Baghdad Jane Is Back

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Here she goes again, the Queen of the Traitor Clan in all her glory:

“Hanoi Jane” Fonda is claiming that ever since Vietnam, U.S. troops have been trained to commit atrocities against innocent civilians as a matter of military policy.

“Starting with the Vietnam War we began training soldiers differently,” the anti-American actress says in an email to the Washington Post.

Fonda claims she learned of the policy switch in “secret meetings” she had with military psychologists “who were really worried about what was happening to our combat personnel.”

One doctor, she insists, told her U.S. troops had been deliberately trained to be “killing machines.”

“This began,” Fonda maintained, “because the military discovered that in World War II and Korea, [U.S.] soldiers weren’t killing enough.”

“So they changed training procedures” to teach troops how to commit atrocities.

Still, the anti-war gadfly cautions, it’s important not to blame the soldiers themselves for carrying out war crimes.

Recalling the “Winter Soldier” hearings that she and John Kerry staged in 1971, Fonda lamented: “When you put young people into an atrocity-producing situation where enemy and civilian are commingled, where the ‘other side’ is dehumanized, we cannot be surprised.”

Anti-war vets now returning from Iraq, Fonda cautioned, should be listened to instead of being dismissed as “unpatriotic.”

“We have not learned the lessons of Vietnam,” she declared.

Actually, we have learned from Vietnam. We have learned how wrong it was to let the likes of you and your cohorts lose a war for us. We learned how wrong it was to run like cowards from a war which ultimately cost millions of lives.

Recall the myth years ago of the “dehumanized” Vietnam Veteran. The myth perpetrated by the left such as Hanoi Jane. Is she now trying to do the same thing to our Iraqi Veterans? You bet your sweet ass she is. Anything to make the US look bad.

She should have been tried for treason years ago.

The only reason she is in the news again is due to the release of the Winter Soldiers hearings that Fonda and Kerry staged. You remember that fraud of a hearing right? If not here is just one of those soldiers who testified to Kerry:

Al Hubbard Sgt., 22 Troop Carrier Squadron Aug. ?65-June ?66

Emotions: Walking down the flight line at Saigon past stacks of aluminum cases containing American bodies and past stacks of aluminum luggage containing American currency. Seeing the tight, sad face of an Airman loading the bodies aboard a dirty Air Force Transport and the wide smiling face of a stewardess greeting the passengers aboard a clean Pan American Clipper Jet. Hearing a Vietnamese beg you to leave his country and an American colonel tells you to bomb his country. Hearing a Vietnamese invite you to live in his home, after the war and an American explain why you can?t live in his block, after the war. Flying over barren, brown, safe American held terrain and over lush, green unsafe enemy terrain. Feeling happy to be leaving a country in which you do not belong and sad to be returning to a country in which you are not allowed to belong. Sacrificing a portion of your consciousness so you won?t have to deal with being there and building mental blocks so you won?t have to deal with having been there.

Only problem, Al Hubbard never set foot in Vietnam. Most every one of those soldiers who participated at those hearings were coached and lied their asses off for no other reason then to see the US defeated.

What was Kerry’s explanation: “He (Hubbard) simply exaggarated his particular position. But nobody knew it at the time. And those things happen.”

See that smile on her face? The same smile she had while filming “Fuck The Army” tho.

Other’s Blogging:

Michelle Malkin
Clear and Present
Blogger Bear
Conservative Outpost
The Right Politics

Actually, we have learned from Vietnam. We have learned how wrong it was to let the likes of you and your cohorts lose a war for us. We learned how wrong it was to run like cowards from a war which ultimately cost millions of lives.

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Anyone still buy into her 60 Minutes “apology”?

You know, reading that quote, it sounds like she has read pages from Lt. Col. Grossman’s book “On Killing” (I think PBS had a program with him on it as well); but she’s somehow twisted its information to fit into her own twisted ideological worldview.

She should be put on trial for treason and expelled from the country. Hell, she thinks we’re so bad and these communist countries are so good, let her go live with them!

Better yet, smeared with honey and planted on top of a anthill.

she shoulda been worm food years ago, for her treasonous actions.

Why am I not surprised at Hanoi Jane opening her lying mouth again? I wonder if she could still be charged for treason? The only problem would be is that the moonbats would claim it’s all trumped up to silence her for speaking ‘truth’ to power, and that she will look really good in the next GOP commercail talking about Dem/Lib defeatism.

She’s gonna look pretty damn foolish after tomorrow, though. Pity.


Small Town Veteran

Hanoi Jane rides again

… If you haven’t read Forever Green recently now’s a great time. It’s a cryin’ damned shame she didn’t get caught in a B-52 strike on her first visit to Hanoi.