The PC Evil

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Wordsmith from Sparks From The Anvil has outdid himself in his Christmas post:

What the President Said on December 24th… a radio address to our troops:

?Here, at home, we will celebrate this Christmas Day in our traditional American way because of its deep spiritual meaning to us; because the teachings of Christ are fundamental in our lives; and because we want our youngest generation to grow up knowing the significance of this tradition and the story of the coming of the immortal Prince of Peace and Good Will.?

My question to you is: Was the President of the United States out of line by including such a blatant invocation of God and religion into his address? Did he somehow “offend” those non-religious, American souls? Was he being exclusive? Was he in violation of the establishment clause in the First Amendment?

Since I suspect most reading this are fellow bloggers, who do their news research and cross-references, I will come clean right away, and admit that the above address was delivered by the President…

….in 1944! You see, President Bush never said these words. President Franklin D. Roosevelt did, 60 years ago in a radio address to the troops serving in WWII.

I first posted the above ruse a year ago on a message board, after listening to Michael Medved pull this stunt on his listeners. He baited the atheists and Wall-of-Separation advocates to wax indignant and work themselves up. “How dare the President do this!” “Grrr! I’m offended, wah, wah, wah!” Like Mr. Medved, I waited for some responses to generate before coming clean.

And the rest of his post gets even better.

The basic point that comes across in the post is how hyper-sensitive our Nation has become, where people get offended by everything and anything and I couldn’t agree more.

I am not a religious man, never have been. But the war on religion by the left just pisses me off to no end. No one forces me to go to church or to even practice a religion. Someone who gets angry because the word God is on our money, or the word God is in our oath knows nothing about our history. American history is filled with Religion and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

82 percent of Americans believe in God. But still those on the left believe it’s bad if there is any sign of religion in the public domain. For example, how is it a bad thing if there is a cross on the Los Angeles County seal? Los Angeles was first founded by the Spanish with the town of “Our Lady Queen of the Angels” which sounds a bit religious doesn’t it? So why are we not allowed to honor our past on the seal? In the leftard mind any sign of a cross will automatically bring the destruction of civil liberties or some such crapola.

The PC evil spreading through our Country is ignorant and must be stopped. Can I hear an Amen!

In the leftard mind any sign of a cross will automatically bring the destruction of civil liberties or some such crapola.

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:clap_tb: Love the site I will have to add this to my blog roll!

Happy New Year!

Curt, Merry Christmas, my friend!

And can we have an ‘Amen’ for the sentiments expressed in you post?

Great post, and good point as well. Thanks!

And Merry Christmas.