The circus continued today with Saddam vowing:
that he will not return “to an unjust court” when it convenes for a fifth session the following day. As the end of the session, when the judges decided to resume the trial Wednesday, Saddam suddenly shouted: “I will not return. I will not come to an unjust court! Go to hell!”
And the court telling him that he will be brought back by force if need be. Looks like the ongoing testimony is starting to get to him.
Saddam sat stone-faced, silently taking notes as the woman, known only as “Witness A,” told the court how she and dozens of other families from the town of Dujail were arrested in a crackdown after a 1982 assassination attempt against him.
Two other witnesses ? a man and a woman ? also testified Tuesday, all with their identities concealed.
“I was forced to take off my clothes, and he raised my legs up and tied up my hands. He continued administering electric shocks and whipping me and telling me to speak,” Witness A said of Wadah al-Sheik, an Iraqi intelligence officer who died of cancer last month.
[…]”They made me put my legs up. There were more than one of them, as if I were their banquet, maybe more than five people, all of them officers,” she said.
“Is that what happens to the virtuous woman that Saddam speaks about?” she wept, prompting the judge to advise her to stick to the facts.
She also said al-Sheik fired a gun at the wall to scare her.
When asked by the judge which of the defendants she wanted to accuse, “Witness A” identified Saddam. “When so many people are jailed and tortured, who takes such a decision?” she said.
She later quoted a security officer as telling her, “You should thank your God because you are here in the Intelligence Center. If you were in the directorate of security, no woman would remain virgin.” Nevertheless, she also said that many fellow female detainees lost their virginity to security guards.
[…]At Abu Ghraib, the guards stripped one of her male relatives, a deaf mute, and tied a rope to his genitals, pulling him into the cells where the women were kept, she said. Insects were everywhere ? in cells and on their clothes, she said, adding that inmates used prison blankets to make underwear and fashioned shoes out of cardboard and strings.
She said one woman gave birth in the prison. “The baby got stuck between her legs. Another woman tried to help her, but the guards told her it was none of her business. The baby suffocated between her legs,” she said. She said her sister and sister-in-law also gave birth while in detention.
This trial is showing the world how ashamed they should be. Ashamed for allowing this man to rule this country for 12 years in defiance of the world community while he tortured (real torture now, no panties put on the heads of these folks) and killed his people.

The Saddam Trial, Part II
The Saddam Trial
Tariq Aziz Making A Deal
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This trial is showing the world how ashamed they should be. Ashamed for allowing this man to rule this country for 12 years in defiance of the world community while he tortured (real torture now, no panties put on the heads of these folks) and killed his people.

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I did alot of reading about Iraq for a couple of years before the war. Made me sick to my stomach. I just wanted to pick all of the people in Iraq up and place them someplace safe. I felt helpless. How can so many people not have any compassion whatsoever for what those people went through for so many years?
Can you imagine any of the Nazis at Nuremburg acting up? Neither can I. You have to wonder what the Iraqis think of all this. If it had been up to them Saddam would have been dangling from a lampost a long time ago.
But you are right, by getting his crimes out in the open it does show “the world how ashamed they should be” and they’ve got a lot to be ashamed about. Once again we bear the brunt while so may others tut tut in their penthouse suites.
But you know what? I think that in 50 years they’ll wonder what the fuss was all about. They’ll think, “of course it was worth it. Why would anyone object?”
P.S Curt, for some reason your comments section is not saving my name, mail, and website info; everytime I comment I have to re-enter it. Maybe something in your settings? Or mine? just an fyi.