Underestimating Bush

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I would not call myself a Buchananite, I agree with him sometimes but very little, but he wrote a opinion piece yesterday that was outstanding:

Opposition to the war was rising to 60 percent, his approval rating had plummeted to 36 percent, his credibility appeared fatally impaired. There seemed a danger that, for three more years, an America at war would be led by a broken president.

But Bush has one advantage over his adversaries. He believes in the war and has the courage of his convictions. Unlike most of the anti-war politicians and demonstrators, he does not go limp when the nightsticking starts. His defiance calls to mind Lincoln’s:

I do the very best I know how ? the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, 10 angels swearing I was right would make no difference.

Bush’s strength is that he has made his peace with the idea that his presidency stands or falls with Iraq.

[…]For students of the Oval Office, these last four weeks are an object lesson in how an embattled president who believes in the righteousness of his cause and is willing to put his office on the line can always, especially on an issue of war or national security, rout an adversary, even one with the backing of the national press.

Just take a look at this to get the proof:

Thursday December 22, 2005–Forty-eight percent (48%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That’s up four points since the President’s speech on Sunday night.

[…]Fifty percent (50%) of Americans now say the U.S. and its allies are winning.

How many times has this President been underestimated now? And they keep doing it. The lefties never learn.

How many times has this President been underestimated now? And they keep doing it. The lefties never learn.