political persuasion of being a Republican to the Bel Air Women’s Republican Club the day before.

During several telephone conversations the property owner clearly stated that the reason for the sudden rent hike was the fact that I proclaimed myself a Republican loyal to the ideals of our party.

In fact, among many other mad statements from this ardent Democrat-liberal was his challenge of, “If you are such a Republican and the Republicans care so much about you, then let the Republicans help you from now on. This Democrat is tired of supporting Ted Hayes.” Something to that effect.

It is evident that the eviction is based on the political bias and prejudice of Mr. Milton Sidly, who is actually punishing the homeless residents of Dome Village (* single men and women, children and senior citizens, families, and pets) as well as attempting to weaken the Justiceville movement to end homelessness, as well as “cool-down” the effective political profession of Ted Hayes.

Ironically, the United States of America is fighting, killing and dying in places like Afghanistan and Iraq that the peoples of those lands are free to their political expression without the fear of retaliation from government, vigilantes, individuals, employers or property owners.

Yet, here in the land of the free and home of the brave, I can’t freely express my political views without having to suffer consequences from a land owner to whom my organization has faithfully paid rent of $2,500 and annual fee of $10,000 taxes. This bigotry and racism has no place in this country nor anywhere else in the world.

Also, what is strikingly disturbing, according to Democrats, it appears that being a Republican is already bad enough in and of itself, but to be Republican and BLACK is the worse thing that a person can be or do. It is wickedness!

What is this phenomenon, that American Black people are not allowed to be openly Republican?

I know that there are many Black folks who are “closet” Republican because they fear retribution from friends, family members, work associates and employers.

It is as though it was Republicans and not Democrats who held us as slaves; fought the government to keep us a slaves; placed us under the oppression of Jim Crow laws; denied us the right to vote; and destroyed the Black communities with the last forty years of indoctrinating us with Socialist philosophy of the welfare state.

Frankly, the disdain should be the very opposite, that being a Black Democrat is odious. In other words, knowing the truth of these two political parties, the question can be asked, “How can a Black be or remain a Democrat.”

In light of our beloved nations racial history, it is racist for anyone Democrat, especially White Democrats to denigrate any Blacks who freely chooses to return or be a part of the Political party – REPUBLICAN that freed our ancestry from slavery by the shed blood, maiming and death of their young men.

What is so frightening about a Black Republican? I know and so do you.

We are determined to fight back.

We will open our first volleys of return fire this Thursday morning, December 22, 2005 at 10:00 am at the Dome Village located at 847 Golden Avenue, when we will expose the political prejudice and racism of this Democrat who is simply keeping with the line of his party.

I will keep you updated as we proceed.

Thank you for your continued support, interest and vigilance against terrorism, including pyschological terrorism that Black Republicans feel from Democrats.


Amazing isn’t it? The left continually attempts to portray itself as being compassionate, being level headed and open to new ideas but nothing can be further from the truth. They are some of the most hateful and close minded people I have ever met. Thank god for people such as Ted Hayes.


Hayes is definately an interesting guy with a good head on his shoulders. The WSJ did a story on him last April where it described an intelligent person with some common sense:

A totemic figure in L.A., Mr. Hayes has long emphasized problem-solving and individual responsibility. If you want to stop kids from shooting people , Mr. Hayes has told appalled black preachers and activists, stop blaming cops and “white folks” for urban tragedy and start blaming the lackadaisical inner-city family culture you support.

Mr. Hayes spent last fall tooling around the fortified neighborhoods of South Los Angeles, knocking on security screens and urging stunned residents to vote Bush. He explained that the Democratic Party was the Klan’s party in the 20th century, and the party of the slave trade before that. A lot of people he met didn’t know their pre-1960s history. He’s ever unflappable. In early December, he appeared on Fox News to vociferously defend the right of Condi Rice to be Republican. His segment was introduced by a bemused Brit Hume, who hardly knew what to make of the Rasta Republican.

[…]To illustrate how easily civility can rub off on urban kids if adults take a stand, Mr. Hayes in the 1990s founded a cricket team in rundown Compton, comprised of Latino teenagers and homeless men. The team, called “Homies and Popz,” toured Ireland and England, playing at Windsor Castle, where Mr. Hayes chatted with the Earl of Wessex. Mr. Hayes’s son, Theo, a co-coach, told an interviewer that none of the cricket-playing kids has become a gang casualty. The Los Angeles Opera commissioned a 40-minute opera on the team by Michael Abels, and the Homies won two victory cups in the L.A. Social Cricket Alliance, a league dominated by Brits, Indians and other googly-bowling expats.

