Libby Ain’t That Dumb

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You must head over to The Strata-Sphere and read his latest take on the Plame affair and the Libby indictments:

But let?s speculate ourselves. What if the media planned with the Wilson?s to out Valerie! What if the plan was to draw the Administration into a fight about the intelligence just so Valerie could blow her cover and the Wilson?s get book deals? Do I have evidence of such a wild claim? Why, yes I do.

Go now.

This will blow up in the lefts face in the end. Hopefully Libby will be putting the Wilson’s and the rest of the gang up on the stand to blow them out of the water. To think that a lawyer for Cheney would be dumb enough to lie 4 times knowing his notes say differently, and then handing those notes over to the Grand Jury is just ridiculous.