These people have got to be some of the most ignorant people on the planet:

WASHINGTON – Black survivors of Hurricane Katrina said Tuesday that racism contributed to the slow disaster response, at times likening themselves in emotional congressional testimony to victims of genocide and the Holocaust.
Holy bejesus are they stupid. As Iawhawk points out, this is a concentration camp:

If you don’t know what the above picture is, it’s bales of human hair found in Auschwitz
The children of Auschwitz
The comparison is inappropriate, according to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla. ?Not a single person was marched into a gas chamber and killed,? Miller told the survivors.
?They died from abject neglect,? retorted community activist Leah Hodges. ?We left body bags behind… The people of New Orleans were stranded in a flood and were allowed to die.?
It appears all the intelligent human beings were able to evacuate the city because if you watched any of these proceedings yesterday you get the feeling that those left behind were grade school dropouts.
This kind of thing makes me so freakin angry, as you can tell. The gall of these people to compare themselves to those in concentration camps. I’m sorry, my wallet is closed for these people now. They deserve NOTHING. All the proceedings did was prove to the world the result of decades of liberal entitlement. NOTHING is owed to these idiots.
Is it a coincidence we are not hearing this kind of crap from those in Mississippi, Alabama, & Florida? Nope. You only hear this coming from this corrupt state who has made entitlement an artform.
?No one is going to tell me it wasn?t a race issue,? said New Orleans evacuee Patricia Thompson, 53, who is now living in College Station, Texas. ?Yes, it was an issue of race. Because of one thing: when the city had pretty much been evacuated, the people that were left there mostly was black.?
Hmm, why let some facts get in the way, facts such as:
(St. Gabriel, LA) — Analysis of the people killed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita shows a nearly even split along race lines and gender. Medical examiners say of the more then one thousand victims, about half are white and half are black. About half of the people killed were men, about half were women. In all, the morgue set up to process bodies after the hurricane has recorded one-thousand-90-deaths. Of those, less than five-hundred have been returned to next of kin. Officials are still finding bodies.
Want another great quote from these idiots?
The military took them to an evacuation point on a highway where they spent the night, awakening to a “bunch of hard red necks scowling and growling at us in military uniforms … pointing guns at us and treating us worse than prisoners of war,” she said.
Finally I will leave you with this simple fact, it appears we, the taxpayer, are still footing the bill for these whiners:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is paying an estimated $3 million a day for nearly 50,000 hotel rooms for hurricane victims. The agency had set a Dec. 1 deadline for moving families out of hotels and into more permanent housing, but later extended the deadline to Jan. 7.
The hotel program has cost the agency at least $300 million since Katrina hit on Aug. 29, followed by Hurricane Rita on Sept. 24.

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It’s sickening to me, as well, that people like this have no clue what real atrocities are. They play the professional victim, feel entitled, and see racism at every turn.
American Dinosaur
Question Of The Day
American Dinosaur Question of the day How long will it take to incorporate the Katrina Holocaust into part of Kwanza? With George W. Bush as Pontius Pilate and Tookie Williams as baby Jesus. The Real Concentration Camps…