Mr. Hayes can ignite controversy, as when he persuaded L.A. officials to sign a declaration two years ago calling on Muslims to denounce global terrorism more vehemently. City leaders rewrote the declaration, making Mr. Hayes’s original wording tougher. When Muslim leaders expressed outrage, city officials quickly apologized. Mr. Hayes still smarts over public criticism of him by Muslim leaders arising from the incident, which he says could be cited by radical Islamists as reason to harm him physically.

Even that sort of dread doesn’t seem as tough as being a black Republican some days. He was outraged when a liberal white radio personality called Condi Rice an “Aunt Jemima” for embracing Republicanism, and even angrier when top black Democrats stood silent. He founded ABE–American Black Elephants–a group that so far has 10 members. At a recent L.A. County Republican Party meeting, Mr. Hayes erupted into “God Bless America” after watching slides from a soldier who’d just returned from Iraq. Less emotive Republicans, though startled, joined right in.

Mr. Hayes’s Republican bent has strained relations within his family. His daughter, Joanna, who won gold in the Athens Olympics in the 100-meter hurdles, explained on PBS last year that after much political confusion, she’s learned to be deeply proud of her dad.

Yet in spite of the gnashing of teeth he provokes, Mr. Hayes earns grudging respect. In the ’90s, with nonprofits citing a lack of “affordable housing” as a key cause of homelessness, Mr. Hayes–living among the domes–suggested that many black homeless men were modern-day tramps who viewed the middle class with disdain. But he was constructive, not merely critical, and proposed a National Homeless Plan to enlist corporations to help resistant homeless men support themselves in special communities–winning private contracts like those that now go to incarcerated prisoners.

I think I want to meet this guy.


Found this article written by Hayes last January:

As expected, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, President Bush?s choice for Secretary of State of the United States of America, was confirmed as such the great day of Tuesday, January 26th (27th) Two Thousand and Five.

The poignancy and significance of what has and is taking place around the subjects of this grand occurrence in this very pivotal time in history are many.

Surely you have identified several notable points of interest connected to Dr. Rice being the first American Black Female to advance and ascend to such political power.

Note: As her immediate predecessor former Secretary of State, a Black male, Dr. Rice is only three heartbeats away from the Presidency.

For me, the primary significance of Dr. Condoleezza Rice is the fact that President Bush is introducing her to the world as the ?Face of America.?

If I had the money and help from a few people, I would host a celebratory party with fireworks for what has taken place in this country. It makes me want to shout out loud!

Another point of interest is the players in the matter.

First there is Dr. Rice and President George W. Bush, in that, he appointed her to such a high post in American government and the entrance of the ABE and its? allies.

In the founding spirit of the Republican Party and foreshadowed by President Abraham Lincoln, George W. Bush, more than any US President, has appointed many other American Blacks or non-White individuals and women to positions of real political power.

He is to be saluted for his unprecedented work!

History will record that just prior to Dr. Condoleezza Rice?s appointment when her character was being besmirched by White racist with the blessings of the African American leadership, it was the ABE (American Black Elephant) and its? allies who leaped into the Freedom Van Guard role that they abdicated.

In its mere infancy, ABE is being established as a leading voice for freedom for all Americans, and peoples around the world struggling to be breathe free.

Though Dr. Rice is now Secretary of State, ABE contends that the ideological war is not over, but rather just beginning. These events surrounding Dr. Rice were only a battle.

ABE is advocating that all American citizens join with us to aggressively fight to abolish political mental enslavement as practiced by the Democrat party over American Blacks, and rally for Free Political Affiliation.

Dr. Rice is clearly a catalyst in this cause. Possibly our ?Rosa Parks?! We Salute and offer her our encouragement and assistance as she function as Secretary of State.

From the members of ABE, we thank you for your involvement.

Here he is at the last Oscars:


This story back in 2000 is amazing.

Ted Hayes, L.A.?s best-known homeless advocate, was shot in the chest with a rubber bullet last night just as President Bill Clinton was finishing off an inspirational address to the Democratic Convention.

Hayes, organizer of the concurrent ?Homeless Convention? in the Dome Village homeless project a few blocks west of the Staples Center, has ironically spent much of this year advising the L.A. Police Department and Democratic Party how to avoid violent confrontations with street protesters Aug. 14-17.

