It appears some dimwits have formed a group called ImpeachPAC with the specific intent to get people elected that will support impeaching Bush. They have made their first choice today, one Tony Trupiano:
While no congressional incumbent has yet introduced articles of impeachment or a resolution of inquiry into grounds for impeachment of Bush and Cheney, numerous 2006 candidates are committed to doing so. I know because they’re contacting ImpeachPAC, a political action committee I work for which was recently created to support pro-impeachment candidates.
Today ImpeachPAC announced its first endorsement, that of Tony Trupiano, Democratic candidate for Congress in Michigan’s 11th District. Tony has already been endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and by the Michigan Teamsters Union Joint Council 43. He’ll be challenging Republican incumbent Thaddeus McCotter, a pro-Bush, pro-war, pro-wealth Republican who seems to spend much of his time on such substantive matters as “defending the Pledge of Allegiance.”
I love the pro-wealth line there. I suppose they want someone who wants every human to be poor. Typical of the Socialists.
[…]Tony held a “Take Back the House” rally last Monday. It was the first event of his campaign, and “the best part,” he said when I spoke to him on Saturday, “was the Q & A.” One of the questions that someone asked Tony was what three pieces of legislation would be the first he would introduce.
The first that Tony named was a bill to restore value to the federal minimum wage. He never got to the third, because the second issue he named received such a huge response that the conversation took a new turn. That second issue was impeachment.
“The crowd went crazy,” Tony said, “I mean the crowd absolutely went nuts. Some people who are consulting for the campaign said they cringed when I said impeachment, but when they saw how the crowd reacted they breathed easier. You know, we shouldn’t be afraid of impeachment. Impeachment is there for a reason. If the President has not lied to us, if he is innocent of all of these charges, give us a chance to investigate. Impeachment is a non-partisan idea. It is the way to hold the government accountable.”
Of the current Congress, Trupiano said, “They have blindly let this man lead, and he has led us into disaster. It is time we had the truth!”
[…]Trupiano expects to win the backing of independents and Republicans as well as Democrats. Moderates are angry, he says, and some of the angriest voters are Republican. “When you help pick the winner and he disappoints, it’s very upsetting. How would you like to be a Republican who voted for this guy [Bush] and have to wear that now? That’s not easy stuff. That’s like when a parent or a spouse disappoints you. You feel like you’re stuck.
“But real conservatives are abandoning this guy. The best estimates say that 37% is the number for George Bush’s base. At a 34 percent approval rating, there’s cannibalism, they’re leaderless, there’s no rudder. You’ve heard that he is not on good terms with the Vice President, that he’s only talking to a handful of people. This administration is imploding. Mark my word, the people in the White House will not all be there in 2008. Where does the Valerie Plame scandal lead? How long will it be before impeachment is something the media is forced to talk about? What about the Vice President’s secret energy meetings? All of a sudden everybody’s waking up and realizing there’s truth to what the Democrats have been saying for a while.
“We don’t need to be afraid to use the word impeachment. It is the process that was set up. It’s not a bad word. It stands for accountability. It is the system of justice in our political system. Hey, maybe the guy’s innocent ? just give us a chance to find out. There’s nothing radical in that. That’s not a left leaning thing.
I guess they didn’t get the memo:
I would actually love to see them put an article of impeachment up to the floor and see it get smacked down. Put up or shut up. Let’s see how the vote comes out so we can see where these assclowns stand.

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