The Silence From The Left

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J. Grant Swank, Jr writes in today’s Canada’s Free Press about the silence across the aisle. The Democrats witnesses the Iraqi elections just as we have but yet not a word. Not a word of congratulations for the Iraqi people and the Administration that made this possible:

I was waiting to hear another hate speech from Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean regarding New Iraq, that is, the US troops getting out of that rat infested place like yesterday. But I could not find his mouthpiece on any major site today.

So I went hunting for another empty-clich? ridden bite from Nancy Pelosi, but alas, there was that awful telling silence. Nothing. Perhaps she?s on a junket somewhere else than the USA.

I poked around for Ted Kennedy?s accolades to the US President George W. Bush, the Republican Party faithful, and the US troops enmeshed within the multi-national forces in New Iraq, but it was the same awful telling silence. Nothing from John Kerry either.

After all, within such a short time, a despotic, cruel, hell groomed country overseen by a demon from the Pit has become a democracy in the planting. One can see the sprouts, the budding blossoms hoping to fill out in splendor and the greenery edging around the bloodstains.

So it was that Iraqis walked to the polls–dressed in their country?s flag, one garbed in a wedding outfit, another in a dress suit, still more patiently waiting their turn in line to plug that ballot into the precious box.

Eleven million. Seventy percent. Sunnis refused to boycott as they did in January elections. They said by that they are going to give democracy a go.

The multinational forces performed marvelously in keeping security tight and reassuring. What a mammoth project it was–putting everything in place for boxes and ballots and poll personnel and safety nets and all that sort of thing. Thousands upon thousands were engineered to bring it off so nicely today.

The free world is so very deservedly proud with the Iraqi vote as the people had an actual voice. Instead of the trumped up elections pressed upon them by the hellcat Saddam Hussein, the populace was free minded to think through their own choices.

Yet not a word from Bill and Hillary Clinton. Now that?s something, considering how they can turn on motor mouths in an instant.

There was nothing commendatory from the Congressional Dem side of the aisle, even though last November 2004 they exclaimed to the press that the Dems were ready to “reach across the aisle” for the unity of the country. Like when? In the millennium?

Barbara Boxer had nothing to report to media.

As for John Murtha, mum.

Yet I would think that being a liberty breathing American every citizen from shore to shore would have risen to his and her feet at breakfast time to cheer the Iraqis on their trek. Then Americans would have phoned or emailed Mr. Bush to thank him and team for Operation Iraqi Freedom and aftermath. Then there would have been inside parties with balloons and noisemakers.

This is awesome.

What has occurred in New Iraq is a miracle. Certainly there is no guarantee for the future, as there is no guarantee for any earthling living on a spiritually damaged planet. But at the moment, let us cheer and give thanks. Let us put aside our selfish, tiny worlds long enough to give three hoots for a freedom spread half way across the world.

One thing for sure: this awful telling silence from the Dems will not bode well for them in years to come. Their rants and scowls, their poking fingers in our eyes, their nasty phrases and screwed up brows will all come back to haunt them: Murtha, Clinton, Clinton (there are two of them), Dean, Pelosi, Boxer, Kennedy, Kerry and so forth and so forth.

Imagine how further New Iraq could be down the road for freedom?s sake if these wasted empty heads had only evangelized for the liberties they enjoy to be transplanted for a desperate people called “Iraqis.”

After all, Operation Iraqi Freedom was not an occupation. It?s been just what the President defined it: a LIBERATION.

For that, liberty folk should give a cheer, I would think.

You would think. But the reality is the left is only happy when people are in misery.

After all, within such a short time, a despotic, cruel, hell groomed country overseen by a demon from the Pit has become a democracy in the planting. One can see the sprouts, the budding blossoms hoping to fill out in splendor and the greenery edging around the bloodstains.