Our Entitlement Society

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This is just plain nuts:

Three growing entitlement programs consumed nearly half of all federal spending in 2004, and budget analysts expect them to make up an even bigger share in the future.

Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid accounted for more than $1 trillion in the 2004 budget year, according to the Consolidated Federal Funds Report being released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

That’s just depressing, but no one didn’t see this coming. Fiscal conservatives have been warning about this for decades.

[…]Penner said increased spending on entitlement programs eventually will mean less money for other programs and increased pressure to raise taxes.

“I think they’re going to squeeze out all sorts of other spending items,” said Penner, former director of the Congressional Budget Office.

And that my friends is the end result. The entitlement society we live in, grown larger every day due to the liberal mindset of our past and present leaders will in the end cause many other programs to die.

Every time the Republicans have tried to bring change to this huge problem the right is met with “Republicans care nothing for the poor” and other assorted idiotic statements. If New Orleans did not prove to you the failure of a entitlement society then nothing will.

Other’s Blogging

Say Anything
Ace Of Trump

Every time the Republicans have tried to bring change to this huge problem the right is met with “Republicans care nothing for the poor” and other assorted idiotic statements. If New Orleans did not prove to you the failure of a entitlement society then nothing will.