“We are trying to educate these ignorant Democrats on the issue,? he told the L.A. New Times in June. ?And the issue is that if things get ugly in the streets downtown, and that is shown all over TV, you know it’s going to blow in South Central, on the Eastside, all over the place.”

As has long been planned, Hayes and other demonstrators from the innovative Dome Village made a short vigil down Olympic Blvd. to Staples Center last night at around 8 p.m. ? after a highly anticipated concert featuring political rap-metal band Rage Against the Machine and bilingual salsa-punk-hip-hop group Ozomatli had already finished, said Dome Village volunteer Frederick Graf.

[…]Some fans had reportedly started a bonfire, delegates and media were beginning to stream out of Staples, and Capt. Stuart Maislin of the LAPD said his forces gave ample warning to kids he said were throwing broken glass bottles. ?We were giving them 15 minutes to disperse, after receiving information that bonfires were lit ? and we went beyond that 15 minutes to 20 minutes, and the crowd did not disperse,? Maislin said. ?Something had to be done to disperse the crowd, so that?s what happened.?

Meanwhile the homeless coalition, coming onto the scene at approximately 8:20, got caught up in the melee. One eyewitness said that Hayes ?came out with a big flag, and the crowd went nuts.? So, apparently, did some of the several hundred cops marching and running through the streets of downtown L.A.

?They shot him right in the chest,? said an understandably shaken Graf. ?He might be dead, for all I know. Then they shot bullets at me, and clubbed me in the back.?

Hayes collapsed on the sidewalk, suffered respiratory difficulties, and was sitting semi-conscious with electrodes taped to his bare chest for at least 20 minutes, before being hauled off in an ambulance. One paramedic described his condition as ?stable.?

Hayes getting shot sucked but at least he blamed the people who should be blamed instead of the police: (via Salon, so forgive the leftist writing)

One of the night’s most memorable images was a picture of Hayes, splayed on the ground on top of the American flag he carried, which ran prominently in the Los Angeles Times. It was the beginning of a week that featured a mild form of martial law as the Democrats gathered at Staples Center mostly oblivious.

The day after his shooting, just out of the hospital, Hayes rather predictably held an angry press conference. But unpredictably, he blasted the protesters and praised the police. In Hayes’ view, the demonstrators were at best spoiled white kids, and at worst evil, violent anarchists up to no good.

“Those people robbed the homeless people’s freedom of speech last night,” he said. “Theyre quick to step over the homeless people, and our cause, to make their noise. Has anybody heard today what the message of the demonstrators is? Have you heard anything about corporate greed and how they are actually oppressing people? Have we heard anything about the corrupt politics of the Democrats?” Long drawn-out sneer: “Noooo-o-o … all we hear about is ruckus and tear gas and fighting and cops and robbers.”

Just to make sure people didn’t misunderstand, on Wednesday Hayes went on Fox News Network from a skybox in the very Staples Center outside which he had been shot, and used the occasion to denounce the American Civil Liberties Union for filing suit against the police who had shot him…

Other’s Blogging:

California Conservative

Amazing isn’t it? The left continually attempts to portray itself as being compassionate, being level headed and open to new ideas but nothing can be further from the truth. They are some of the most hateful and close minded people I have ever met. Thank god for people such as Ted Hayes.

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The liberal lunacy makes me sick to my stomach. They are such a bunch of hypocrites.

I just did an extensive post on my blog Liberalism is a mental disorder on how one liberal is rewriting his own words.

The left is not compassionate, they are power and money hungry and will stop at nothing (As shown by Durbin, Dean, Pelosi et all) to achieve total power.

God help us if they ever do

Agreed Mike, can you imagine the screams if the black getting evicted was a lefty and the landlord a righty?

Thanks for this post Curt. I heard a mention of this story on talk radio, but was not paying close attention.

This should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. You know it would be if a Republican were evicting a black Democrat.

This story, more than anything else, shows that the Dems care only about power, not about the poor, not about blacks, not about anyone but themselves.

How many Black Democrats know that Hillary Clinton (nee Rodham) earned her fame by hectoring Senator Edward Brooke, a distinguished Black Republican Senator from Massachusetts? He was an invited guest at Wellesley and Hillary chose to invoke her fishwife side, getting a writeup in Life magazine as a reward for her rudeness.
Also, why should Black voters celebrate their first Black President as being Bill Clinton?

Mike’s America

Liberal Evicts Homeless Because Black Leader is a…

Imagine the scream headlines on the front page of every newspaper in the country and the raft of network television reports if a white Republican was about to evict 30 men women and children from their homeless shelter because the shelter couldn’t co….