The Holiday Tree

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The Liberty Counsel sent this email recently about Boston’s recent capitulation to the lefties:

Today Boston’s Mayor and the Parks Commissioner reversed course under pressure from Liberty Counsel regarding the City’s annual Christmas tree. A Christmas tree has been donated by Nova Scotia for the past 34 years to honor Boston for providing help following the 1917 Haifax Explosion. This year the tree was renamed by City officials to the “Holiday Tree.” When the Nova Scotia donor learned that the tree was renamed, he was “hopping mad,” and stated that he should have “put it in the chipper.”

After learning of this incident, Liberty Counsel pressured City officials to reverse course and call the tree a Christmas tree. Last night I appeared on Hannity and Colmes to discuss this assault on Christmas. Today, the Mayor and the Parks Commissioner responded and now concede the tree will be called a Christmas tree.

Liberty Counsel’s Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign is designed to educate about the constitutionality of Christmas and to defend against threats to Christmas. When education does not resolve the matter, we will go to court.

On Monday I talked about the Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign on the Fox News Channel on the O’Reilly Factor; yesterday on Hannity and Colmes, and today with John Gibson. Today, Dr. Jerry Falwell also discussed the Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign on the O’Reilly Factor, and on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 and Paula Zahn Now .

Help spread our Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign by distributing our free legal memo. Churches can run our pre-designed ads in local newspapers and in their bulletins.

Write an email to to thank the City of Boston for acknowledging Christmas. You can also participate in a poll by a local television station about naming the Christmas tree. At this time, 94% favor calling the tree a Christmas tree.

When we show up, by God’s grace, we win. Thank you for your prayers and support. Have a great Thanksgiving.

That didn’t take too long did it. Funny how these moonbats think “holiday” is a non-religious word. Checking out the history of the word you find this:

holiday: O.E. haligd?g, from halig “holy” + d?g “day;” in 14c. meaning both “religious festival” and “day of recreation,” but pronunciation and sense diverged 16c.

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