Great Debate Coming Up

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Sorry bout the late notice but I just found out that the founder of Stop The ACLU is going to be on a streaming radio station debating some some ACLU types:

We?ve got a double treat for you today folks! Nedd Kareiva, founder of our parent site will be on the radio! But first we?ll be having a live stream of Alan Sears, the president of the Alliance Defense Fund debating Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Seperation of Church and State.

Alan Sears will be on Barry Lynn?s radio show Culture Shocks from 5 to 6pm Eastern Time, 2 to 3pm Pacific time. He will be discussing issues such as thethe ACLU?s policy to legalize child porn, theirdefense of sexual predators, and their positions on sick organizations likeNAMBLA. If you haven?t heard of Alan Sears take a look atThe Alliance Defense Fund?s website. They are one of the biggest forces out there fighting the evils of the ACLU. You can also check out hisinterview with Bill O?Reilly, or hisinterview with Frontpage magazine.

If you want to listen, tune in from 5 to 6pm Eastern Time, 2 to 3pm Pacific using KCAA?s live MP3 feed. Choose between the free iTunes orWinamp players to listen.

If you want to talk to call in live on Culture Shocks, call them at 1-800-259-9231. Don?t forget to mention Stop The ACLU.COM!

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No problem Jay, sorry for the late post but spent most of the day trying to get my damn surround sound system up.

Thank you for helping get the word out!